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"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.isYargsInstance = exports.rebase = exports.Yargs = void 0;
const command_1 = require("./command");
const common_types_1 = require("./common-types");
const yerror_1 = require("./yerror");
const usage_1 = require("./usage");
const argsert_1 = require("./argsert");
const fs = require("fs");
const completion_1 = require("./completion");
const path = require("path");
const validation_1 = require("./validation");
const obj_filter_1 = require("./obj-filter");
const apply_extends_1 = require("./apply-extends");
const middleware_1 = require("./middleware");
const processArgv = require("./process-argv");
const is_promise_1 = require("./is-promise");
const Parser = require("yargs-parser");
const y18nFactory = require("y18n");
const setBlocking = require("set-blocking");
const findUp = require("find-up");
const requireMainFilename = require("require-main-filename");
function Yargs(processArgs = [], cwd = process.cwd(), parentRequire = require) {
const self = {};
let command;
let completion = null;
let groups = {};
const globalMiddleware = [];
let output = '';
const preservedGroups = {};
let usage;
let validation;
let handlerFinishCommand = null;
const y18n = y18nFactory({
directory: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../locales'),
updateFiles: false
self.middleware = middleware_1.globalMiddlewareFactory(globalMiddleware, self);
self.scriptName = function (scriptName) {
self.customScriptName = true;
self.$0 = scriptName;
return self;
// ignore the node bin, specify this in your
// bin file with #!/usr/bin/env node
let default$0;
if (/\b(node|iojs|electron)(\.exe)?$/.test(process.argv[0])) {
default$0 = process.argv.slice(1, 2);
else {
default$0 = process.argv.slice(0, 1);
self.$0 = default$0
.map(x => {
const b = rebase(cwd, x);
return x.match(/^(\/|([a-zA-Z]:)?\\)/) && b.length < x.length ? b : x;
.join(' ').trim();
if (process.env._ !== undefined && processArgv.getProcessArgvBin() === process.env._) {
self.$0 = process.env._.replace(`${path.dirname(process.execPath)}/`, '');
// use context object to keep track of resets, subcommand execution, etc
// submodules should modify and check the state of context as necessary
const context = { resets: -1, commands: [], fullCommands: [], files: [] };
self.getContext = () => context;
// puts yargs back into an initial state. any keys
// that have been set to "global" will not be reset
// by this action.
let options;
self.resetOptions = self.reset = function resetOptions(aliases = {}) {
options = options || {};
// put yargs back into an initial state, this
// logic is used to build a nested command
// hierarchy.
const tmpOptions = {};
tmpOptions.local = options.local ? options.local : [];
tmpOptions.configObjects = options.configObjects ? options.configObjects : [];
// if a key has been explicitly set as local,
// we should reset it before passing options to command.
const localLookup = {};
tmpOptions.local.forEach((l) => {
localLookup[l] = true;
(aliases[l] || []).forEach((a) => {
localLookup[a] = true;
// add all groups not set to local to preserved groups
Object.assign(preservedGroups, Object.keys(groups).reduce((acc, groupName) => {
const keys = groups[groupName].filter(key => !(key in localLookup));
if (keys.length > 0) {
acc[groupName] = keys;
return acc;
}, {}));
// groups can now be reset
groups = {};
const arrayOptions = [
'array', 'boolean', 'string', 'skipValidation',
'count', 'normalize', 'number',
const objectOptions = [
'narg', 'key', 'alias', 'default', 'defaultDescription',
'config', 'choices', 'demandedOptions', 'demandedCommands', 'coerce',
arrayOptions.forEach(k => {
tmpOptions[k] = (options[k] || []).filter(k => !localLookup[k]);
objectOptions.forEach((k) => {
tmpOptions[k] = obj_filter_1.objFilter(options[k], k => !localLookup[k]);
tmpOptions.envPrefix = options.envPrefix;
options = tmpOptions;
// if this is the first time being executed, create
// instances of all our helpers -- otherwise just reset.
