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2021-04-02 02:24:13 +03:00
var Node = {
child: require('child_process'),
crypto: require('crypto'),
fs: require('fs'),
os: require('os'),
path: require('path'),
process: process,
util: require('util')
function Attempt(instance, end) {
var platform = Node.process.platform;
if (platform === 'darwin') return Mac(instance, end);
if (platform === 'linux') return Linux(instance, end);
if (platform === 'win32') return Windows(instance, end);
end(new Error('Platform not yet supported.'));
function EscapeDoubleQuotes(string) {
if (typeof string !== 'string') throw new Error('Expected a string.');
return string.replace(/"/g, '\\"');
function Exec() {
if (arguments.length < 1 || arguments.length > 3) {
throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments.');
var command = arguments[0];
var options = {};
var end = function() {};
if (typeof command !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Command should be a string.');
if (arguments.length === 2) {
if (Node.util.isObject(arguments[1])) {
options = arguments[1];
} else if (Node.util.isFunction(arguments[1])) {
end = arguments[1];
} else {
throw new Error('Expected options or callback.');
} else if (arguments.length === 3) {
if (Node.util.isObject(arguments[1])) {
options = arguments[1];
} else {
throw new Error('Expected options to be an object.');
if (Node.util.isFunction(arguments[2])) {
end = arguments[2];
} else {
throw new Error('Expected callback to be a function.');
if (/^sudo/i.test(command)) {
return end(new Error('Command should not be prefixed with "sudo".'));
if (typeof === 'undefined') {
var title = Node.process.title;
if (ValidName(title)) { = title;
} else {
return end(new Error('process.title cannot be used as a valid name.'));
} else if (!ValidName( {
var error = '';
error += ' must be alphanumeric only ';
error += '(spaces are allowed) and <= 70 characters.';
return end(new Error(error));
if (typeof options.icns !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof options.icns !== 'string') {
return end(new Error('options.icns must be a string if provided.'));
} else if (options.icns.trim().length === 0) {
return end(new Error('options.icns must not be empty if provided.'));
if (typeof options.env !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof options.env !== 'object') {
return end(new Error('options.env must be an object if provided.'));
} else if (Object.keys(options.env).length === 0) {
return end(new Error('options.env must not be empty if provided.'));
} else {
for (var key in options.env) {
var value = options.env[key];
if (typeof key !== 'string' || typeof value !== 'string') {
return end(
new Error('options.env environment variables must be strings.')
// "Environment variable names used by the utilities in the Shell and
// Utilities volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 consist solely of uppercase
// letters, digits, and the '_' (underscore) from the characters defined
// in Portable Character Set and do not begin with a digit. Other
// characters may be permitted by an implementation; applications shall
// tolerate the presence of such names."
if (!/^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/.test(key)) {
return end(
new Error(
'options.env has an invalid environment variable name: ' +
if (/[\r\n]/.test(value)) {
return end(
new Error(
'options.env has an invalid environment variable value: ' +
var platform = Node.process.platform;
if (platform !== 'darwin' && platform !== 'linux' && platform !== 'win32') {
return end(new Error('Platform not yet supported.'));
var instance = {
command: command,
options: options,
uuid: undefined,
path: undefined
Attempt(instance, end);
function Linux(instance, end) {
function(error, binary) {
if (error) return end(error);
var command = [];
// Preserve current working directory:
command.push('cd "' + EscapeDoubleQuotes(Node.process.cwd()) + '";');
// Export environment variables:
for (var key in instance.options.env) {
var value = instance.options.env[key];
command.push('export ' + key + '="' + EscapeDoubleQuotes(value) + '";');
command.push('"' + EscapeDoubleQuotes(binary) + '"');
if (/kdesudo/i.test(binary)) {
'"' + + ' wants to make changes. ' +
'Enter your password to allow this."'
command.push('-d'); // Do not show the command to be run in the dialog.
