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2023-12-18 21:37:02 +01:00
from manim import *
config.background_color = (33, 33, 33)
class FactorialTree(Scene):
# This animation is fundamentally wrong, as it does NOT utilize this type of graph correctly
# Still gets the job done though (I think)
def construct(self):
# Draw the initial node
self.bottom = Text(f"factorial(5)", font_size=24, font="Agave Nerd Font Mono").to_edge(DOWN)
self.top_num = 1
self.top = Text(f"result = 0", font_size=24, font="Agave Nerd Font Mono").to_edge(UP).to_edge(LEFT)
self.last_node = None
root = self.create_node("5!", position=ORIGIN).to_edge(UP)
def drawNode(node, parent, position, right = False):
# Draw a multiplication sign in the center between the left and the right node
self.bottom.become(Text(f"factorial({n})", font_size=24, font="Agave Nerd Font Mono").to_edge(DOWN))
self.play(GrowArrow(Arrow(parent.get_bottom(), node.get_top()).scale(0.5)))
if final:
self.play(Write(Text("x", font_size=24, font="Agave Nerd Font Mono").move_to(position + DOWN * 0.5)))
self.last_node = node
self.play(FadeToColor(node, GREEN))
# Recursive function to create tree
def factorialTree(n, parent, position, level=1):
if n <= 0:
# Closing animation
self.play(FadeToColor(parent, GREEN))
self.bottom.become(Text(f"factorial({n})", font_size=24, font="Agave Nerd Font Mono").to_edge(DOWN))
# Left child (n-1)!
left_pos = position + LEFT + level * DOWN
left_child = self.create_node(f"{n-1}!", position=left_pos)
drawNode(left_child, parent, position)
factorial_tree(n-1, left_child, left_pos, level + 0.3)
# Funky updates
self.top_num *= n
self.play(FadeToColor(parent, GREEN))
# Right child (result of n-1 factorial)
right_pos = position + RIGHT + level * DOWN
right_child = self.create_node(str(self.top_num), position=right_pos)
drawNode(right_child, parent, position, final=True, last=True)
self.play(Transform(self.top, Text(f"result = {self.top_num}", font_size=24, font="Agave Nerd Font Mono").to_edge(UP).to_edge(LEFT)))
# Create the tree
factorial_tree(5, root, root.get_center())
def create_node(self, content, position):
node = Circle().scale(0.25)
node_text = Text(content).scale(0.25).move_to(node)
node_group = VGroup(node, node_text).move_to(position)
return node_group