- [General structure](#General%20structure)

## General structure
Confidence scale (1-5)
### Exercise 1
- Basic set theory (5)
- Combinations and Permutations (3)

### Exercise 2
- Induction
	- Equality (3)
	- Comparisons (2)

![Strong induction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9YSizeBwqo&t=1s)

- Strong Induction
	- Equality (3)
	- Comparisons (1)

### Exercise 3
![Rec rel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAaP4XaB8hM)
![Rec rel 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXaEnbZkGY0)
Recurrence relation (1)

### Exercise 4
- Matrix -> Graph (5)
- Relation analysis (4)
- Transitive closure (Warshall) (5)
- Boolean Matrix multiplication (3)

### Exercise 5
- Properties of binary relations and proofs (2)

### Exercise 6
- Function composition and proofs (2)
### Exercise 7
- Warshall's algorithm (2)
### Exercise 8
- Complexity (1)
![Big o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6mKVRU1evU)
### Exercise 9
- Random proof (?)

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