/* * Reveal.js menu plugin * MIT licensed * (c) Greg Denehy 2020 */ const Plugin = () => { const ieVersion = (function () { let browser = /(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec( window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() ); if (browser && browser[1] === 'msie') { return parseFloat(browser[2]); } return null; })(); var deck; var config; var options; var initialised = false; function scriptPath() { // obtain plugin path from the script element var path; const script = document.querySelector('script[src$="menu.js"]'); if (script) { var sel = document.querySelector('script[src$="menu.js"]'); if (sel) { path = sel.src.slice(0, -7); } } else { path = import.meta.url.slice(0, import.meta.url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); } return path; } function initOptions(config) { options = config.menu || {}; options.path = options.path || scriptPath() || 'plugin/menu/'; if (!options.path.endsWith('/')) { options.path += '/'; } // Set defaults if (options.side === undefined) options.side = 'left'; if (options.numbers === undefined) options.numbers = false; if (typeof options.titleSelector !== 'string') options.titleSelector = 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5'; if (options.hideMissingTitles === undefined) options.hideMissingTitles = false; if (options.useTextContentForMissingTitles === undefined) options.useTextContentForMissingTitles = false; if (options.markers === undefined) options.markers = true; if (typeof options.themesPath !== 'string') options.themesPath = 'dist/theme/'; if (!options.themesPath.endsWith('/')) options.themesPath += '/'; if (!select('link#theme')) options.themes = false; if (options.themes === true) { options.themes = [ { name: 'Black', theme: options.themesPath + 'black.css' }, { name: 'White', theme: options.themesPath + 'white.css' }, { name: 'League', theme: options.themesPath + 'league.css' }, { name: 'Sky', theme: options.themesPath + 'sky.css' }, { name: 'Beige', theme: options.themesPath + 'beige.css' }, { name: 'Simple', theme: options.themesPath + 'simple.css' }, { name: 'Serif', theme: options.themesPath + 'serif.css' }, { name: 'Blood', theme: options.themesPath + 'blood.css' }, { name: 'Night', theme: options.themesPath + 'night.css' }, { name: 'Moon', theme: options.themesPath + 'moon.css' }, { name: 'Solarized', theme: options.themesPath + 'solarized.css' } ]; } else if (!Array.isArray(options.themes)) { options.themes = false; } if (options.transitions === undefined) options.transitions = false; if (options.transitions === true) { options.transitions = [ 'None', 'Fade', 'Slide', 'Convex', 'Concave', 'Zoom' ]; } else if ( options.transitions !== false && (!Array.isArray(options.transitions) || !options.transitions.every(function (e) { return typeof e === 'string'; })) ) { console.error( "reveal.js-menu error: transitions config value must be 'true' or an array of strings, eg ['None', 'Fade', 'Slide')" ); options.transitions = false; } if (ieVersion && ieVersion <= 9) { // transitions aren't support in IE9 anyway, so no point in showing them options.transitions = false; } if (typeof options.openButton === 'undefined') options.openButton = true; if (typeof options.openSlideNumber === 'undefined') options.openSlideNumber = false; if (typeof options.keyboard === 'undefined') options.keyboard = true; if (typeof options.sticky === 'undefined') options.sticky = false; if (typeof options.autoOpen === 'undefined') options.autoOpen = true; if (typeof options.delayInit === 'undefined') options.delayInit = false; if (typeof options.openOnInit === 'undefined') options.openOnInit = false; } var mouseSelectionEnabled = true; function disableMouseSelection() { mouseSelectionEnabled = false; } function reenableMouseSelection() { // wait until the mouse has moved before re-enabling mouse selection // to avoid selections on scroll select('nav.slide-menu').addEventListener('mousemove', function fn(e) { select('nav.slide-menu').removeEventListener('mousemove', fn); //XXX this should select the item under the mouse mouseSelectionEnabled = true; }); } // // Keyboard handling // function getOffset(el) { var _x = 0; var _y = 0; while (el && !isNaN(el.offsetLeft) && !isNaN(el.offsetTop)) { _x += el.offsetLeft - el.scrollLeft; _y += el.offsetTop - el.scrollTop; el = el.offsetParent; } return { top: _y, left: _x }; } function visibleOffset(el) { var offsetFromTop = getOffset(el).top - el.offsetParent.offsetTop; if (offsetFromTop < 0) return -offsetFromTop; var offsetFromBottom = el.offsetParent.offsetHeight - (el.offsetTop - el.offsetParent.scrollTop + el.offsetHeight); if (offsetFromBottom < 0) return offsetFromBottom; return 0; } function keepVisible(el) { var offset = visibleOffset(el); if (offset) { disableMouseSelection(); el.scrollIntoView(offset > 0); reenableMouseSelection(); } } function scrollItemToTop(el) { disableMouseSelection(); el.offsetParent.scrollTop = el.offsetTop; reenableMouseSelection(); } function scrollItemToBottom(el) { disableMouseSelection(); el.offsetParent.scrollTop = el.offsetTop - el.offsetParent.offsetHeight + el.offsetHeight; reenableMouseSelection(); } function selectItem(el) { el.classList.add('selected'); keepVisible(el); if (options.sticky && options.autoOpen) openItem(el); } function onDocumentKeyDown(event) { // opening menu is handled by registering key binding with Reveal below if (isOpen()) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); switch (event.keyCode) { // case 77: // closeMenu(); // break; // h, left - change panel case 72: case 37: prevPanel(); break; // l, right - change panel case 76: case 39: nextPanel(); break; // k, up case 75: case 38: var currItem = select('.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li.selected') || select('.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li.active'); if (currItem) { selectAll('.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li').forEach( function (item) { item.classList.remove('selected'); } ); var nextItem = select( '.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li[data-item="' + (parseInt(currItem.getAttribute('data-item')) - 1) + '"]' ) || currItem; selectItem(nextItem); } else { var item = select( '.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li.slide-menu-item' ); if (item) selectItem(item); } break; // j, down case 74: case 40: var currItem = select('.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li.selected') || select('.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li.active'); if (currItem) { selectAll('.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li').forEach( function (item) { item.classList.remove('selected'); } ); var nextItem = select( '.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li[data-item="' + (parseInt(currItem.getAttribute('data-item')) + 1) + '"]' ) || currItem; selectItem(nextItem); } else { var item = select( '.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li.slide-menu-item' ); if (item) selectItem(item); } break; // pageup, u case 33: case 85: var itemsAbove = selectAll( '.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li' ).filter(function (item) { return visibleOffset(item) > 0; }); var visibleItems = selectAll( '.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li' ).filter(function (item) { return visibleOffset(item) == 0; }); var firstVisible = itemsAbove.length > 0 && Math.abs(visibleOffset(itemsAbove[itemsAbove.length - 1])) < itemsAbove[itemsAbove.length - 1].clientHeight ? itemsAbove[itemsAbove.length - 1] : visibleItems[0]; if (firstVisible) { if ( firstVisible.classList.contains('selected') && itemsAbove.length > 0 ) { // at top of viewport already, page scroll (if not at start) // ...move selected item to bottom, and change selection to last fully visible item at top scrollItemToBottom(firstVisible); visibleItems = selectAll( '.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li' ).filter(function (item) { return visibleOffset(item) == 0; }); if (visibleItems[0] == firstVisible) { // prev item is still beyond the viewport (for custom panels) firstVisible = itemsAbove[itemsAbove.length - 1]; } else { firstVisible = visibleItems[0]; } } selectAll('.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li').forEach( function (item) { item.classList.remove('selected'); } ); selectItem(firstVisible); // ensure selected item is positioned at the top of the viewport scrollItemToTop(firstVisible); } break; // pagedown, d case 34: case 68: var visibleItems = selectAll( '.