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"use strict";
var __rest = (this && this.__rest) || function (s, e) {
var t = {};
for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
t[p] = s[p];
if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i]))
t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
return t;
function __export(m) {
for (var p in m) if (!exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p];
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const json_file_1 = __importDefault(require("@expo/json-file"));
const fs_extra_1 = __importDefault(require("fs-extra"));
const glob_1 = require("glob");
const path_1 = __importDefault(require("path"));
const resolve_from_1 = __importDefault(require("resolve-from"));
const semver_1 = __importDefault(require("semver"));
const slugify_1 = __importDefault(require("slugify"));
const Errors_1 = require("./Errors");
const Project_1 = require("./Project");
const getConfig_1 = require("./getConfig");
const withConfigPlugins_1 = require("./plugins/withConfigPlugins");
const withInternal_1 = require("./plugins/withInternal");
const resolvePackageJson_1 = require("./resolvePackageJson");
* If a config has an `expo` object then that will be used as the config.
* This method reduces out other top level values if an `expo` object exists.
* @param config Input config object to reduce
function reduceExpoObject(config) {
var _a;
if (!config)
return config === undefined ? null : config;
const _b = (_a = config.expo) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : config, { mods } = _b, expo = __rest(_b, ["mods"]);
return {
* Get all platforms that a project is currently capable of running.
* @param projectRoot
* @param exp
function getSupportedPlatforms(projectRoot) {
const platforms = [];
if (resolve_from_1.default.silent(projectRoot, 'react-native')) {
platforms.push('ios', 'android');
if (resolve_from_1.default.silent(projectRoot, 'react-native-web')) {
return platforms;
* Evaluate the config for an Expo project.
* If a function is exported from the `app.config.js` then a partial config will be passed as an argument.
* The partial config is composed from any existing app.json, and certain fields from the `package.json` like name and description.
* If options.isPublicConfig is true, the Expo config will include only public-facing options (omitting private keys).
* The resulting config should be suitable for hosting or embedding in a publicly readable location.
* **Example**
* ```js
* module.exports = function({ config }) {
* // mutate the config before returning it.
* config.slug = 'new slug'
* return { expo: config };
* }
* **Supports**
* - `app.config.ts`
* - `app.config.js`
* - `app.config.json`
* - `app.json`
* @param projectRoot the root folder containing all of your application code
* @param options enforce criteria for a project config
function getConfig(projectRoot, options = {}) {
const paths = getConfigFilePaths(projectRoot);
const rawStaticConfig = paths.staticConfigPath ? getConfig_1.getStaticConfig(paths.staticConfigPath) : null;
// For legacy reasons, always return an object.
const rootConfig = (rawStaticConfig || {});
const staticConfig = reduceExpoObject(rawStaticConfig) || {};
// Can only change the package.json location if an app.json or app.config.json exists
const [packageJson, packageJsonPath] = getPackageJsonAndPath(projectRoot);
function fillAndReturnConfig(config, dynamicConfigObjectType) {
var _a, _b, _c;
const configWithDefaultValues = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, ensureConfigHasDefaultValues({
exp: config.expo,
pkg: packageJson,
skipSDKVersionRequirement: options.skipSDKVersionRequirement,
})), { mods: config.mods, dynamicConfigObjectType,
rootConfig, dynamicConfigPath: paths.dynamicConfigPath, staticConfigPath: paths.staticConfigPath });
if (options.isModdedConfig) {
// @ts-ignore: Add the mods back to the object.
configWithDefaultValues.exp.mods = (_a = config.mods) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
// Apply static json plugins, should be done after _internal
configWithDefaultValues.exp = withConfigPlugins_1.withConfigPlugins(configWithDefaultValues.exp);
if (!options.isModdedConfig) {
// @ts-ignore: Delete mods added by static plugins when they won't have a chance to be evaluated
delete configWithDefaultValues.exp.mods;
if (options.isPublicConfig) {
// Remove internal values with references to user's file paths from the public config.
delete configWithDefaultValues.exp._internal;
if (configWithDefaultValues.exp.hooks) {
delete configWithDefaultValues.exp.hooks;
if ((_b = configWithDefaultValues.exp.ios) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.config) {
delete configWithDefaultValues.exp.ios.config;
if ((_c = configWithDefaultValues.exp.android) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.config) {
delete configWithDefaultValues.exp.android.config;
return configWithDefaultValues;
// Fill in the static config
function getContextConfig(config) {
return ensureConfigHasDefaultValues({
exp: config.expo,
pkg: packageJson,
skipSDKVersionRequirement: true,
if (paths.dynamicConfigPath) {
// No app.config.json or app.json but app.config.js
const { exportedObjectType, config: rawDynamicConfig } = getConfig_1.getDynamicConfig(paths.dynamicConfigPath, {
staticConfigPath: paths.staticConfigPath,
config: getContextConfig(staticConfig),
// Allow for the app.config.js to `export default null;`
// Use `dynamicConfigPath` to detect if a dynamic config exists.
