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# babel-preset-expo
This preset extends the default React Native preset (`metro-react-native-babel-preset`) and adds support for decorators, tree-shaking web packages, and loading font icons with optional native dependencies if they're installed.
You can use this preset in any React Native project as a drop-in replacement for `metro-react-native-babel-preset`. If your project isn't using native font loading or web support then this preset will only add support for decorators with `@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators` - this is mostly used for supporting legacy community libraries.
If you start your **web** project with `@expo/webpack-config` or `expo start:web` and your project doesn't contain a `babel.config.js` or a `.babelrc` then it will default to using `babel-preset-expo` for loading.
If you have problems with the code in this repository, please file issues & bug reports
at https://github.com/expo/expo. Thanks!
## Expo Bundler Spec Compliance
A bundler must follow these requirements if they are to be considered spec compliant for use with a **universal React** (Expo) project.
### Babel Loader
The babel loading mechanism must include the following properties on its `caller`.
#### platform
A `platform` property denoting the target platform. If the `platform` is not defined, it will default to using `web` when the `bundler` is `webpack` -- this is temporary and will throw an error in the future.
| Value | Description |
| --------- | ----------------------- |
| `ios` | Runs on iOS devices |
| `android` | Runs on Android devices |
| `web` | Runs in web browsers |
#### bundler
A `bundler` property denoting the name of the bundler that is being used to create the JavaScript bundle.
If the `bundler` is not defined, it will default to checking if a `babel-loader` is used, if so then `webpack` will be used, otherwise it will default to `metro`.
| Value | Description |
| --------- | -------------------------------- |
| `metro` | Bundling with [Metro][metro] |
| `webpack` | Bundling with [Webpack][webpack] |
[metro]: https://facebook.github.io/metro/
[webpack]: https://webpack.js.org/
## Options
### [`lazyImports`](https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs#lazy)
Changes Babel's compiled `import` statements to be lazily evaluated when their imported bindings are used for the first time.
_Note:_ this option has an effect only when the `disableImportExportTransform` option is set to `false`. On Android and iOS, `disableImportExportTransform` defaults to `false`, and on web it defaults to `true` to allow for tree shaking.
This can improve the initial load time of your app because evaluating dependencies up front is sometimes entirely un-necessary, particularly when the dependencies have no side effects.
The value of `lazyImports` has a few possible effects:
- `null` - [metro-react-native-babel-preset](https://github.com/facebook/metro/tree/master/packages/metro-react-native-babel-preset) will handle it. (Learn more about it here: https://github.com/facebook/metro/commit/23e3503dde5f914f3e642ef214f508d0a699851d)
- `false` - No lazy initialization of any imported module.
- `true` - Lazy-init all imported modules except local imports (e.g., `./foo`), certain Expo packages that have side effects, and the two cases mentioned [here](https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs#lazy).
- `Array<string>` - [babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs](https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs#lazy) will handle it.
- `(string) => boolean` - [babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs](https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs#lazy) will handle it.
If you choose to do this, you can also access the list of Expo packages that have side effects by using `const lazyImportsBlacklist = require('babel-preset-expo/lazy-imports-blacklist');` which returns a `Set`.
**default:** `null`
lazyImports: true
### `web.disableImportExportTransform`
Enabling this option will allow your project to run with older JavaScript syntax (i.e. `module.exports`). This option will break tree shaking and increase your bundle size, but will eliminate the following error when `module.exports` is used:
> `TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'exports' of object '#<Object>'`
**default:** `false`
web: { disableImportExportTransform: true }