usage = usage ? usage.reset(localLookup) : usage_1.usage(self, y18n);
validation = validation ? validation.reset(localLookup) : validation_1.validation(self, usage, y18n);
command = command ? command.reset() : command_1.command(self, usage, validation, globalMiddleware);
if (!completion)
completion = completion_1.completion(self, usage, command);
completionCommand = null;
output = '';
exitError = null;
hasOutput = false;
self.parsed = false;
return self;
// temporary hack: allow "freezing" of reset-able state for parse(msg, cb)
const frozens = [];
function freeze() {
configObjects: options.configObjects.slice(0),
parsed: self.parsed,
function unfreeze() {
const frozen = frozens.pop();
common_types_1.assertNotStrictEqual(frozen, undefined);
let configObjects;
parsed: self.parsed,
} = frozen);
options.configObjects = configObjects;
self.boolean = function (keys) {
argsert_1.argsert('<array|string>', [keys], arguments.length);
populateParserHintArray('boolean', keys);
return self;
self.array = function (keys) {
argsert_1.argsert('<array|string>', [keys], arguments.length);
populateParserHintArray('array', keys);
return self;
self.number = function (keys) {
argsert_1.argsert('<array|string>', [keys], arguments.length);
populateParserHintArray('number', keys);
return self;
self.normalize = function (keys) {
argsert_1.argsert('<array|string>', [keys], arguments.length);
populateParserHintArray('normalize', keys);
return self;
self.count = function (keys) {
argsert_1.argsert('<array|string>', [keys], arguments.length);
populateParserHintArray('count', keys);
return self;
self.string = function (keys) {
argsert_1.argsert('<array|string>', [keys], arguments.length);
populateParserHintArray('string', keys);
return self;
self.requiresArg = function (keys) {
// the 2nd paramter [number] in the argsert the assertion is mandatory
// as populateParserHintSingleValueDictionary recursively calls requiresArg
// with Nan as a 2nd parameter, although we ignore it
argsert_1.argsert('<array|string|object> [number]', [keys], arguments.length);
// If someone configures nargs at the same time as requiresArg,
// nargs should take precedent,
// see: https://github.com/yargs/yargs/pull/1572
// TODO: make this work with aliases, using a check similar to
// checkAllAliases() in yargs-parser.
if (typeof keys === 'string' && options.narg[keys]) {
return self;
else {
populateParserHintSingleValueDictionary(self.requiresArg, 'narg', keys, NaN);
return self;
self.skipValidation = function (keys) {
argsert_1.argsert('<array|string>', [keys], arguments.length);
populateParserHintArray('skipValidation', keys);
return self;
function populateParserHintArray(type, keys) {
keys = [].concat(keys);
keys.forEach((key) => {
key = sanitizeKey(key);
self.nargs = function (key, value) {
argsert_1.argsert('<string|object|array> [number]', [key, value], arguments.length);
populateParserHintSingleValueDictionary(self.nargs, 'narg', key, value);
return self;
self.choices = function (key, value) {
argsert_1.argsert('<object|string|array> [string|array]', [key, value], arguments.length);
populateParserHintArrayDictionary(self.choices, 'choices', key, value);
return self;
self.alias = function (key, value) {
argsert_1.argsert('<object|string|array> [string|array]', [key, value], arguments.length);
populateParserHintArrayDictionary(self.alias, 'alias', key, value);
return self;
// TODO: actually deprecate self.defaults.
self.default = self.defaults = function (key, value, defaultDescription) {
argsert_1.argsert('<object|string|array> [*] [string]', [key, value, defaultDescription], arguments.length);
if (defaultDescription) {
options.defaultDescription[key] = defaultDescription;
if (typeof value === 'function') {
if (!options.defaultDescription[key])
options.defaultDescription[key] = usage.functionDescription(value);
value = value.call();
populateParserHintSingleValueDictionary(self.default, 'default', key, value);
return self;
self.describe = function (key, desc) {
argsert_1.argsert('<object|string|array> [string]', [key, desc], arguments.length);
setKey(key, true);
usage.describe(key, desc);
return self;
function setKey(key, set) {
populateParserHintSingleValueDictionary(setKey, 'key', key, set);
return self;
function demandOption(keys, msg) {
argsert_1.argsert('<object|string|array> [string]', [keys, msg], arguments.length);
populateParserHintSingleValueDictionary(self.demandOption, 'demandedOptions', keys, msg);
return self;
self.demandOption = demandOption;
self.coerce = function (keys, value) {
argsert_1.argsert('<object|string|array> [function]', [keys, value], arguments.length);
populateParserHintSingleValueDictionary(self.coerce, 'coerce', keys, value);
return self;
function populateParserHintSingleValueDictionary(builder, type, key, value) {
populateParserHintDictionary(builder, type, key, value, (type, key, value) => {
options[type][key] = value;
function populateParserHintArrayDictionary(builder, type, key, value) {
populateParserHintDictionary(builder, type, key, value, (type, key, value) => {
options[type][key] = (options[type][key] || []).concat(value);
function populateParserHintDictionary(builder, type, key, value, singleKeyHandler) {
if (Array.isArray(key)) {
// an array of keys with one value ['x', 'y', 'z'], function parse () {}
key.forEach((k) => {
builder(k, value);
else if (((key) => typeof key === 'object')(key)) {
// an object of key value pairs: {'x': parse () {}, 'y': parse() {}}
for (const k of common_types_1.objectKeys(key)) {
builder(k, key[k]);
else {
singleKeyHandler(type, sanitizeKey(key), value);
function sanitizeKey(key) {
if (key === '__proto__')
return '___proto___';
return key;
function deleteFromParserHintObject(optionKey) {
// delete from all parsing hints:
// boolean, array, key, alias, etc.