const dynamicConfig = reduceExpoObject(rawDynamicConfig) || {};
return fillAndReturnConfig(dynamicConfig, exportedObjectType);
// No app.config.js but json or no config
return fillAndReturnConfig(staticConfig || {}, null);
exports.getConfig = getConfig;
function getPackageJson(projectRoot) {
const [pkg] = getPackageJsonAndPath(projectRoot);
return pkg;
exports.getPackageJson = getPackageJson;
function getPackageJsonAndPath(projectRoot) {
const packageJsonPath = resolvePackageJson_1.getRootPackageJsonPath(projectRoot);
return [json_file_1.default.read(packageJsonPath), packageJsonPath];
function readConfigJson(projectRoot, skipValidation = false, skipNativeValidation = false) {
const paths = getConfigFilePaths(projectRoot);
const rawStaticConfig = paths.staticConfigPath ? getConfig_1.getStaticConfig(paths.staticConfigPath) : null;
const getConfigName = () => {
if (paths.staticConfigPath)
return ` \`${path_1.default.basename(paths.staticConfigPath)}\``;
return '';
let outputRootConfig = rawStaticConfig;
if (outputRootConfig === null || typeof outputRootConfig !== 'object') {
if (skipValidation) {
outputRootConfig = { expo: {} };
else {
throw new Errors_1.ConfigError(`Project at path ${path_1.default.resolve(projectRoot)} does not contain a valid Expo config${getConfigName()}`, 'NOT_OBJECT');
let exp = outputRootConfig.expo;
if (exp === null || typeof exp !== 'object') {
throw new Errors_1.ConfigError(`Property 'expo' in${getConfigName()} for project at path ${path_1.default.resolve(projectRoot)} is not an object. Please make sure${getConfigName()} includes a managed Expo app config like this: ${APP_JSON_EXAMPLE}`, 'NO_EXPO');
exp = Object.assign({}, exp);
const [pkg, packageJsonPath] = getPackageJsonAndPath(projectRoot);
return Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, ensureConfigHasDefaultValues({
skipSDKVersionRequirement: skipNativeValidation,
})), { mods: null, dynamicConfigPath: null, dynamicConfigObjectType: null, rootConfig: Object.assign({}, outputRootConfig) }), paths);
exports.readConfigJson = readConfigJson;
async function readConfigJsonAsync(projectRoot, skipValidation = false, skipNativeValidation = false) {
return readConfigJson(projectRoot, skipValidation, skipNativeValidation);
exports.readConfigJsonAsync = readConfigJsonAsync;
* Get the static and dynamic config paths for a project. Also accounts for custom paths.
* @param projectRoot
function getConfigFilePaths(projectRoot) {
const customPaths = getCustomConfigFilePaths(projectRoot);
if (customPaths) {
return customPaths;
return {
dynamicConfigPath: getDynamicConfigFilePath(projectRoot),
staticConfigPath: getStaticConfigFilePath(projectRoot),
exports.getConfigFilePaths = getConfigFilePaths;
function getCustomConfigFilePaths(projectRoot) {
if (!customConfigPaths[projectRoot]) {
return null;
// If the user picks a custom config path, we will only use that and skip searching for a secondary config.
if (isDynamicFilePath(customConfigPaths[projectRoot])) {
return {
dynamicConfigPath: customConfigPaths[projectRoot],
staticConfigPath: null,
// Anything that's not js or ts will be treated as json.
return { staticConfigPath: customConfigPaths[projectRoot], dynamicConfigPath: null };
function getDynamicConfigFilePath(projectRoot) {
for (const fileName of ['app.config.ts', 'app.config.js']) {
const configPath = path_1.default.join(projectRoot, fileName);
if (fs_extra_1.default.existsSync(configPath)) {
return configPath;
return null;
function getStaticConfigFilePath(projectRoot) {
for (const fileName of ['app.config.json', 'app.json']) {
const configPath = path_1.default.join(projectRoot, fileName);
if (fs_extra_1.default.existsSync(configPath)) {
return configPath;
return null;
// TODO: This should account for dynamic configs
function findConfigFile(projectRoot) {
let configPath;
// Check for a custom config path first.
if (customConfigPaths[projectRoot]) {
configPath = customConfigPaths[projectRoot];
// We shouldn't verify if the file exists because
// the user manually specified that this path should be used.
