167 lines
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167 lines
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![]() |
'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const {promisify} = require('util');
const camelcase = require('camelcase');
const findUp = require('find-up');
const resolveFrom = require('resolve-from');
const getPackageType = require('get-package-type');
const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile);
let loadActive = false;
function isLoading() {
return loadActive;
const standardConfigFiles = [
function camelcasedConfig(config) {
const results = {};
for (const [field, value] of Object.entries(config)) {
results[camelcase(field)] = value;
return results;
async function findPackage(options) {
const cwd = options.cwd || process.env.NYC_CWD || process.cwd();
const pkgPath = await findUp('package.json', {cwd});
if (pkgPath) {
const pkgConfig = JSON.parse(await readFile(pkgPath, 'utf8')).nyc || {};
if ('cwd' in pkgConfig) {
pkgConfig.cwd = path.resolve(path.dirname(pkgPath), pkgConfig.cwd);
return {
cwd: path.dirname(pkgPath),
return {
pkgConfig: {}
async function actualLoad(configFile) {
if (!configFile) {
return {};
const configExt = path.extname(configFile).toLowerCase();
switch (configExt) {
case '.js':
/* istanbul ignore next: coverage for 13.2.0+ is shown in load-esm.js */
if (await getPackageType(configFile) === 'module') {
return require('./load-esm')(configFile);
/* fallthrough */
case '.cjs':
return require(configFile);
/* istanbul ignore next: coverage for 13.2.0+ is shown in load-esm.js */
case '.mjs':
return require('./load-esm')(configFile);
case '.yml':
case '.yaml':
return require('js-yaml').load(await readFile(configFile, 'utf8'));
return JSON.parse(await readFile(configFile, 'utf8'));
async function loadFile(configFile) {
/* This lets @istanbuljs/esm-loader-hook avoid circular initialization when loading
* configuration. This should generally only happen when the loader hook is active
* on the main nyc process. */
loadActive = true;
try {
return await actualLoad(configFile);
} finally {
loadActive = false;
async function applyExtends(config, filename, loopCheck = new Set()) {
config = camelcasedConfig(config);
if ('extends' in config) {
const extConfigs = [].concat(config.extends);
if (extConfigs.some(e => typeof e !== 'string')) {
throw new TypeError(`${filename} contains an invalid 'extends' option`);
delete config.extends;
const filePath = path.dirname(filename);
for (const extConfig of extConfigs) {
const configFile = resolveFrom.silent(filePath, extConfig) ||
resolveFrom.silent(filePath, './' + extConfig);
if (!configFile) {
throw new Error(`Could not resolve configuration file ${extConfig} from ${path.dirname(filename)}.`);
if (loopCheck.has(configFile)) {
throw new Error(`Circular extended configurations: '${configFile}'.`);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
const configLoaded = await loadFile(configFile);
if ('cwd' in configLoaded) {
configLoaded.cwd = path.resolve(path.dirname(configFile), configLoaded.cwd);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
await applyExtends(configLoaded, configFile, loopCheck)
return config;
async function loadNycConfig(options = {}) {
const {cwd, pkgConfig} = await findPackage(options);
const configFiles = [].concat(options.nycrcPath || standardConfigFiles);
const configFile = await findUp(configFiles, {cwd});
if (options.nycrcPath && !configFile) {
throw new Error(`Requested configuration file ${options.nycrcPath} not found`);
const config = {
...(await applyExtends(pkgConfig, path.join(cwd, 'package.json'))),
...(await applyExtends(await loadFile(configFile), configFile))
const arrayFields = ['require', 'extension', 'exclude', 'include'];
for (const arrayField of arrayFields) {
if (config[arrayField]) {
config[arrayField] = [].concat(config[arrayField]);
return config;
module.exports = {