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### If the patterns 101.11 and 1.011 represent values in binary notation, what is the binary representation of their sum?
### In which of the following addition problems (using two's complement notation) does an overflow error occur?
0100 + 0100
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+### The primary purpose of which of the following is not the enhancement of security?
+ICANN(it's the company that gives u domains)
+### Which layer of the TCP/IP hierarchy actually transmits a message?
+### Which layer of the TCP/IP hierarchy decides which application should receive an incoming message?
+### Which of the following is not a protocol used in the basic TCP/IP software hierarchy?
+### Which of the following is not a means of connecting networks?
+### Which of the following identifies the application to which a message arriving from the Internet should be given?
+Port number
+### Which of the following is not a way of classifying networks?
+Router versus bridge
+### Which of the following is used to translate between IP addresses and mnemonic addresses?
+Name server
+### Consider the following URL, and identify the different components: `http://batcave.metropolis.com/heroes/superheroes/batpage.html` The portion of the URL which specifies the directory containing the file being addressed is ............(1) The protocol that should be used when accessing the file is ............(2) The portion that identifies the file name itself is ............(3)
+1. /superheroes/, /heroes/superheroes/
+2. http, Hypertext transfer protocol
+3. batpage.html
+### What bit pattern is represented by 33.42.18 in dotted decimal notation?
+0010 0001 0010 1010 0001 0010
+### Another table!
+### The main purpose of ............(1) and ............(2) ISPs is to provide a system of high-speed routers that serve as the Internet's communication backbone, whereas ............(3) ISPs concentrate on providing Internet access to the Internet's users.
+1. Tier-1
+2. Tier-2
+3. Access
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+### If the number of leaf nodes in a binary tree is 2n (where n is a positive integer), then the entire tree would contain at least
+2n + 1 - 1 nodes
+### Two special forms of lists are the LIFO structures known as .............(1) , in which entries are inserted and removed from the .............(2), and FIFO structures known as .............(3) in which entries are removed from the .............(4) and inserted at the .............(5).
+1. stacks, a stack
+2. top
+3. queues, a queue
+4. head
+5. tail
+### If a queue contained the entries w, x, y, z (from head to tail), which of the following would be the contents after two entries were removed and the entry r was inserted?
+y, z, r
+### If the two-dimensional array X were stored in row-major order, then in the block of main memory containing X, which of the following would be true?
+The entry X[1,2] would appear before X[2,1].
+### I hate tables at this point, but there it is
+### The table below represents a portion of a computer's main memory containing a binary tree stored row by row in a contiguous block as described in the chapter. What are the children of the node B?
+| Address | Content |
+| 50 | A |
+| 51 | B |
+| 52 | C |
+| 53 | D |
+| 54 | E |
+| 55 | F |
+| 56 | G |
+D and E, E and D
+#### (Author's note: I FOUND THE FUCKING QUESTION [HERE](https://quizlet.com/505820115/quiz-8-flash-cards/))
+### What sequence of nodes from the tree would be printed if the following recursive procedure were applied to it? (The procedure uses a global stack called Stack that is assumed to begin empty.)
+procedure printTree (Tree)
+ if (Tree is not empty)
+ then (push the current node on Stack;
+ apply the procedure printTree to the right subtree of Tree)
+ if (Stack is not empty)
+ then (pop an entry from Stack and print that node)
+### Which of the following is a LIFO structure?
+### Which of the following is not a means of locating an entry in a linked storage structure?
+NIL pointer
+### Which of the following is not used when determining the location of an entry in a two-dimensional homogeneous array stored in row-major order?
+Number of rows in the array
+### In a machine language, the technique in which the data to be manipulated by an instruction is included within the instruction itself is called
+Immediate addressing
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+You can find it on [quizlet](https://quizlet.com/nl/449627571/fundamentals.flash.cards/).
+### A ...........(1) is a relationship between input and output values such that any input is associated with only one output. If the output can be determin8ed algorithmically from the input, the relationship is said to be .............(2)
+1. function
+2. computable
+### Select all of the following statements that are false
+1. No one has discovered a problem that cannot be solved by a Turing machine.