return {
configName: path_1.default.basename(configPath),
configNamespace: 'expo',
else {
// app.config.json takes higher priority over app.json
configPath = path_1.default.join(projectRoot, 'app.config.json');
if (!fs_extra_1.default.existsSync(configPath)) {
configPath = path_1.default.join(projectRoot, 'app.json');
return {
configName: path_1.default.basename(configPath),
configNamespace: 'expo',
exports.findConfigFile = findConfigFile;
// TODO: deprecate
function configFilename(projectRoot) {
return findConfigFile(projectRoot).configName;
exports.configFilename = configFilename;
async function readExpRcAsync(projectRoot) {
const expRcPath = path_1.default.join(projectRoot, '.exprc');
return await json_file_1.default.readAsync(expRcPath, { json5: true, cantReadFileDefault: {} });
exports.readExpRcAsync = readExpRcAsync;
const customConfigPaths = {};
function resetCustomConfigPaths() {
for (const key of Object.keys(customConfigPaths)) {
delete customConfigPaths[key];
exports.resetCustomConfigPaths = resetCustomConfigPaths;
function setCustomConfigPath(projectRoot, configPath) {
customConfigPaths[projectRoot] = configPath;
exports.setCustomConfigPath = setCustomConfigPath;
* Attempt to modify an Expo project config.
* This will only fully work if the project is using static configs only.
* Otherwise 'warn' | 'fail' will return with a message about why the config couldn't be updated.
* The potentially modified config object will be returned for testing purposes.
* @param projectRoot
* @param modifications modifications to make to an existing config
* @param readOptions options for reading the current config file
* @param writeOptions If true, the static config file will not be rewritten
async function modifyConfigAsync(projectRoot, modifications, readOptions = {}, writeOptions = {}) {
const config = getConfig(projectRoot, readOptions);
if (config.dynamicConfigPath) {
// We cannot automatically write to a dynamic config.
/* Currently we should just use the safest approach possible, informing the user that they'll need to manually modify their dynamic config.
if (config.staticConfigPath) {
// Both a dynamic and a static config exist.
if (config.dynamicConfigObjectType === 'function') {
// The dynamic config exports a function, this means it possibly extends the static config.
} else {
// Dynamic config ignores the static config, there isn't a reason to automatically write to it.
// Instead we should warn the user to add values to their dynamic config.
return {
type: 'warn',
message: `Cannot automatically write to dynamic config at: ${path_1.default.relative(projectRoot, config.dynamicConfigPath)}`,
config: null,
else if (config.staticConfigPath) {
// Static with no dynamic config, this means we can append to the config automatically.
let outputConfig;
// If the config has an expo object (app.json) then append the options to that object.
if (config.rootConfig.expo) {
outputConfig = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, config.rootConfig), { expo: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, config.rootConfig.expo), modifications) });
else {
// Otherwise (app.config.json) just add the config modification to the top most level.
outputConfig = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, config.rootConfig), modifications);
if (!writeOptions.dryRun) {
await json_file_1.default.writeAsync(config.staticConfigPath, outputConfig, { json5: false });
return { type: 'success', config: outputConfig };
return { type: 'fail', message: 'No config exists', config: null };
exports.modifyConfigAsync = modifyConfigAsync;
const APP_JSON_EXAMPLE = JSON.stringify({
expo: {
name: 'My app',
slug: 'my-app',
sdkVersion: '...',
function ensureConfigHasDefaultValues({ projectRoot, exp, pkg, paths, packageJsonPath, skipSDKVersionRequirement = false, }) {
var _a, _b, _c;
if (!exp) {
exp = {};
exp = withInternal_1.withInternal(exp, Object.assign(Object.assign({ projectRoot }, (paths !== null && paths !== void 0 ? paths : {})), { packageJsonPath }));
// Defaults for package.json fields
const pkgName = typeof pkg.name === 'string' ? pkg.name : path_1.default.basename(projectRoot);
const pkgVersion = typeof pkg.version === 'string' ? pkg.version : '1.0.0';
const pkgWithDefaults = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, pkg), { name: pkgName, version: pkgVersion });
// Defaults for app.json/app.config.js fields
const name = (_a = exp.name) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : pkgName;
const slug = (_b = exp.slug) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : slugify_1.default(name.toLowerCase());
const version = (_c = exp.version) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : pkgVersion;