} else if (/pkexec/i.test(binary)) {
var magic = 'SUDOPROMPT\n';
'/bin/bash -c "echo ' + EscapeDoubleQuotes(magic.trim()) + '; ' +
EscapeDoubleQuotes(instance.command) +
command = command.join(' ');
Node.child.exec(command, { encoding: 'utf-8', maxBuffer: MAX_BUFFER },
function(error, stdout, stderr) {
// ISSUE 88:
// We must distinguish between elevation errors and command errors.
// kdesudo provides no way to do this. We add a magic marker to know
// if elevation succeeded. Any error thereafter is a command error.
// "Upon successful completion, the return value is the return value of
// PROGRAM. If the calling process is not authorized or an
// authorization could not be obtained through authentication or an
// error occured, pkexec exits with a return value of 127. If the
// authorization could not be obtained because the user dismissed the
// authentication dialog, pkexec exits with a return value of 126."
// However, we do not rely on pkexec's return of 127 since our magic
// marker is more reliable, and we already use it for kdesudo.
var elevated = stdout && stdout.slice(0, magic.length) === magic;
if (elevated) stdout = stdout.slice(magic.length);
// Only normalize the error if it is definitely not a command error:
// In other words, if we know that the command was never elevated.
// We do not inspect error messages beyond NO_POLKIT_AGENT.
// We cannot rely on English errors because of internationalization.
if (error && !elevated) {
if (/No authentication agent found/.test(stderr)) {
error.message = NO_POLKIT_AGENT;
} else {
error.message = PERMISSION_DENIED;
end(error, stdout, stderr);
function LinuxBinary(instance, end) {
var index = 0;
// We used to prefer gksudo over pkexec since it enabled a better prompt.
// However, gksudo cannot run multiple commands concurrently.
var paths = ['/usr/bin/kdesudo', '/usr/bin/pkexec'];
function test() {
if (index === paths.length) {
return end(new Error('Unable to find pkexec or kdesudo.'));
var path = paths[index++];
function(error) {
if (error) {
if (error.code === 'ENOTDIR') return test();
if (error.code === 'ENOENT') return test();
} else {
end(undefined, path);
function Mac(instance, callback) {
var temp = Node.os.tmpdir();
if (!temp) return callback(new Error('os.tmpdir() not defined.'));
var user = Node.process.env.USER; // Applet shell scripts require $USER.
if (!user) return callback(new Error('env[\'USER\'] not defined.'));
function(error, uuid) {
if (error) return callback(error);
instance.uuid = uuid;
instance.path = Node.path.join(
instance.uuid, + '.app'
function end(error, stdout, stderr) {
function(errorRemove) {
if (error) return callback(error);
if (errorRemove) return callback(errorRemove);
callback(undefined, stdout, stderr);
function(error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error) return end(error, stdout, stderr);
function(error) {
if (error) return end(error);
function(error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error) return end(error, stdout, stderr);
function(error) {
if (error) return end(error);
function(error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error) return end(error, stdout, stderr);
MacResult(instance, end);
function MacApplet(instance, end) {
var parent = Node.path.dirname(instance.path);
function(error) {
if (error) return end(error);
var zip = Node.path.join(parent, '');
Node.fs.writeFile(zip, APPLET, 'base64',
function(error) {
if (error) return end(error);
var command = [];
command.push('-o'); // Overwrite any existing applet.
command.push('"' + EscapeDoubleQuotes(zip) + '"');
command.push('-d "' + EscapeDoubleQuotes(instance.path) + '"');
command = command.join(' ');
Node.child.exec(command, { encoding: 'utf-8' }, end);
function MacCommand(instance, end) {
var path = Node.path.join(
var script = [];
// Preserve current working directory:
// We do this for commands that rely on relative paths.