common_types_1.objectKeys(options).forEach((hintKey) => {
// configObjects is not a parsing hint array
if (((key) => key === 'configObjects')(hintKey))
const hint = options[hintKey];
if (Array.isArray(hint)) {
if (~hint.indexOf(optionKey))
hint.splice(hint.indexOf(optionKey), 1);
else if (typeof hint === 'object') {
delete hint[optionKey];
// now delete the description from usage.js.
delete usage.getDescriptions()[optionKey];
self.config = function config(key = 'config', msg, parseFn) {
argsert_1.argsert('[object|string] [string|function] [function]', [key, msg, parseFn], arguments.length);
// allow a config object to be provided directly.
if ((typeof key === 'object') && !Array.isArray(key)) {
key = apply_extends_1.applyExtends(key, cwd, self.getParserConfiguration()['deep-merge-config']);
options.configObjects = (options.configObjects || []).concat(key);
return self;
// allow for a custom parsing function.
if (typeof msg === 'function') {
parseFn = msg;
msg = undefined;
self.describe(key, msg || usage.deferY18nLookup('Path to JSON config file'));
(Array.isArray(key) ? key : [key]).forEach((k) => {
options.config[k] = parseFn || true;
return self;
self.example = function (cmd, description) {
argsert_1.argsert('<string|array> [string]', [cmd, description], arguments.length);
if (Array.isArray(cmd)) {
cmd.forEach((exampleParams) => self.example(...exampleParams));
else {
usage.example(cmd, description);
return self;
self.command = function (cmd, description, builder, handler, middlewares, deprecated) {
argsert_1.argsert('<string|array|object> [string|boolean] [function|object] [function] [array] [boolean|string]', [cmd, description, builder, handler, middlewares, deprecated], arguments.length);
command.addHandler(cmd, description, builder, handler, middlewares, deprecated);
return self;
self.commandDir = function (dir, opts) {
argsert_1.argsert('<string> [object]', [dir, opts], arguments.length);
const req = parentRequire || require;
command.addDirectory(dir, self.getContext(), req, require('get-caller-file')(), opts);
return self;
// TODO: deprecate self.demand in favor of
// .demandCommand() .demandOption().
self.demand = self.required = self.require = function demand(keys, max, msg) {
// you can optionally provide a 'max' key,
// which will raise an exception if too many '_'
// options are provided.
if (Array.isArray(max)) {
max.forEach((key) => {
common_types_1.assertNotStrictEqual(msg, true);
demandOption(key, msg);
max = Infinity;
else if (typeof max !== 'number') {
msg = max;
max = Infinity;
if (typeof keys === 'number') {
common_types_1.assertNotStrictEqual(msg, true);
self.demandCommand(keys, max, msg, msg);
else if (Array.isArray(keys)) {
keys.forEach((key) => {
common_types_1.assertNotStrictEqual(msg, true);
demandOption(key, msg);
else {
if (typeof msg === 'string') {
demandOption(keys, msg);
else if (msg === true || typeof msg === 'undefined') {
return self;
self.demandCommand = function demandCommand(min = 1, max, minMsg, maxMsg) {
argsert_1.argsert('[number] [number|string] [string|null|undefined] [string|null|undefined]', [min, max, minMsg, maxMsg], arguments.length);
if (typeof max !== 'number') {
minMsg = max;
max = Infinity;
self.global('_', false);
options.demandedCommands._ = {
return self;
self.getDemandedOptions = () => {
argsert_1.argsert([], 0);
return options.demandedOptions;
self.getDemandedCommands = () => {
argsert_1.argsert([], 0);
return options.demandedCommands;
self.deprecateOption = function deprecateOption(option, message) {
argsert_1.argsert('<string> [string|boolean]', [option, message], arguments.length);
options.deprecatedOptions[option] = message;
return self;
self.getDeprecatedOptions = () => {
argsert_1.argsert([], 0);
return options.deprecatedOptions;
self.implies = function (key, value) {
argsert_1.argsert('<string|object> [number|string|array]', [key, value], arguments.length);
validation.implies(key, value);
return self;
self.conflicts = function (key1, key2) {
argsert_1.argsert('<string|object> [string|array]', [key1, key2], arguments.length);
validation.conflicts(key1, key2);
return self;
self.usage = function (msg, description, builder, handler) {
argsert_1.argsert('<string|null|undefined> [string|boolean] [function|object] [function]', [msg, description, builder, handler], arguments.length);
if (description !== undefined) {
common_types_1.assertNotStrictEqual(msg, null);
// .usage() can be used as an alias for defining
// a default command.