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li' ).filter(function (item) { return visibleOffset(item) == 0; }); var itemsBelow = selectAll( '.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li' ).filter(function (item) { return visibleOffset(item) < 0; }); var lastVisible = itemsBelow.length > 0 && Math.abs(visibleOffset(itemsBelow[0])) < itemsBelow[0].clientHeight ? itemsBelow[0] : visibleItems[visibleItems.length - 1]; if (lastVisible) { if ( lastVisible.classList.contains('selected') && itemsBelow.length > 0 ) { // at bottom of viewport already, page scroll (if not at end) // ...move selected item to top, and change selection to last fully visible item at bottom scrollItemToTop(lastVisible); visibleItems = selectAll( '.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li' ).filter(function (item) { return visibleOffset(item) == 0; }); if (visibleItems[visibleItems.length - 1] == lastVisible) { // next item is still beyond the viewport (for custom panels) lastVisible = itemsBelow[0]; } else { lastVisible = visibleItems[visibleItems.length - 1]; } } selectAll('.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li').forEach( function (item) { item.classList.remove('selected'); } ); selectItem(lastVisible); // ensure selected item is positioned at the bottom of the viewport scrollItemToBottom(lastVisible); } break; // home case 36: selectAll('.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li').forEach( function (item) { item.classList.remove('selected'); } ); var item = select( '.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li:first-of-type' ); if (item) { item.classList.add('selected'); keepVisible(item); } break; // end case 35: selectAll('.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li').forEach( function (item) { item.classList.remove('selected'); } ); var item = select( '.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items:last-of-type li:last-of-type' ); if (item) { item.classList.add('selected'); keepVisible(item); } break; // space, return case 32: case 13: var currItem = select( '.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li.selected' ); if (currItem) { openItem(currItem, true); } break; // esc case 27: closeMenu(null, true); break; } } } // // Utilty functions // function openMenu(event) { if (event) event.preventDefault(); if (!isOpen()) { select('body').classList.add('slide-menu-active'); select('.reveal').classList.add( 'has-' + options.effect + '-' + options.side ); select('.slide-menu').classList.add('active'); select('.slide-menu-overlay').classList.add('active'); // identify active theme if (options.themes) { selectAll('div[data-panel="Themes"] li').forEach(function (i) { i.classList.remove('active'); }); selectAll( 'li[data-theme="' + select('link#theme').getAttribute('href') + '"]' ).forEach(function (i) { i.classList.add('active'); }); } // identify active transition if (options.transitions) { selectAll('div[data-panel="Transitions"] li').forEach(function (i) { i.classList.remove('active'); }); selectAll('li[data-transition="' + config.transition + '"]').forEach( function (i) { i.classList.add('active'); } ); } // set item selections to match active items var items = selectAll('.slide-menu-panel li.active'); items.forEach(function (i) { i.classList.add('selected'); keepVisible(i); }); } } function closeMenu(event, force) { if (event) event.preventDefault(); if (!options.sticky || force) { select('body').classList.remove('slide-menu-active'); select('.reveal').classList.remove( 'has-' + options.effect + '-' + options.side ); select('.slide-menu').classList.remove('active'); select('.slide-menu-overlay').classList.remove('active'); selectAll('.slide-menu-panel li.selected').forEach(function (i) { i.classList.remove('selected'); }); } } function toggleMenu(event) { if (isOpen()) { closeMenu(event, true); } else { openMenu(event); } } function isOpen() { return select('body').classList.contains('slide-menu-active'); } function openPanel(event, ref) { openMenu(event); var panel = ref; if (typeof ref !== 'string') { panel = event.