date: 06.10.2024
### Summary

| Thing                    | Status                  | Todo                                                                                                                             | Deadline  |
| ------------------------ | ----------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- |
| T-Shirts                 | Waiting for quotes      | Check if better prices at t-shirt a la minut.<br>Ask if we can do a big batch (195 t-shirts) and a possible second order (20-25) | Wednesday |
| Trophy                   | Waiting for Andrew      | 3D print, but try to get an actual trophy                                                                                        | ASAP      |
| Stickers                 | Design?                 | BAPC - 400, FCG - 300 - 200EUR                                                                                                   | Thursday  |
| Mugs                     | Look into better prices | Full print - make design                                                                                                         | Thursdayt |
| Ducks                    | Ready to order          | Red, BAPC logo, 250                                                                                                              | ASAP      |
| Balloons                 | Ready to order          | Finalize design (add FCG logo lol) and orderrrr                                                                                  | ASAP      |
| Sticks                   | Order                   | 600 sticks, aliexpress                                                                                                           | ASAP      |
| Badges                   | Look into               | Personalized:<br>![](Pasted%20image%2020241006132647.png)                                                                        | ASAP      |
| Cool beers for companies | Look into               |                                                                                                                                  | ASAP      |
| Goodie bags              | Order                   | Perhaps try to get a lower price                                                                                                 | ASAP      |
### Talk to Rutger to make sure how to order