# learning-languages Repository which documents my journey in learning new languages. Currently learning:

Rust Haskell Swift

(and C++, but that is gonna happen in embedded systems, so I won't document it here) ## Idea I will spend about 5 hours a week learning each language. This is **NOT** a priority, but rather a side project to keep me entertained and to learn new things. The main idea is to use these new languages to solve problems I would normally solve with Python. Also, as the file structure suggests, I will also do some algorithmic problems in these languages. READMEs will be present in each practical folder, where I will document my thought process and the things I learned. A larger, more detailed README will be present in the root of each language folder, where I will document the resources I used and the things I learned. ## Books and resources - [The rust book](https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/) - [Haskell Programming from first principles](http://haskellbook.com/) - [Learn you a Haskell for great good](http://learnyouahaskell.com/) - [Swift documentation](https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/documentation/the-swift-programming-language/) ## End goal Achieve a somewhat adequate level of proficiency in these languages. I don't expect to be an expert, but I want to be able to write code in these languages without having to look up every single thing.