// This runs in a subshell and will not change the cwd of sudo-prompt-script.
script.push('cd "' + EscapeDoubleQuotes(Node.process.cwd()) + '"');
// Export environment variables:
for (var key in instance.options.env) {
var value = instance.options.env[key];
script.push('export ' + key + '="' + EscapeDoubleQuotes(value) + '"');
script = script.join('\n');
Node.fs.writeFile(path, script, 'utf-8', end);
function MacIcon(instance, end) {
if (!instance.options.icns) return end();
function(error, buffer) {
if (error) return end(error);
var icns = Node.path.join(
Node.fs.writeFile(icns, buffer, end);
function MacOpen(instance, end) {
// We must run the binary directly so that the cwd will apply.
var binary = Node.path.join(instance.path, 'Contents', 'MacOS', 'applet');
// We must set the cwd so that the AppleScript can find the shell scripts.
var options = {
cwd: Node.path.dirname(binary),
encoding: 'utf-8'
// We use the relative path rather than the absolute path. The instance.path
// may contain spaces which the cwd can handle, but which exec() cannot.
Node.child.exec('./' + Node.path.basename(binary), options, end);
function MacPropertyList(instance, end) {
// Value must be in single quotes (not double quotes) according to man entry.
// e.g. defaults write com.companyname.appname "Default Color" '(255, 0, 0)'
// The defaults command will be changed in an upcoming major release to only
// operate on preferences domains. General plist manipulation utilities will
// be folded into a different command-line program.
var plist = Node.path.join(instance.path, 'Contents', 'Info.plist');
var path = EscapeDoubleQuotes(plist);
var key = EscapeDoubleQuotes('CFBundleName');
var value = + ' Password Prompt';
if (/'/.test(value)) {
return end(new Error('Value should not contain single quotes.'));
var command = [];
command.push('"' + path + '"');
command.push('"' + key + '"');
command.push("'" + value + "'"); // We must use single quotes for value.
command = command.join(' ');
Node.child.exec(command, { encoding: 'utf-8' }, end);
function MacResult(instance, end) {
var cwd = Node.path.join(instance.path, 'Contents', 'MacOS');
Node.fs.readFile(Node.path.join(cwd, 'code'), 'utf-8',
function(error, code) {
if (error) {
if (error.code === 'ENOENT') return end(new Error(PERMISSION_DENIED));
} else {
Node.fs.readFile(Node.path.join(cwd, 'stdout'), 'utf-8',
function(error, stdout) {
if (error) return end(error);
Node.fs.readFile(Node.path.join(cwd, 'stderr'), 'utf-8',
function(error, stderr) {
if (error) return end(error);
code = parseInt(code.trim(), 10); // Includes trailing newline.
if (code === 0) {
end(undefined, stdout, stderr);
} else {
error = new Error(
'Command failed: ' + instance.command + '\n' + stderr
error.code = code;
end(error, stdout, stderr);
function Remove(path, end) {
if (typeof path !== 'string' || !path.trim()) {
return end(new Error('Argument path not defined.'));
var command = [];
if (Node.process.platform === 'win32') {
if (/"/.test(path)) {
return end(new Error('Argument path cannot contain double-quotes.'));
command.push('rmdir /s /q "' + path + '"');
} else {
command.push('"' + EscapeDoubleQuotes(Node.path.normalize(path)) + '"');
command = command.join(' ');
Node.child.exec(command, { encoding: 'utf-8' }, end);
function UUID(instance, end) {
function(error, random) {
if (error) random = + '' + Math.random();
var hash = Node.crypto.createHash('SHA256');
var uuid = hash.digest('hex').slice(-32);
if (!uuid || typeof uuid !== 'string' || uuid.length !== 32) {
// This is critical to ensure we don't remove the wrong temp directory.
return end(new Error('Expected a valid UUID.'));
end(undefined, uuid);
function ValidName(string) {
// We use 70 characters as a limit to side-step any issues with Unicode
// normalization form causing a 255 character string to exceed the fs limit.
if (!/^[a-z0-9 ]+$/i.test(string)) return false;
if (string.trim().length === 0) return false;
if (string.length > 70) return false;
return true;
function Windows(instance, callback) {
var temp = Node.os.tmpdir();
if (!temp) return callback(new Error('os.tmpdir() not defined.'));
function(error, uuid) {
if (error) return callback(error);
instance.uuid = uuid;
instance.path = Node.path.join(temp, instance.uuid);
if (/"/.test(instance.path)) {
// We expect double quotes to be reserved on Windows.
