# PWSS [![Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/436513607895875585?color=%237289da%20&label=Discord&logo=Discord&logoColor=%23ffffff%20)](https://discord.gg/2QB92beGvj) Portable Weather-SDR Station is a composition of a Raspberry Pi 3B+, an SDR stick and some sensors. The idea for it is to be installed and accessed remotely for local small-scale research. The intended features(as of now) are the following: 1. Pressure, Temperature, Humidity readings 2. Gas(different types) readings 3. Camera(live stream, snapshots) Sensors and tech: 1. Raspberry Pi 3B+ 2. WaveShare RPi Camera 3. MQ-135 gas sensor 4. BME280 5. RTL-SDR USB Dongle RTL2832U