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-panel'); } select('.slide-menu-toolbar > li.active-toolbar-button').classList.remove( 'active-toolbar-button' ); select('li[data-panel="' + panel + '"]').classList.add( 'active-toolbar-button' ); select('.slide-menu-panel.active-menu-panel').classList.remove( 'active-menu-panel' ); select('div[data-panel="' + panel + '"]').classList.add( 'active-menu-panel' ); } function nextPanel() { var next = (parseInt(select('.active-toolbar-button').getAttribute('data-button')) + 1) % buttons; openPanel( null, select('.toolbar-panel-button[data-button="' + next + '"]').getAttribute( 'data-panel' ) ); } function prevPanel() { var next = parseInt(select('.active-toolbar-button').getAttribute('data-button')) - 1; if (next < 0) { next = buttons - 1; } openPanel( null, select('.toolbar-panel-button[data-button="' + next + '"]').getAttribute( 'data-panel' ) ); } function openItem(item, force) { var h = parseInt(item.getAttribute('data-slide-h')); var v = parseInt(item.getAttribute('data-slide-v')); var theme = item.getAttribute('data-theme'); var highlightTheme = item.getAttribute('data-highlight-theme'); var transition = item.getAttribute('data-transition'); if (!isNaN(h) && !isNaN(v)) { deck.slide(h, v); } if (theme) { changeStylesheet('theme', theme); } if (highlightTheme) { changeStylesheet('highlight-theme', highlightTheme); } if (transition) { deck.configure({ transition: transition }); } var link = select('a', item); if (link) { if ( force || !options.sticky || (options.autoOpen && link.href.startsWith('#')) || link.href.startsWith( window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + '#' ) ) { link.click(); } } closeMenu(); } function clicked(event) { if (event.target.nodeName !== 'A') { event.preventDefault(); } openItem(event.currentTarget); } function highlightCurrentSlide() { var state = deck.getState(); selectAll('li.slide-menu-item, li.slide-menu-item-vertical').forEach( function (item) { item.classList.remove('past'); item.classList.remove('active'); item.classList.remove('future'); var h = parseInt(item.getAttribute('data-slide-h')); var v = parseInt(item.getAttribute('data-slide-v')); if (h < state.indexh || (h === state.indexh && v < state.indexv)) { item.classList.add('past'); } else if (h === state.indexh && v === state.indexv) { item.classList.add('active'); } else { item.classList.add('future'); } } ); } function matchRevealStyle() { var revealStyle = window.getComputedStyle(select('.reveal')); var element = select('.slide-menu'); element.style.fontFamily = revealStyle.fontFamily; //XXX could adjust the complete menu style to match the theme, ie colors, etc } var buttons = 0; function initMenu() { if (!initialised) { var parent = select('.reveal').parentElement; var top = create('div', { class: 'slide-menu-wrapper' }); parent.appendChild(top); var panels = create('nav', { class: 'slide-menu slide-menu--' + options.side }); if (typeof options.width === 'string') { if ( ['normal', 'wide', 'third', 'half', 'full'].indexOf(options.width) != -1 ) { panels.classList.add('slide-menu--' + options.width); } else { panels.classList.add('slide-menu--custom'); panels.style.width = options.width; } } top.appendChild(panels); matchRevealStyle(); var overlay = create('div', { class: 'slide-menu-overlay' }); top.appendChild(overlay); overlay.onclick = function () { closeMenu(null, true); }; var toolbar = create('ol', { class: 'slide-menu-toolbar' }); select('.slide-menu').appendChild(toolbar); function addToolbarButton(title, ref, icon, style, fn, active) { var attrs = { 'data-button': '' + buttons++, class: 'toolbar-panel-button' + (active ? ' active-toolbar-button' : '') }; if (ref) { attrs['data-panel'] = ref; } var button = create('li', attrs); if (icon.startsWith('fa-')) { button.appendChild(create('i', { class: style + ' ' + icon })); } else { button.innerHTML = icon + '</i>'; } button.appendChild(create('br'), select('i', button)); button.appendChild( create('span', { class: 'slide-menu-toolbar-label' }, title), select('i', button) ); button.onclick = fn; toolbar.appendChild(button); return button; } addToolbarButton('Slides', 'Slides', 'fa-images', 'fas', openPanel, true); if (options.custom) { options.custom.forEach(function (element, index, array) { addToolbarButton( element.title, 'Custom' + index, element.icon, null, openPanel ); }); } if (options.themes) { addToolbarButton('Themes', 'Themes', 'fa-adjust', 'fas', openPanel); } if (options.transitions) { addToolbarButton( 'Transitions', 'Transitions', 'fa-sticky-note', 'fas', openPanel ); } var button = create('li', { id: 'close', class: 'toolbar-panel-button' }); button.appendChild(create('i', { class: 'fas fa-times' })); button.appendChild(create('br')); button.appendChild( create('span', { class: 'slide-menu-toolbar-label' }, 'Close') ); button.onclick = function () { closeMenu(null, true); }; toolbar.appendChild(button); // // Slide links // function generateItem(type, section, i, h, v) { var link = '/#/' + h; if (typeof v === 'number' && !isNaN(v)) link += '/' + v; function text(selector, parent) { if (selector === '') return null; var el = parent ? select(selector, section) : select(selector); if (el) return el.textContent; return null; } var title = section.getAttribute('data-menu-title') || text('.menu-title', section) || text(options.titleSelector, section); if (!title && options.useTextContentForMissingTitles) { // attempt to figure out a title based on the text in the slide title = section.textContent.trim(); if (title) { title = title .split('\n') .map(function (t) { return t.trim(); }) .join(' ') .trim() .replace(/^(.{16}[^\s]*).*/, '$1') // limit to 16 chars plus any consecutive non-whitespace chars (to avoid breaking words) .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(/</g, '<') .replace(/>/g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(/'/g, ''') + '...'; } } if (!title) { if (options.hideMissingTitles) return ''; type += ' no-title'; title = 'Slide ' + (i + 1); } var item = create('li', { class: type, 'data-item': i, 'data-slide-h': h, 'data-slide-v': v === undefined ? 0 : v }); if (options.markers) { item.appendChild( create('i', { class: 'fas fa-check-circle fa-fw past' }) ); item.appendChild( create('i', { class: 'fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-right fa-fw active' }) ); item.appendChild( create('i', { class: 'far fa-circle fa-fw future' }) ); } if (options.numbers) { // Number formatting taken from reveal.js var value = []; var format = 'h.v'; // Check if a custom number format is available if (typeof options.numbers === 'string') { format = options.numbers; } else if (typeof config.slideNumber === 'string') { // Take user defined number format for slides format = config.slideNumber; } switch (format) { case 'c': value.push(i + 1); break; case 'c/t': value.push(i + 1, '/', deck.getTotalSlides()); break; case 'h/v': value.push(h + 1); if (typeof v === 'number' && !isNaN(v)) value.push('/', v + 1); break; default: value.push(h + 1); if (typeof v === 'number' && !isNaN(v)) value.push('.', v + 1); } item.appendChild( create( 'span', { class: 'slide-menu-item-number' }, value.join('') + '. ' ) ); } item.appendChild( create('span', { class: 'slide-menu-item-title' }, title) ); return item; } function createSlideMenu() { if ( !document.querySelector( 'section[data-markdown]:not([data-markdown-parsed])' ) ) { var panel = create('div', { 'data-panel': 'Slides', class: 'slide-menu-panel active-menu-panel' }); panel.appendChild(create('ul', { class: 'slide-menu-items' })); panels.appendChild(panel); var items = select( '.slide-menu-panel[data-panel="Slides"] > .slide-menu-items' ); var slideCount = 0; selectAll('.slides > section').forEach(function (section, h) { var subsections = selectAll('section', section); if (subsections.length > 0) { subsections.forEach(function (subsection, v) { var type = v === 0 ? 