// Even so, we test for this and abort if they are present.
return callback(
new Error('instance.path cannot contain double-quotes.')
instance.pathElevate = Node.path.join(instance.path, 'elevate.vbs');
instance.pathExecute = Node.path.join(instance.path, 'execute.bat');
instance.pathCommand = Node.path.join(instance.path, 'command.bat');
instance.pathStdout = Node.path.join(instance.path, 'stdout');
instance.pathStderr = Node.path.join(instance.path, 'stderr');
instance.pathStatus = Node.path.join(instance.path, 'status');
function(error) {
if (error) return callback(error);
function end(error, stdout, stderr) {
function(errorRemove) {
if (error) return callback(error);
if (errorRemove) return callback(errorRemove);
callback(undefined, stdout, stderr);
function(error) {
if (error) return end(error);
function(error) {
if (error) return end(error);
function(error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error) return end(error, stdout, stderr);
function(error) {
if (error) return end(error);
WindowsResult(instance, end);
function WindowsElevate(instance, end) {
// We used to use this for executing elevate.vbs:
// var command = 'cscript.exe //NoLogo "' + instance.pathElevate + '"';
var command = [];
// Escape characters for cmd using double quotes:
// Escape characters for PowerShell using single quotes:
// Escape single quotes for PowerShell using backtick:
// See:
command.push('"\'' + instance.pathExecute.replace(/'/g, "`'") + '\'"');
command.push('-WindowStyle hidden');
command.push('-Verb runAs');
command = command.join(' ');
var child = Node.child.exec(command, { encoding: 'utf-8' },
function(error, stdout, stderr) {
// We used to return PERMISSION_DENIED only for error messages containing
// the string 'canceled by the user'. However, Windows internationalizes
// error messages (issue 96) so now we must assume all errors here are
// permission errors. This seems reasonable, given that we already run the
// user's command in a subshell.
if (error) return end(new Error(PERMISSION_DENIED), stdout, stderr);
child.stdin.end(); // Otherwise PowerShell waits indefinitely on Windows 7.
function WindowsResult(instance, end) {
Node.fs.readFile(instance.pathStatus, 'utf-8',
function(error, code) {
if (error) return end(error);
Node.fs.readFile(instance.pathStdout, 'utf-8',
function(error, stdout) {
if (error) return end(error);
Node.fs.readFile(instance.pathStderr, 'utf-8',
function(error, stderr) {
if (error) return end(error);
code = parseInt(code.trim(), 10);
if (code === 0) {
end(undefined, stdout, stderr);
} else {
error = new Error(
'Command failed: ' + instance.command + '\r\n' + stderr
error.code = code;
end(error, stdout, stderr);
function WindowsWaitForStatus(instance, end) {
// VBScript cannot wait for the elevated process to finish so we have to poll.
// VBScript cannot return error code if user does not grant permission.
// PowerShell can be used to elevate and wait on Windows 10.
// PowerShell can be used to elevate on Windows 7 but it cannot wait.
// powershell.exe Start-Process cmd.exe -Verb runAs -Wait
function(error, stats) {
if ((error && error.code === 'ENOENT') || stats.size < 2) {
// Retry if file does not exist or is not finished writing.
// We expect a file size of 2. That should cover at least "0\r".
// We use a 1 second timeout to keep a light footprint for long-lived
// sudo-prompt processes.
function() {
// If administrator has no password and user clicks Yes, then
// PowerShell returns no error and execute (and command) never runs.
// We check that command output has been redirected to stdout file:
function(error) {
if (error) return end(new Error(PERMISSION_DENIED));
WindowsWaitForStatus(instance, end);
} else if (error) {
} else {
function WindowsWriteCommandScript(instance, end) {
var cwd = Node.process.cwd();
if (/"/.test(cwd)) {
// We expect double quotes to be reserved on Windows.
