import requests from math import ceil import json from discord_webhook import DiscordEmbed, DiscordWebhook import time # request to government free information new_records = requests.get("").json() del new_records[0] # counter to fight limit of embeds counter = 1 data = {} try: with open("history.json", "r") as f: old_data = json.load(f) print(type(old_data)) f.close() except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: old_data = None print("No data!") for i in new_records: if old_data: if not i[0] in old_data.keys(): data[i[0].replace("\/","/")] = { "Confirmed": int(i[3]), "New Cases": int(i[5]), "Tests": int(i[2]), "Positive Percentage": ceil(int(i[5]) / int(i[2]) * 100), "Vaccine Percentage": "N/A" } else: data[i[0].replace("\/","/")] = { "Confirmed": int(i[3]), "New Cases": int(i[5]), "Tests": int(i[2]), "Positive Percentage": ceil(int(i[5]) / int(i[2]) * 100), "Vaccine Percentage": "N/A" } if old_data: with open("history.json", "w") as file: json.dump(old_data.update(data), file, indent = 4) else: with open("history.json", "w") as file: json.dump(data, file, indent = 4) def discord_daily(datum=data): webhook = DiscordWebhook(url="") for i in data.keys(): if i == "2021/12/18": print(i) # Color coding levels of danger if data[i]["Positive Percentage"] >= 10: color = "fff00" elif data[i]["Positive Percentage"] >= 30: color = "ff000" elif data[i]["Positive Percentage"] >= 50: color = "ffa500" elif data[i]["Positive Percentage"] >= 80: color = "000000" else: color = "00ff00" embed = DiscordEmbed(title=f'Covid Daily - {i}', description='Daily briefing!', color=color) for y in data[i].keys(): print(y) if "Percentage" in y: embed.add_embed_field(name=str(y), value=str(data[i][y])+"%") else: embed.add_embed_field(name=str(y), value=str(data[i][y])) embed.set_footer(text='Data taken from and') webhook.add_embed(embed) webhook.execute() time.sleep(1) global counter if counter % 5 == 0: webhook = DiscordWebhook(url="", content="-----------") time.sleep(5) counter += 1 discord_daily()