if ((msg || '').match(/^\$0( |$)/)) {
return self.command(msg, description, builder, handler);
else {
throw new yerror_1.YError('.usage() description must start with $0 if being used as alias for .command()');
else {
return self;
self.epilogue = self.epilog = function (msg) {
argsert_1.argsert('<string>', [msg], arguments.length);
return self;
self.fail = function (f) {
argsert_1.argsert('<function>', [f], arguments.length);
return self;
self.onFinishCommand = function (f) {
argsert_1.argsert('<function>', [f], arguments.length);
handlerFinishCommand = f;
return self;
self.getHandlerFinishCommand = () => handlerFinishCommand;
self.check = function (f, _global) {
argsert_1.argsert('<function> [boolean]', [f, _global], arguments.length);
validation.check(f, _global !== false);
return self;
self.global = function global(globals, global) {
argsert_1.argsert('<string|array> [boolean]', [globals, global], arguments.length);
globals = [].concat(globals);
if (global !== false) {
options.local = options.local.filter(l => globals.indexOf(l) === -1);
else {
globals.forEach((g) => {
if (options.local.indexOf(g) === -1)
return self;
self.pkgConf = function pkgConf(key, rootPath) {
argsert_1.argsert('<string> [string]', [key, rootPath], arguments.length);
let conf = null;
// prefer cwd to require-main-filename in this method
// since we're looking for e.g. "nyc" config in nyc consumer
// rather than "yargs" config in nyc (where nyc is the main filename)
const obj = pkgUp(rootPath || cwd);
// If an object exists in the key, add it to options.configObjects
if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
conf = apply_extends_1.applyExtends(obj[key], rootPath || cwd, self.getParserConfiguration()['deep-merge-config']);
options.configObjects = (options.configObjects || []).concat(conf);
return self;
const pkgs = {};
function pkgUp(rootPath) {
const npath = rootPath || '*';
if (pkgs[npath])
return pkgs[npath];
let obj = {};
try {
let startDir = rootPath || requireMainFilename(parentRequire);
// When called in an environment that lacks require.main.filename, such as a jest test runner,
// startDir is already process.cwd(), and should not be shortened.
// Whether or not it is _actually_ a directory (e.g., extensionless bin) is irrelevant, find-up handles it.
if (!rootPath && path.extname(startDir)) {
startDir = path.dirname(startDir);
const pkgJsonPath = findUp.sync('package.json', {
cwd: startDir
common_types_1.assertNotStrictEqual(pkgJsonPath, undefined);
obj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(pkgJsonPath).toString());
catch (noop) { }
pkgs[npath] = obj || {};
return pkgs[npath];
let parseFn = null;
let parseContext = null;
self.parse = function parse(args, shortCircuit, _parseFn) {
argsert_1.argsert('[string|array] [function|boolean|object] [function]', [args, shortCircuit, _parseFn], arguments.length);
if (typeof args === 'undefined') {
const argv = self._parseArgs(processArgs);
const tmpParsed = self.parsed;
// TODO: remove this compatibility hack when we release yargs@15.x:
self.parsed = tmpParsed;
return argv;
// a context object can optionally be provided, this allows
// additional information to be passed to a command handler.
if (typeof shortCircuit === 'object') {
parseContext = shortCircuit;
shortCircuit = _parseFn;
// by providing a function as a second argument to
// parse you can capture output that would otherwise
// default to printing to stdout/stderr.
if (typeof shortCircuit === 'function') {
parseFn = shortCircuit;
shortCircuit = false;
// completion short-circuits the parsing process,
// skipping validation, etc.
