Notes/Advanced Algorithms/Dynamic

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2024-12-07 21:07:38 +01:00
date: 11.09.2024
type: theoretical
**travelling salesperson**
## Definition
- Approach to design algorithms
- Optimal solution in polynomial time
- Usually used alongside [Divide and Conquer](
- Used to better the time [complexity](, but usually worsens the space complexity
### How do we create a DP soluton?
- Characterize optimal solution
- Recursively define the value of an optimal solution
- Compute the value
- Construct an optimal solution **from the computed information**
## Problem discussion
### Calculating Fibonacci numbers
- Recursion is extremely bad -> PF was wrong
- Because the branches are too many
- We compute f(x) where f(x) has already been computed
- Memoization!
#### Approaches
- Linear time $\mathcal{O}(n)$ - **Bottom to top**
F[0] = 1
F[1] = 1
for i in {2, .., n} do
F[i] = F[i 1] + F[i 2]
end for
return F[n]
Compute the entire array and just return the result.
- Memoization $\mathcal{O}(n)$ - **Top to bottom**
function fibMemo(index, cache) {
cache = cache || [];
if (cache[index]) return cache[index];
else {
if (index < 3) return 1;
else {
cache[index] = fibMemo(index - 1, cache) + fibMemo(index - 2, cache);
return cache[index];
### [Rod cutting](
Given a rod of length N inches and an array of prices, price[]. price[i] denotes the value of a piece of length i. Determine the maximum value obtainable by cutting up the rod and selling the pieces.
#### Optimal solution
- Let the left part have a length $l$
- Then $R[n] = P[l] + R[n-l]$
- Where $P[l]$ is the price
- First cut of length should be the maximal one
### Knight Collecting Rewards
>Knight Collecting rewards
Input: Integers $n, m$, table of rewards of size $n \times m$
Question: What is the maximum reward that the knight can get for its journey.
#### Strategy
- We look at the bounds defined by the problem statement
- We know that the knight can get into the cell $(n-1, m-1)$ either from $(n-2,m-3)$ or $(n-3,m-2)$
- Hence, we have to know the most rewarding path to these two points from $(0,0)$
#### Approaches
- $\mathcal{O}(n*m)$
Reward(int n, int m, matrix A)
Create matrix R of size n × m with −∞ values
R[0, 0] = A[0, 0]
for i in {0, .., n 1} do
for j in {0, .., m 1} do
R[i, j] = A[i, j] + max R[i 1, j 2], R[i 2, j 1]
end for
end for
return R[n-1, m-1]
This doesn't tell us how we got there, but it does give us max rewards.
We can easily include path memory by making elements be a linked list or create a separate table blah blah.
### [Longest common non-contiguous sequence]([^1]
Input: Two sequences X = [x1, x2, . . . xm], Y = [y1, y2, . . . , Yn].
Question: Longest common subsequence
#### Strategy
Or this formula:
c[i,j] = \begin{cases}
0, & \text{if } i=0 \text{ or } j=0\\
c[i-1,j-1]+1, & \text{if } i,j>0 \text{ and } x_i = y_i\\
max\{c[i,j-1], c[i-1], j\}, & \text{if } i,j>0 \text{ and } x_i \neq y_i\\
### [Dominating set]([^2] in a path
>Input: A path $P$ with a specified positive cost for each vertex.
Output: Choose a subset of vertices $S$ with a minimum cost such that for each $v \in P$: either $v \in S$ or there is u such that $u \in S$ and $u, v$ are neighbors.
#### Strategy
- Identify some subproblems
- $A[i]$ cost of the cheapest set $S_i \subset P_i$ which dominates all vertices in $P_i$ <- not great
- $A[i,0]$ equals the cost of the cheapest $S_i$ which dominates $P_i$ and $v_i \notin S_i$
- $A[i,1]$ equals the cost of the cheapest
[^1]: **contiguous** - next or near in time or sequence
[^2]: [Subset of the vertices of the graph $G$, such that any vertex of $G$ is in it, or has a neighbor in it](