'slide-menu-item' : 'slide-menu-item-vertical'; var item = generateItem(type, subsection, slideCount, h, v); if (item) { items.appendChild(item); } slideCount++; }); } else { var item = generateItem( 'slide-menu-item', section, slideCount, h ); if (item) { items.appendChild(item); } slideCount++; } }); selectAll('.slide-menu-item, .slide-menu-item-vertical').forEach( function (i) { i.onclick = clicked; } ); highlightCurrentSlide(); } else { // wait for markdown to be loaded and parsed setTimeout(createSlideMenu, 100); } } createSlideMenu(); deck.addEventListener('slidechanged', highlightCurrentSlide); // // Custom menu panels // if (options.custom) { function xhrSuccess() { if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300) { this.panel.innerHTML = this.responseText; enableCustomLinks(this.panel); } else { showErrorMsg(this); } } function xhrError() { showErrorMsg(this); } function loadCustomPanelContent(panel, sURL) { var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); oReq.panel = panel; oReq.arguments = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2); oReq.onload = xhrSuccess; oReq.onerror = xhrError; oReq.open('get', sURL, true); oReq.send(null); } function enableCustomLinks(panel) { selectAll('ul.slide-menu-items li.slide-menu-item', panel).forEach( function (item, i) { item.setAttribute('data-item', i + 1); item.onclick = clicked; item.addEventListener('mouseenter', handleMouseHighlight); } ); } function showErrorMsg(response) { var msg = '<p>ERROR: The attempt to fetch ' + response.responseURL + ' failed with HTTP status ' + response.status + ' (' + response.statusText + ').</p>' + '<p>Remember that you need to serve the presentation HTML from a HTTP server.</p>'; response.panel.innerHTML = msg; } options.custom.forEach(function (element, index, array) { var panel = create('div', { 'data-panel': 'Custom' + index, class: 'slide-menu-panel slide-menu-custom-panel' }); if (element.content) { panel.innerHTML = element.content; enableCustomLinks(panel); } else if (element.src) { loadCustomPanelContent(panel, element.src); } panels.appendChild(panel); }); } // // Themes // if (options.themes) { var panel = create('div', { class: 'slide-menu-panel', 'data-panel': 'Themes' }); panels.appendChild(panel); var menu = create('ul', { class: 'slide-menu-items' }); panel.appendChild(menu); options.themes.forEach(function (t, i) { var attrs = { class: 'slide-menu-item', 'data-item': '' + (i + 1) }; if (t.theme) { attrs['data-theme'] = t.theme; } if (t.highlightTheme) { attrs['data-highlight-theme'] = t.highlightTheme; } var item = create('li', attrs, t.name); menu.appendChild(item); item.onclick = clicked; }); } // // Transitions // if (options.transitions) { var panel = create('div', { class: 'slide-menu-panel', 'data-panel': 'Transitions' }); panels.appendChild(panel); var menu = create('ul', { class: 'slide-menu-items' }); panel.appendChild(menu); options.transitions.forEach(function (name, i) { var item = create( 'li', { class: 'slide-menu-item', 'data-transition': name.toLowerCase(), 'data-item': '' + (i + 1) }, name ); menu.appendChild(item); item.onclick = clicked; }); } // // Open menu options // if (options.openButton) { // add menu button var div = create('div', { class: 'slide-menu-button' }); var link = create('a', { href: '#' }); link.appendChild(create('i', { class: 'fas fa-bars' })); div.appendChild(link); select('.reveal').appendChild(div); div.onclick = openMenu; } if (options.openSlideNumber) { var slideNumber = select('div.slide-number'); slideNumber.onclick = openMenu; } // // Handle mouse overs // selectAll('.slide-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li').forEach(function ( item ) { item.addEventListener('mouseenter', handleMouseHighlight); }); function handleMouseHighlight(event) { if (mouseSelectionEnabled) { selectAll('.active-menu-panel .slide-menu-items li.selected').forEach( function (i) { i.classList.remove('selected'); } ); event.currentTarget.classList.add('selected'); } } } if (options.keyboard) { //XXX add keyboard option for custom key codes, etc. document.addEventListener('keydown', onDocumentKeyDown, false); // handle key presses within speaker notes window.addEventListener('message', function (event) { var data; try { data = JSON.parse(event.data); } catch (e) {} if (data && data.method === 'triggerKey') { onDocumentKeyDown({ keyCode: data.args[0], stopImmediatePropagation: function () {} }); } }); // Prevent reveal from processing keyboard events when the menu is open if ( config.keyboardCondition && typeof config.keyboardCondition === 'function' ) { // combine user defined keyboard condition with the menu's own condition var userCondition = config.keyboardCondition; config.keyboardCondition = function (event) { return userCondition(event) && (!isOpen() || event.keyCode == 77); }; } else { config.keyboardCondition = function (event) { return !isOpen() || event.keyCode == 77; }; } deck.addKeyBinding( { keyCode: 77, key: 'M', description: 'Toggle menu' }, toggleMenu ); } if (options.openOnInit) { openMenu(); } initialised = true; } /** * Extend object a with the properties of object b. * If there's a conflict, object b takes precedence. */ function extend(a, b) { for (var i in b) { a[i] = b[i]; } } /** * Dispatches an event of the specified type from the * reveal DOM element. */ function dispatchEvent(type, args) { var event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents', 1, 2); event.initEvent(type, true, true); extend(event, args); document.querySelector('.reveal').dispatchEvent(event); // If we're in an iframe, post each reveal.js event to the // parent window. Used by the notes plugin if (config.postMessageEvents && window.parent !== window.self) { window.parent.postMessage( JSON.stringify({ namespace: 'reveal', eventName: type, state: deck.getState() }), '*' ); } } function select(selector, el) { if (!el) { el = document; } return el.querySelector(selector); } function selectAll(selector, el) { if (!el) { el = document; } return Array.prototype.slice.call(el.querySelectorAll(selector)); } function create(tagName, attrs, content) { var el = document.createElement(tagName); if (attrs) { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(attrs).forEach(function (n) { el.setAttribute(n, attrs[n]); }); } if (content) el.innerHTML = content; return el; } function changeStylesheet(id, href) { // take note of the previous theme and remove it, then create a new stylesheet reference and insert it // this is required to force a load event so we can change the menu style to match the new style var stylesheet = select('link#' + id); var parent = stylesheet.parentElement; var sibling = stylesheet.nextElementSibling; stylesheet.remove(); var newStylesheet = stylesheet.cloneNode(); newStylesheet.setAttribute('href', href); newStylesheet.onload = function () { matchRevealStyle(); }; parent.insertBefore(newStylesheet, sibling); } // modified from math plugin function loadResource(url, type, callback) { var head = document.querySelector('head'); var resource; if (type === 'script') { resource = document.createElement('script'); resource.type = 'text/javascript'; resource.src = url; } else if (type === 'stylesheet') { resource = document.createElement('link'); resource.rel = 'stylesheet'; resource.href = url; } // Wrapper for callback to make sure it only fires once var finish = function () { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback.call(); callback = null; } }; resource.onload = finish; // IE resource.onreadystatechange = function () { if (this.readyState === 'loaded') { finish(); } }; // Normal browsers head.appendChild(resource); } function loadPlugin() { // does not support IE8 or below var supported = !ieVersion || ieVersion >= 9; // do not load the menu in the upcoming slide panel in the speaker notes if ( deck.isSpeakerNotes() && window.location.search.endsWith('controls=false') ) { supported = false; } if (supported) { if (!options.delayInit) initMenu(); dispatchEvent('menu-ready'); } } return { id: 'menu', init: reveal => { deck = reveal; config = deck.getConfig(); initOptions(config); loadResource(options.path + 'menu.css', 'stylesheet', function () { if (options.loadIcons === undefined || options.loadIcons) { loadResource( options.path + 'font-awesome/css/all.css', 'stylesheet', loadPlugin ); } else { loadPlugin(); } }); }, toggle: toggleMenu, openMenu: openMenu, closeMenu: closeMenu, openPanel: openPanel, isOpen: isOpen, initialiseMenu: initMenu, isMenuInitialised: function () { return initialised; } }; }; // polyfill if (!String.prototype.startsWith) { String.prototype.startsWith = function (searchString, position) { return this.substr(position || 0, searchString.length) === searchString; }; } if (!String.prototype.endsWith) { String.prototype.endsWith = function (search, this_len) { if (this_len === undefined || this_len > this.length) { this_len = this.length; } return this.substring(this_len - search.length, this_len) === search; }; } export default Plugin;