if (!shortCircuit)
processArgs = args;
if (parseFn)
exitProcess = false;
const parsed = self._parseArgs(args, !!shortCircuit);
if (parseFn)
parseFn(exitError, parsed, output);
return parsed;
self._getParseContext = () => parseContext || {};
self._hasParseCallback = () => !!parseFn;
self.option = self.options = function option(key, opt) {
argsert_1.argsert('<string|object> [object]', [key, opt], arguments.length);
if (typeof key === 'object') {
Object.keys(key).forEach((k) => {
self.options(k, key[k]);
else {
if (typeof opt !== 'object') {
opt = {};
options.key[key] = true; // track manually set keys.
if (opt.alias)
self.alias(key, opt.alias);
const deprecate = opt.deprecate || opt.deprecated;
if (deprecate) {
self.deprecateOption(key, deprecate);
const demand = opt.demand || opt.required || opt.require;
// A required option can be specified via "demand: true".
if (demand) {
self.demand(key, demand);
if (opt.demandOption) {
self.demandOption(key, typeof opt.demandOption === 'string' ? opt.demandOption : undefined);
if (opt.conflicts) {
self.conflicts(key, opt.conflicts);
if ('default' in opt) {
self.default(key, opt.default);
if (opt.implies !== undefined) {
self.implies(key, opt.implies);
if (opt.nargs !== undefined) {
self.nargs(key, opt.nargs);
if (opt.config) {
self.config(key, opt.configParser);
if (opt.normalize) {
if (opt.choices) {
self.choices(key, opt.choices);
if (opt.coerce) {
self.coerce(key, opt.coerce);
if (opt.group) {
self.group(key, opt.group);
if (opt.boolean || opt.type === 'boolean') {
if (opt.alias)
if (opt.array || opt.type === 'array') {
if (opt.alias)
if (opt.number || opt.type === 'number') {
if (opt.alias)
if (opt.string || opt.type === 'string') {
if (opt.alias)
if (opt.count || opt.type === 'count') {
if (typeof opt.global === 'boolean') {
self.global(key, opt.global);
if (opt.defaultDescription) {
options.defaultDescription[key] = opt.defaultDescription;
if (opt.skipValidation) {
const desc = opt.describe || opt.description || opt.desc;
self.describe(key, desc);
if (opt.hidden) {
if (opt.requiresArg) {
return self;
self.getOptions = () => options;
self.positional = function (key, opts) {
argsert_1.argsert('<string> <object>', [key, opts], arguments.length);
if (context.resets === 0) {
throw new yerror_1.YError(".positional() can only be called in a command's builder function");
// .positional() only supports a subset of the configuration
// options available to .option().
const supportedOpts = ['default', 'defaultDescription', 'implies', 'normalize',
'choices', 'conflicts', 'coerce', 'type', 'describe',
'desc', 'description', 'alias'];
opts = obj_filter_1.objFilter(opts, (k, v) => {
let accept = supportedOpts.indexOf(k) !== -1;
// type can be one of string|number|boolean.
if (k === 'type' && ['string', 'number', 'boolean'].indexOf(v) === -1)
accept = false;
return accept;
// copy over any settings that can be inferred from the command string.
const fullCommand = context.fullCommands[context.fullCommands.length - 1];
const parseOptions = fullCommand ? command.cmdToParseOptions(fullCommand) : {
array: [],
alias: {},
default: {},
demand: {}
common_types_1.objectKeys(parseOptions).forEach((pk) => {
const parseOption = parseOptions[pk];
if (Array.isArray(parseOption)) {
if (parseOption.indexOf(key) !== -1)
opts[pk] = true;
else {
if (parseOption[key] && !(pk in opts))
opts[pk] = parseOption[key];
self.group(key, usage.getPositionalGroupName());
return self.option(key, opts);
self.group = function group(opts, groupName) {
argsert_1.argsert('<string|array> <string>', [opts, groupName], arguments.length);
const existing = preservedGroups[groupName] || groups[groupName];
if (preservedGroups[groupName]) {
// we now only need to track this group name in groups.