// Even so, we test for this and abort if they are present.
return end(new Error('process.cwd() cannot contain double-quotes.'));
var script = [];
script.push('@echo off');
// Set code page to UTF-8:
script.push('chcp 65001>nul');
// Preserve current working directory:
// We pass /d as an option in case the cwd is on another drive (issue 70).
script.push('cd /d "' + cwd + '"');
// Export environment variables:
for (var key in instance.options.env) {
// "The characters <, >, |, &, ^ are special command shell characters, and
// they must be preceded by the escape character (^) or enclosed in
// quotation marks. If you use quotation marks to enclose a string that
// contains one of the special characters, the quotation marks are set as
// part of the environment variable value."
// In other words, Windows assigns everything that follows the equals sign
// to the value of the variable, whereas Unix systems ignore double quotes.
var value = instance.options.env[key];
script.push('set ' + key + '=' + value.replace(/([<>\\|&^])/g, '^$1'));
script = script.join('\r\n');
Node.fs.writeFile(instance.pathCommand, script, 'utf-8', end);
function WindowsWriteElevateScript(instance, end) {
// We do not use VBScript to elevate since it does not return an error if
// the user does not grant permission. This is here for reference.
// var script = [];
// script.push('Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")');
// script.push(
// 'objShell.ShellExecute "' + instance.pathExecute + '", "", "", "runas", 0'
// );
// script = script.join('\r\n');
// Node.fs.writeFile(instance.pathElevate, script, 'utf-8', end);
function WindowsWriteExecuteScript(instance, end) {
var script = [];
script.push('@echo off');
'call "' + instance.pathCommand + '"' +
' > "' + instance.pathStdout + '" 2> "' + instance.pathStderr + '"'
script.push('(echo %ERRORLEVEL%) > "' + instance.pathStatus + '"');
script = script.join('\r\n');
Node.fs.writeFile(instance.pathExecute, script, 'utf-8', end);
module.exports.exec = Exec;
// We used to expect that would be included with this module.
// This could not be copied when sudo-prompt was packaged within an asar file.
// We now store as a zip file in base64 within index.js instead.