+2. No one has discovered a problem that cannot be solved by a Turing machine.
+3. The Bare Bones programming language would not be a universal language if the clear statement were removed.
+### Suppose the variable X in the following Bare Bones program has the value 3 when execution begins.
+clear Y;
+decr X;
+while X not 0 do;
+decr X;
+incr Y;
+A. What will be the value of X when the program terminates? **0**
+B. What will be the value of Y when the program terminates? **2**
+### If a solution with time complexity Θ(n2) is known to exist, then the problem is known to be in which of the following?
+(What the fuck is the difference)
+### The class of problems known as NP is so named because it is composed of which of the following?
+Non-deterministic polynomial problems
+### The precise time complexity of which of the following problems has not yet been established by researchers?
+The traveling salesman problem
+### Which of the following algorithms represents an optimal solution (in terms of time complexity) for sorting a list?
+Merge sort
+### Which of the following is the most precise classification of a problem X?
+X is in Θ(n2).
+### Which of the following statements is true (select all that are correct)
+1. All Bare Bones programs that do not contain a while statement are self-terminating.
+2. No Bare Bones program is both self-terminating and not self-terminating
+### Which of the following best describes what the following Bare Bones program does?
+copy X to Z;
+clear X;
+incr X;
+while Z not 0 do;
+clear X;
+decr Z;
+If the starting value of X is 0, it sets the value of X to 1. Otherwise, it sets the value of X to 0.
+### Which of the following statements is false?
+The halting problem can be solved only by using a universal programming language.
+### Which of the following systems does not process the same computational capabilities as the others?
+Universal programming languages
+### Select all of the following statements that contradict the Church-Turing thesis.
+1. All functions are computable.
+2. Some functions that are not computable by Turing machines are computable by other means
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index db5d6bd..11afa05 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,19 +4,21 @@ Sup, this is an *easy to read* rundown of all of our ICS homeworks.
I'm gonna try to figure out a way to make these flashcards, you're welcome to give me suggestions or do that yourself(as long as u share pls).
+You can find the things I'm gonna study the most in [Summary.md](./Summary.md)
### Only for extreme nerds.
I have a collection of quizlet flashcards that include the questions in the HWs, however there's a shit ton of other stuff. Here u go:
-* [HW 3](https://quizlet.com/82446992/csc200-final-t1-ch2-flash-cards/)
-* [HW 4](https://quizlet.com/96659758/sample-quiz-8-flash-cards/)
-* [Another HW 4](https://quizlet.com/75324066/questions-t2-flash-cards/)
-* [Yet another HW 4](https://quizlet.com/175124609/cs-quiz-7-flash-cards/)
-* [HW 5](https://quizlet.com/175186526/cs220-q6-flash-cards/)
-* [Another HW 5](https://quizlet.com/342732417/questions-t2-flash-cards/)
-* [HW 6](https://quizlet.com/245714965/cs-chap-4-extras-flash-cards/)
-* [HW 6](https://quizlet.com/nl/334549754/networks-flash-cards/)
+* [HW 2](https://quizlet.com/82446992/csc200-final-t1-ch2-flash-cards/)
+* [HW 3](https://quizlet.com/96659758/sample-quiz-8-flash-cards/)
+* [Another HW 3](https://quizlet.com/75324066/questions-t2-flash-cards/)
+* [Yet another HW 3](https://quizlet.com/175124609/cs-quiz-7-flash-cards/)
+* [HW 4](https://quizlet.com/175186526/cs220-q6-flash-cards/)
+* [Another HW 4](https://quizlet.com/342732417/questions-t2-flash-cards/)
+* [HW 5](https://quizlet.com/245714965/cs-chap-4-extras-flash-cards/)
+* [HW 5](https://quizlet.com/nl/334549754/networks-flash-cards/)
+* [HW 6](https://quizlet.com/505820115/quiz-8-flash-cards/)
+* [HW 7](https://quizlet.com/nl/449627571/fundamentals-flash-cards/)
Love you, good luck.

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