delete preservedGroups[groupName];
const seen = {};
groups[groupName] = (existing || []).concat(opts).filter((key) => {
if (seen[key])
return false;
return (seen[key] = true);
return self;
// combine explicit and preserved groups. explicit groups should be first
self.getGroups = () => Object.assign({}, groups, preservedGroups);
// as long as options.envPrefix is not undefined,
// parser will apply env vars matching prefix to argv
self.env = function (prefix) {
argsert_1.argsert('[string|boolean]', [prefix], arguments.length);
if (prefix === false)
delete options.envPrefix;
options.envPrefix = prefix || '';
return self;
self.wrap = function (cols) {
argsert_1.argsert('<number|null|undefined>', [cols], arguments.length);
return self;
let strict = false;
self.strict = function (enabled) {
argsert_1.argsert('[boolean]', [enabled], arguments.length);
strict = enabled !== false;
return self;
self.getStrict = () => strict;
let strictCommands = false;
self.strictCommands = function (enabled) {
argsert_1.argsert('[boolean]', [enabled], arguments.length);
strictCommands = enabled !== false;
return self;
self.getStrictCommands = () => strictCommands;
let parserConfig = {};
self.parserConfiguration = function parserConfiguration(config) {
argsert_1.argsert('<object>', [config], arguments.length);
parserConfig = config;
return self;
self.getParserConfiguration = () => parserConfig;
self.showHelp = function (level) {
argsert_1.argsert('[string|function]', [level], arguments.length);
if (!self.parsed)
self._parseArgs(processArgs); // run parser, if it has not already been executed.
if (command.hasDefaultCommand()) {
context.resets++; // override the restriction on top-level positoinals.
return self;
let versionOpt = null;
self.version = function version(opt, msg, ver) {
const defaultVersionOpt = 'version';
argsert_1.argsert('[boolean|string] [string] [string]', [opt, msg, ver], arguments.length);
// nuke the key previously configured
// to return version #.
if (versionOpt) {
versionOpt = null;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
ver = guessVersion();
opt = defaultVersionOpt;
else if (arguments.length === 1) {
if (opt === false) { // disable default 'version' key.
return self;
ver = opt;
opt = defaultVersionOpt;
else if (arguments.length === 2) {
ver = msg;
msg = undefined;
versionOpt = typeof opt === 'string' ? opt : defaultVersionOpt;
msg = msg || usage.deferY18nLookup('Show version number');
usage.version(ver || undefined);
self.describe(versionOpt, msg);
return self;
function guessVersion() {
const obj = pkgUp();
return obj.version || 'unknown';
let helpOpt = null;
self.addHelpOpt = self.help = function addHelpOpt(opt, msg) {
const defaultHelpOpt = 'help';
argsert_1.argsert('[string|boolean] [string]', [opt, msg], arguments.length);
// nuke the key previously configured
// to return help.
if (helpOpt) {
helpOpt = null;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
if (opt === false)
return self;
// use arguments, fallback to defaults for opt and msg
helpOpt = typeof opt === 'string' ? opt : defaultHelpOpt;
self.describe(helpOpt, msg || usage.deferY18nLookup('Show help'));
return self;
const defaultShowHiddenOpt = 'show-hidden';
options.showHiddenOpt = defaultShowHiddenOpt;
self.addShowHiddenOpt = self.showHidden = function addShowHiddenOpt(opt, msg) {
argsert_1.argsert('[string|boolean] [string]', [opt, msg], arguments.length);
if (arguments.length === 1) {
if (opt === false)
return self;
const showHiddenOpt = typeof opt === 'string' ? opt : defaultShowHiddenOpt;
self.describe(showHiddenOpt, msg || usage.deferY18nLookup('Show hidden options'));
options.showHiddenOpt = showHiddenOpt;
return self;
self.hide = function hide(key) {
argsert_1.argsert('<string>', [key], arguments.length);
return self;
self.showHelpOnFail = function showHelpOnFail(enabled, message) {
argsert_1.argsert('[boolean|string] [string]', [enabled, message], arguments.length);
usage.showHelpOnFail(enabled, message);
return self;
var exitProcess = true;
self.exitProcess = function (enabled = true) {
argsert_1.argsert('[boolean]', [enabled], arguments.length);
exitProcess = enabled;
return self;
self.getExitProcess = () => exitProcess;
var completionCommand = null;
self.completion = function (cmd, desc, fn) {
argsert_1.argsert('[string] [string|boolean|function] [function]', [cmd, desc, fn], arguments.length);
// a function to execute when generating
// completions can be provided as the second
// or third argument to completion.
if (typeof desc === 'function') {
fn = desc;
desc = undefined;
// register the completion command.