let description = exp.description;
if (!description && typeof pkg.description === 'string') {
description = pkg.description;
const expWithDefaults = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, exp), { name, slug, version, description });
let sdkVersion;
try {
sdkVersion = Project_1.getExpoSDKVersion(projectRoot, expWithDefaults);
catch (error) {
if (!skipSDKVersionRequirement)
throw error;
let platforms = exp.platforms;
if (!platforms) {
platforms = getSupportedPlatforms(projectRoot);
return {
exp: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, expWithDefaults), { sdkVersion, platforms }),
pkg: pkgWithDefaults,
async function writeConfigJsonAsync(projectRoot, options) {
const paths = getConfigFilePaths(projectRoot);
let { exp, pkg, rootConfig, dynamicConfigObjectType, staticConfigPath, } = await readConfigJsonAsync(projectRoot);
exp = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, rootConfig.expo), options);
rootConfig = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, rootConfig), { expo: exp });
if (paths.staticConfigPath) {
await json_file_1.default.writeAsync(paths.staticConfigPath, rootConfig, { json5: false });
else {
console.log('Failed to write to config: ', options);
return Object.assign({ exp,
dynamicConfigObjectType }, paths);
exports.writeConfigJsonAsync = writeConfigJsonAsync;
const DEFAULT_BUILD_PATH = `web-build`;
function getWebOutputPath(config = {}) {
var _a, _b;
if (process.env.WEBPACK_BUILD_OUTPUT_PATH) {
return process.env.WEBPACK_BUILD_OUTPUT_PATH;
const expo = config.expo || config || {};
return ((_b = (_a = expo === null || expo === void 0 ? void 0 : expo.web) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.build) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.output) || DEFAULT_BUILD_PATH;
exports.getWebOutputPath = getWebOutputPath;
function getNameFromConfig(exp = {}) {
// For RN CLI support
const appManifest = exp.expo || exp;
const { web = {} } = appManifest;
// rn-cli apps use a displayName value as well.
const appName = exp.displayName || appManifest.displayName || appManifest.name;
const webName = web.name || appName;
return {
exports.getNameFromConfig = getNameFromConfig;
function getDefaultTarget(projectRoot) {
const { exp } = getConfig(projectRoot, { skipSDKVersionRequirement: true });
// before SDK 37, always default to managed to preserve previous behavior
if (exp.sdkVersion && exp.sdkVersion !== 'UNVERSIONED' && semver_1.default.lt(exp.sdkVersion, '37.0.0')) {
return 'managed';
return isBareWorkflowProject(projectRoot) ? 'bare' : 'managed';
exports.getDefaultTarget = getDefaultTarget;
function isBareWorkflowProject(projectRoot) {
const [pkg] = getPackageJsonAndPath(projectRoot);
if (pkg.dependencies && pkg.dependencies.expokit) {
return false;
const xcodeprojFiles = glob_1.sync('ios/**/*.xcodeproj', {
absolute: true,
cwd: projectRoot,
if (xcodeprojFiles.length) {
return true;
const gradleFiles = glob_1.sync('android/**/*.gradle', {
absolute: true,
cwd: projectRoot,
if (gradleFiles.length) {
return true;
return false;
* true if the file is .js or .ts
* @param filePath
function isDynamicFilePath(filePath) {
return !!filePath.match(/\.[j|t]s$/);
* Return a useful name describing the project config.
* - dynamic: app.config.js
* - static: app.json
* - custom path app config relative to root folder
* - both: app.config.js or app.json
function getProjectConfigDescription(projectRoot) {
const paths = getConfigFilePaths(projectRoot);
return getProjectConfigDescriptionWithPaths(projectRoot, paths);
exports.getProjectConfigDescription = getProjectConfigDescription;
* Returns a string describing the configurations used for the given project root.
* Will return null if no config is found.
* @param projectRoot
* @param projectConfig
function getProjectConfigDescriptionWithPaths(projectRoot, projectConfig) {
if (projectConfig.dynamicConfigPath) {
const relativeDynamicConfigPath = path_1.default.relative(projectRoot, projectConfig.dynamicConfigPath);
if (projectConfig.staticConfigPath) {
return `${relativeDynamicConfigPath} or ${path_1.default.relative(projectRoot, projectConfig.staticConfigPath)}`;
return relativeDynamicConfigPath;
else if (projectConfig.staticConfigPath) {
return path_1.default.relative(projectRoot, projectConfig.staticConfigPath);
// If a config doesn't exist, our tooling will generate a static app.json
return 'app.json';
exports.getProjectConfigDescriptionWithPaths = getProjectConfigDescriptionWithPaths;
var isLegacyImportsEnabled_1 = require("./isLegacyImportsEnabled");
exports.isLegacyImportsEnabled = isLegacyImportsEnabled_1.isLegacyImportsEnabled;
//# sourceMappingURL=Config.js.map