package.path=debug.getinfo(1).source:gsub('@',''):sub(0):match('(.*[/\\])'):sub(0) .. '?.lua' .. ';' .. package.path require("polyfill") local url = require('url') local pandoc=pandoc local PANDOC_STATE=PANDOC_STATE PANDOC_VERSION:must_be_at_least '3.1.7' os.text = pandoc.text local PATH = pandoc.path local doc_dir = nil local media_dir = nil if Mode == nil then Mode = 'default' end -- print("Mode: "..Mode) if PANDOC_STATE.output_file then local output_file = PANDOC_STATE.output_file doc_dir = if PANDOC_WRITER_OPTIONS.variables["media_dir"] then media_dir = tostring(PANDOC_WRITER_OPTIONS.variables["media_dir"]) else media_dir = PATH.split_extension(output_file) if Mode ~= 'hugo' then media_dir = media_dir .. '-media' end end end assert(doc_dir, "doc_dir is nil") assert(media_dir, "media_dir is nil") local function get_absolute_path(file_path) if PATH.is_absolute(file_path) then return file_path end for _, dir in pairs(PANDOC_STATE.resource_path) do local full_path = PATH.join({dir, file_path}) if os.exists(full_path) then return full_path end end for _, file in pairs(PANDOC_STATE.input_files) do if not PATH.is_absolute(file) then file = PATH.join({pandoc.system.get_working_directory(), file_path}) end local dir = local full_path = PATH.join({dir, file_path}) if os.exists(full_path) then return full_path end end return nil end local function get_output_file(file_path) if media_dir then local new_file_name = pandoc.utils.sha1(file_path) local _, new_file_ext = PATH.split_extension(file_path) file_path = new_file_name .. new_file_ext local full_path = PATH.join({media_dir, file_path}) return full_path else return nil end end local function extract_media(file_path) os.mkdir(media_dir) file_path = url.decode(file_path) local abs_path = get_absolute_path(file_path) local file = get_output_file(file_path) if abs_path and file then if not os.exists(file) then os.copy(abs_path, file) end local rel_path = PATH.make_relative(file, doc_dir, false) local parts = PATH.split(rel_path) for i,v in ipairs(parts) do parts[i] = url.encode(v) end local encoded_rel_path = table.concat(parts, "/") if Mode == 'hugo' then encoded_rel_path = '../' .. encoded_rel_path end return encoded_rel_path end end local function raw(s) return pandoc.RawInline('markdown', s) end function Image(el) local src = extract_media(el.src) if src then el.src = src end return el end function Space() return raw(' ') end function SoftBreak() return raw('\n') end function RawInline(el) if el.format == "html" then el.format = 'markdown' el.text = string.gsub(el.text, '<img[^>]+>', function(img) return string.gsub(img, 'src="([^"]+)"', function(url) if string.find(url, '^[Hh][Tt][Tt][Pp][Ss]?://') == nil then local extract_media_url = extract_media(url) if extract_media_url then return 'src="' .. extract_media_url .. '"' end return '123' end return 'src="' .. url .. '"' end) end) end return el end function RawBlock(el) if el.format == "html" then el.format = 'markdown' end return el end function Math(el) if Mode == 'hugo' then if el.mathtype == 'DisplayMath' then return raw('{{< mathjax >}}\n$$' .. el.text .. '$$\n{{</mathjax >}}') else el.text = string.gsub(el.text, '\\[\\{\\}]', function (v) return '\\' .. v end) el.text = string.gsub(el.text, '_', function (v) return '\\' .. v end) end end return el end local function headerLink(input) -- github style section link return "#"..input:gsub(' ', '-') end local function insertLink(content, linkDescription) local descriptionText = table.concat(linkDescription, "") if string.find(descriptionText, '|') then local target, desc = descriptionText:match("(.*)|(.*)") table.insert(content, pandoc.Link(desc, headerLink(target))) else table.insert(content, pandoc.Link(descriptionText, headerLink(descriptionText))) end end function Para(el) local content = el.content content = ProcessMath(content) content = ProcessInternalLinks(content) el.content = content return el end function ProcessMath(elements) local content = {} local in_display_math = false for _, item in pairs(elements) do if item.t == 'Str'and item.text == "$$" then in_display_math = not in_display_math else if in_display_math then if item.t == 'RawInline' and item.format == 'tex' then local n = pandoc.Math('DisplayMath', '\n' .. item.text .. '\n') table.insert(content, Math(n)) else table.insert(content, item) end else table.insert(content, item) end end end return content end function ProcessInternalLinks(elements) local content = {} local in_section_link = false local linkDescription = {} for _, item in pairs(elements) do if item.t == 'Str' and string.starts_with(item.text, '[[#') then in_section_link = true table.insert(linkDescription, string.sub(item.text, 4)) elseif in_section_link then if string.ends_with(item.text, ']]') then table.insert(linkDescription, string.sub(item.text, 1, -3)) insertLink(content, linkDescription) in_section_link = false linkDescription = {} else table.insert(linkDescription, item.text) end else table.insert(content, item) end end return content end function Plain(el) el.content = ProcessInternalLinks(el.content) return el end function Pandoc(el) return el end