completionCommand = cmd || completionCommand || 'completion';
if (!desc && desc !== false) {
desc = 'generate completion script';
self.command(completionCommand, desc);
// a function can be provided
if (fn)
return self;
self.showCompletionScript = function ($0, cmd) {
argsert_1.argsert('[string] [string]', [$0, cmd], arguments.length);
$0 = $0 || self.$0;
_logger.log(completion.generateCompletionScript($0, cmd || completionCommand || 'completion'));
return self;
self.getCompletion = function (args, done) {
argsert_1.argsert('<array> <function>', [args, done], arguments.length);
completion.getCompletion(args, done);
self.locale = function (locale) {
argsert_1.argsert('[string]', [locale], arguments.length);
if (!locale) {
return y18n.getLocale();
detectLocale = false;
return self;
self.updateStrings = self.updateLocale = function (obj) {
argsert_1.argsert('<object>', [obj], arguments.length);
detectLocale = false;
return self;
let detectLocale = true;
self.detectLocale = function (detect) {
argsert_1.argsert('<boolean>', [detect], arguments.length);
detectLocale = detect;
return self;
self.getDetectLocale = () => detectLocale;
var hasOutput = false;
var exitError = null;
// maybe exit, always capture
// context about why we wanted to exit.
self.exit = (code, err) => {
hasOutput = true;
exitError = err;
if (exitProcess)
// we use a custom logger that buffers output,
// so that we can print to non-CLIs, e.g., chat-bots.
const _logger = {
log(...args) {
if (!self._hasParseCallback())
hasOutput = true;
if (output.length)
output += '\n';
output += args.join(' ');
error(...args) {
if (!self._hasParseCallback())
hasOutput = true;
if (output.length)
output += '\n';
output += args.join(' ');
self._getLoggerInstance = () => _logger;
// has yargs output an error our help
// message in the current execution context.
self._hasOutput = () => hasOutput;
self._setHasOutput = () => {
hasOutput = true;
let recommendCommands;
self.recommendCommands = function (recommend = true) {
argsert_1.argsert('[boolean]', [recommend], arguments.length);
recommendCommands = recommend;
return self;
self.getUsageInstance = () => usage;
self.getValidationInstance = () => validation;
self.getCommandInstance = () => command;
self.terminalWidth = () => {
argsert_1.argsert([], 0);
return typeof process.stdout.columns !== 'undefined' ? process.stdout.columns : null;
Object.defineProperty(self, 'argv', {
get: () => self._parseArgs(processArgs),
enumerable: true
self._parseArgs = function parseArgs(args, shortCircuit, _calledFromCommand, commandIndex) {
let skipValidation = !!_calledFromCommand;
args = args || processArgs;
options.__ = y18n.__;
options.configuration = self.getParserConfiguration();
const populateDoubleDash = !!options.configuration['populate--'];
const config = Object.assign({}, options.configuration, {
'populate--': true
const parsed = Parser.detailed(args, Object.assign({}, options, {
configuration: config
let argv = parsed.argv;
if (parseContext)
argv = Object.assign({}, argv, parseContext);
const aliases = parsed.aliases;
argv.$0 = self.$0;
self.parsed = parsed;
try {
guessLocale(); // guess locale lazily, so that it can be turned off in chain.
// while building up the argv object, there
// are two passes through the parser. If completion
// is being performed short-circuit on the first pass.
if (shortCircuit) {
return (populateDoubleDash || _calledFromCommand) ? argv : self._copyDoubleDash(argv);
// if there's a handler associated with a
// command defer processing to it.
if (helpOpt) {
// consider any multi-char helpOpt alias as a valid help command
// unless all helpOpt aliases are single-char
// note that parsed.aliases is a normalized bidirectional map :)
const helpCmds = [helpOpt]
.concat(aliases[helpOpt] || [])
.filter(k => k.length > 1);
// check if help should trigger and strip it from _.
if (~helpCmds.indexOf(argv._[argv._.length - 1])) {
argv[helpOpt] = true;
const handlerKeys = command.getCommands();
const requestCompletions = completion.completionKey in argv;
const skipRecommendation = argv[helpOpt] || requestCompletions;
const skipDefaultCommand = skipRecommendation && (handlerKeys.length > 1 || handlerKeys[0] !== '$0');
if (argv._.length) {
if (handlerKeys.length) {
let firstUnknownCommand;
for (let i = (commandIndex || 0), cmd; argv._[i] !== undefined; i++) {
cmd = String(argv._[i]);
if (~handlerKeys.indexOf(cmd) && cmd !== completionCommand) {
// commands are executed using a recursive algorithm that executes
// the deepest command first; we keep track of the position in the
// argv._ array that is currently being executed.