// To recreate: "zip -r ../ Contents" (with as CWD).
// The zip file must not include as the root directory so that we
// can extract it directly to the target app directory.
var APPLET = 'UEsDBAoAAAAAAO1YcEcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJABwAQ29udGVudHMvVVQJAAPNnElWLZEQV3V4CwABBPUBAAAEFAAAAFBLAwQUAAAACACgeXBHlHaGqKEBAAC+AwAAEwAcAENvbnRlbnRzL0luZm8ucGxpc3RVVAkAA1zWSVYtkRBXdXgLAAEE9QEAAAQUAAAAfZNRb5swFIWfl1/BeA9OpSmqJkqVBCJFop1VyKQ9Ta59S6wa27NNCfv1M0naJWTsEXO+c8+9vo7v97UI3sBYruRdeBPNwgAkVYzL6i7cluvpbXifTOLP6bdV+QNngRbcugBvl/lmFYRThBZaC0AoLdMA55uiDLwHQtljGIQ75/RXhNq2jUiviqiqe6FF2CgNxnW5N5t6IGKOhb7M0f0ijj9lnLpk8il+hS5ZrZeNZAIWQqj2ge+B5YoSwX8T5xEbo17ktc40gIZQCm8glK5BuieovP5Dbp3xHSeZrHyCXYxO3wM+2wNtHHkWMAQP/bkxbkOVXPMxKuK0Dz6CMh+Wv3AwQ9gPM7INU1NtVK3Ha8sXlfoB+m6J6b4fRzv0mkezMf6R1Fe5MbG2VYYF+L+lMaGvpIKy01cOC4zzMazYKeNOQYuDYkjfjMcteCWJa8w/Zi2ugubFA5e8buqisw7qU81ltzB0xx3QC5/TFh7J/e385/zL+7+/wWbR/LwIOl/dvHiCXw03YFfEPJ9dwsWu5sV2kwnod3QoeLeL0eGdJJM/UEsDBAoAAAAAAHSBjkgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPABwAQ29udGVudHMvTWFjT1MvVVQJAAMbpQ9XLZEQV3V4CwABBPUBAAAEFAAAAFBLAwQUAAAACABVHBdH7Dk4KTIIAADIYQAAFQAcAENvbnRlbnRzL01hY09TL2FwcGxldFVUCQADMiPZVVOlD1d1eAsAAQT1AQAABBQAAADtnG9sHEcVwGfti7M1/rONLNVtXHqpzsipis+pHOSWFOzEm25at3XrJI2ozbK+W/suuds79vaSuCKSpaOIxRy1+NSPRPAhlWj7AVRaQCWpTRz+CEo+RSKCCho4K67kVhUyAeV4b3fWt17fXZqKFgHvp8zO3/dmdmfPmtl5L7+8/uPXGWMNELZCaGRMgmjHIlxaBCibdcoGsewCljGCIAiCIAiCIAiCIP7r+M21d67zjb/zEaAdwr1bGHuWMQH2/2wAgqqODj0kf0F+8nGfoFRbJ8p9U0C5g/KRgwEZqZLGfrfwwJx+LP2kVWkelD9zJ2NfBr1nWt2xrhNisxWZ3Ex6MpNSc1Z+soqOO+5i7JMYt7vj9BC5jiZXBwirCT2V1c0qOgZAxwMYt9cbRyxnmUljusa9mKBjGON2tgG/PlXNGyeSRlxNGlOZKjpeBR0KxsFx+MB7VJy5GB46OOSrCLPKfEjrH3/gFry+4zOpuH8sm+VF5srW6ltVjZQ3HVnL3KRDDLsflMSADpyDyjuR0urp6AAdHRgHdOD9iOs6Ypl0OmPUupeecOW19OsQAmn3tzBy4LFH5OED3jz0MbYouM8D460BOdTXCaEF6tsgLkF8GeJPQBj16Rb4PTf5xl2NH4J8a5Vy1N3F3OcZzefMaCo5GeVTuJ2P4cUf/aH5qbbP73/utpfeevdbLzwfYfy+Q80woGan/1E+ljo/703g77IaOJY479t5rqFLDag9OjaTs/R0dCQ5aWrmTHS/qaX1ExnzWC66L2PqY7p5PBnTc71TXnn0sG7mkhkjFx3a0IL30e/rQxB+EXL68J4BBLe73r298DySk5tlGPtJY1BmOhZTc727PBH2Ke+ZhF35nTyP80oQBEEQBPFRcJTZVwpvrxZWpLmJkN0VKT4q2iORUGFBOPfnBuFX9nhELOG67f1D9pWxpw4XVrrmTklz+ZY5Wfwurm/t3ffi9cE+uM41vYbbj2fP5kNXt9sXiopwVRj6xhPlr160mttfuVi4Fs2vXv2rfc5u7UeZfxQ+y4pPh/JrpyUUBjmrofzmadGXKf0eui7KK/ZwJLQUiuRAe+mLUFQ+tFKUV3npd7AU9ytz8iqIiXYoUnoBsqdxDbXk3CXcRov9lYhoW5EQjBxb4NoSY9iQsvn5+QSuusrduAybL3eHIIIbLqyIS9CHlY3loB8rldVKuLfyOsE1+a6zhUVxYsFp3Amqz8tr7Lz8dza1JF8TmC3/syivYVtcfxcWOycWQDvuLcrdnc61y7mGnWsErgmsXDbK5TKkscnypJvGhsuH3TQ2X37YTaPQ8ucw7W6t1LR2TFfjekqb0SGTiedTOmz0klZSSyWf0U01pqVSufXGmThsjs20OpU3Yrjuxbnu4u+GP8b1LO6PcX2L4Q6+v8Q07u9aQFLy71Ckt54TIfjfNdzfDkMYhTAOIXHXh39vCYIgCIIgCIIgCIL4z3Nm+84/Ci1Nn8b0ryHsgbBX1rbgOXD7LZJzNtrC0/gFqYOn8csQ/GONguQchPXzcvy+9CBzvk84HxkO+tJH3bRz5Fb0pb/nS3/fl/6BL/2aL43faLzz3Wbmju8W5p6pttaoR9THjgyZ0zEeH2eqqmbNzLShpXVIpxOqflKP5S1dTehaXDeZqhvHk2bGYOo+LZXal0lnM4ZuWMPJXFazYgmmPp7VjWF9SsunrPVa1HpMn0lPm2r8hGZO3aea+nQyZ+mmmtNjFp5i4oG0lTChE+eDj2pm8lbSgDFoln4yCRp00zQyEDmZtBZLbGxnanHzgWh092d29e/uv+/f+DIQBEEQBEEQBEEQ/7P81rX/FxoZm/Xs/5UmtP8PO/W3M9fGvKoPAEfYXLQJ1HOpmk+AJx80OOb5m/URGG9z9c378rVs9F15tPXP1dS3wvVtC+Q9/H4DFX21fQcY9zvo9eXrj6++D0Af1zfqy9eyx3f16QnVMayufr+zXN+sL99YRx/O69er+RdIgXkNxJv9DfBTDIxLPa6Zudr6enz5euO6ke9Bj7TRzr0noK+JbczfyA9hgOvr9OX98t57XNFX3ydhlOsL+2T8+oK/ucrvNOCfEHbbXhAqeebLB/0V7oYp7+Pt8PsZWnl1+urRpAn7SUCcYBX/hkth95kd2cFYllX3bxB4+xCrzcCO6v4PbXzo1fwbEM/H4ds/f/nCgZH+8k+j0vNPv7Jlz7qPQ1PFx+FVPoZ76ozj42K87YP9/cT7xuf9UfpSeP0MsJvzp0A8/4g3w+78ef4R+F4QBEEQBPH/w1Gm2FeUwturytwpUSnmJfta4Q3h3J8aFeE9xf7d1ZBSOCcqhftZ/m+YKuG6wV4qaQzdGED0Z2jJ/zpa9ZcegjIF7fkVaIBrt11nJxYOOepXpPPyKjsvvytOLcnvCWxJfh87V+xTa0rx1Kpj0a8UFqWJhXL3fgHt9xXn+rCz7Bop3rkTEkNj5e7bIZ7HNRZb/ku5XE6g58HyZUzdj6mLjh1/Pbt7XMt5dvfvtLl1Fbv7BtbhrtyEPW6V038H1yE88yQTTkqC1LJVnIeaCNe7dr3sEPEe6lCb9LWGfa3efvNG8pe5fF8NeW8g3n7jCI+/xOOEVH19KvF9oudHH2n/YOtYgiAIgiAIgiAIgiA+fm69mx3aO8bYtkHn/xlwDq8nkwaavz9h9swzc+DWwRrm71A5CJVVjeChTtk26Fqwu0fxQjUL+9vqHVV/KC53OUd+bJxVfBkw7/gzCO5pr3dOK/g+WUQDeZlV/A2QRwJ5THjn1/xcd9BfhlT1KbgpVwLn+W2amGr2//8CUEsDBBQAAAAIAAVHj0ga7FYjfQEAAKoCAAAhABwAQ29udGVudHMvTWFjT1Mvc3Vkby1wcm9tcHQtc2NyaXB0VVQJAAOJkBBXipAQV3V4CwABBPUBAAAEFAAAAI1SO08cMRDu91cMHIKGxUB5xSGEUqTlFKWMvPYca+EXnjGXy6/PeNcg0qVay+PvObs5U5OLatI0DxvYIwNVm4BdQGIdMhxSkauJ8K1i7FOjvSdwB2A+/WJnXpEJdEGwjvTk0W6HhTW8WldgzKDedVF2Ug2tLn7svz3DDpTFdxWr93C/u7wbVKWyoDhVM/8XZAOPOXvcm+IyXxGcizeaU
var PERMISSION_DENIED = 'User did not grant permission.';
var NO_POLKIT_AGENT = 'No polkit authentication agent found.';
// See issue 66:
var MAX_BUFFER = 134217728;