const innerArgv = command.runCommand(cmd, self, parsed, i + 1);
return populateDoubleDash ? innerArgv : self._copyDoubleDash(innerArgv);
else if (!firstUnknownCommand && cmd !== completionCommand) {
firstUnknownCommand = cmd;
// run the default command, if defined
if (command.hasDefaultCommand() && !skipDefaultCommand) {
const innerArgv = command.runCommand(null, self, parsed);
return populateDoubleDash ? innerArgv : self._copyDoubleDash(innerArgv);
// recommend a command if recommendCommands() has
// been enabled, and no commands were found to execute
if (recommendCommands && firstUnknownCommand && !skipRecommendation) {
validation.recommendCommands(firstUnknownCommand, handlerKeys);
// generate a completion script for adding to ~/.bashrc.
if (completionCommand && ~argv._.indexOf(completionCommand) && !requestCompletions) {
if (exitProcess)
else if (command.hasDefaultCommand() && !skipDefaultCommand) {
const innerArgv = command.runCommand(null, self, parsed);
return populateDoubleDash ? innerArgv : self._copyDoubleDash(innerArgv);
// we must run completions first, a user might
// want to complete the --help or --version option.
if (requestCompletions) {
if (exitProcess)
// we allow for asynchronous completions,
// e.g., loading in a list of commands from an API.
args = [].concat(args);
const completionArgs = args.slice(args.indexOf(`--${completion.completionKey}`) + 1);
completion.getCompletion(completionArgs, (completions) => {
(completions || []).forEach((completion) => {
return (populateDoubleDash || _calledFromCommand) ? argv : self._copyDoubleDash(argv);
// Handle 'help' and 'version' options
// if we haven't already output help!
if (!hasOutput) {
Object.keys(argv).forEach((key) => {
if (key === helpOpt && argv[key]) {
if (exitProcess)
skipValidation = true;
else if (key === versionOpt && argv[key]) {
if (exitProcess)
skipValidation = true;
// Check if any of the options to skip validation were provided
if (!skipValidation && options.skipValidation.length > 0) {
skipValidation = Object.keys(argv).some(key => options.skipValidation.indexOf(key) >= 0 && argv[key] === true);
// If the help or version options where used and exitProcess is false,
// or if explicitly skipped, we won't run validations.
if (!skipValidation) {
if (parsed.error)
throw new yerror_1.YError(parsed.error.message);
// if we're executed via bash completion, don't
// bother with validation.
if (!requestCompletions) {
self._runValidation(argv, aliases, {}, parsed.error);
catch (err) {
if (err instanceof yerror_1.YError)
usage.fail(err.message, err);
throw err;
return (populateDoubleDash || _calledFromCommand) ? argv : self._copyDoubleDash(argv);
// to simplify the parsing of positionals in commands,
// we temporarily populate '--' rather than _, with arguments
// after the '--' directive. After the parse, we copy these back.
self._copyDoubleDash = function (argv) {
if (is_promise_1.isPromise(argv) || !argv._ || !argv['--'])
return argv;
argv._.push.apply(argv._, argv['--']);
// TODO(bcoe): refactor command parsing such that this delete is not
// necessary: https://github.com/yargs/yargs/issues/1482
try {
delete argv['--'];
catch (_err) { }
return argv;
self._runValidation = function runValidation(argv, aliases, positionalMap, parseErrors, isDefaultCommand = false) {
if (parseErrors)
throw new yerror_1.YError(parseErrors.message);
let failedStrictCommands = false;
if (strictCommands) {
failedStrictCommands = validation.unknownCommands(argv);
if (strict && !failedStrictCommands) {
validation.unknownArguments(argv, aliases, positionalMap, isDefaultCommand);
validation.customChecks(argv, aliases);
function guessLocale() {
if (!detectLocale)
const locale = process.env.LC_ALL || process.env.LC_MESSAGES || process.env.LANG || process.env.LANGUAGE || 'en_US';
self.locale(locale.replace(/[.:].*/, ''));
// an app should almost always have --version and --help,
// if you *really* want to disable this use .help(false)/.version(false).
return self;
exports.Yargs = Yargs;
// rebase an absolute path to a relative one with respect to a base directory
// exported for tests
function rebase(base, dir) {
return path.relative(base, dir);
exports.rebase = rebase;
function isYargsInstance(y) {
return !!y && (typeof y._parseArgs === 'function');
exports.isYargsInstance = isYargsInstance;