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2021-04-02 02:24:13 +03:00
"use strict";
var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
var result = {};
if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (, k)) result[k] = mod[k];
result["default"] = mod;
return result;
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const path = __importStar(require("path"));
const resolve_from_1 = __importDefault(require("resolve-from"));
const ios_plugins_1 = require("../plugins/ios-plugins");
const CREATE_MANIFEST_IOS_PATH = 'expo-updates/scripts/';
var Config;
(function (Config) {
Config["ENABLED"] = "EXUpdatesEnabled";
Config["CHECK_ON_LAUNCH"] = "EXUpdatesCheckOnLaunch";
Config["LAUNCH_WAIT_MS"] = "EXUpdatesLaunchWaitMs";
Config["RUNTIME_VERSION"] = "EXUpdatesRuntimeVersion";
Config["SDK_VERSION"] = "EXUpdatesSDKVersion";
Config["UPDATE_URL"] = "EXUpdatesURL";
Config["RELEASE_CHANNEL"] = "EXUpdatesReleaseChannel";
})(Config = exports.Config || (exports.Config = {}));
function getUpdateUrl(config, username) {
const user = typeof config.owner === 'string' ? config.owner : username;
if (!user) {
return null;
return `${user}/${config.slug}`;
exports.getUpdateUrl = getUpdateUrl;
function getRuntimeVersion(config) {
return typeof config.runtimeVersion === 'string' ? config.runtimeVersion : null;
exports.getRuntimeVersion = getRuntimeVersion;
function getSDKVersion(config) {
return typeof config.sdkVersion === 'string' ? config.sdkVersion : null;
exports.getSDKVersion = getSDKVersion;
function getUpdatesEnabled(config) {
var _a;
return ((_a = config.updates) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.enabled) !== false;
exports.getUpdatesEnabled = getUpdatesEnabled;
function getUpdatesTimeout(config) {
var _a, _b;
return (_b = (_a = config.updates) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.fallbackToCacheTimeout) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0;
exports.getUpdatesTimeout = getUpdatesTimeout;
function getUpdatesCheckOnLaunch(config) {
var _a, _b;
if (((_a = config.updates) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.checkAutomatically) === 'ON_ERROR_RECOVERY') {
return 'NEVER';
else if (((_b = config.updates) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.checkAutomatically) === 'ON_LOAD') {
return 'ALWAYS';
return 'ALWAYS';
exports.getUpdatesCheckOnLaunch = getUpdatesCheckOnLaunch;
exports.withUpdates = (config, { expoUsername }) => {
return ios_plugins_1.withExpoPlist(config, config => {
config.modResults = setUpdatesConfig(config, config.modResults, expoUsername);
return config;
function setUpdatesConfig(config, expoPlist, username) {
const newExpoPlist = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, expoPlist), { [Config.ENABLED]: getUpdatesEnabled(config), [Config.CHECK_ON_LAUNCH]: getUpdatesCheckOnLaunch(config), [Config.LAUNCH_WAIT_MS]: getUpdatesTimeout(config) });
const updateUrl = getUpdateUrl(config, username);
if (updateUrl) {
newExpoPlist[Config.UPDATE_URL] = updateUrl;
else {
delete newExpoPlist[Config.UPDATE_URL];
return setVersionsConfig(config, newExpoPlist);
exports.setUpdatesConfig = setUpdatesConfig;
function setVersionsConfig(config, expoPlist) {
const newExpoPlist = Object.assign({}, expoPlist);
const runtimeVersion = getRuntimeVersion(config);
const sdkVersion = getSDKVersion(config);
if (runtimeVersion) {
delete newExpoPlist[Config.SDK_VERSION];
newExpoPlist[Config.RUNTIME_VERSION] = runtimeVersion;
else if (sdkVersion) {
delete newExpoPlist[Config.RUNTIME_VERSION];
newExpoPlist[Config.SDK_VERSION] = sdkVersion;
else {
delete newExpoPlist[Config.SDK_VERSION];
delete newExpoPlist[Config.RUNTIME_VERSION];
return newExpoPlist;
exports.setVersionsConfig = setVersionsConfig;
function formatConfigurationScriptPath(projectRoot) {
const buildScriptPath = resolve_from_1.default.silent(projectRoot, CREATE_MANIFEST_IOS_PATH);
if (!buildScriptPath) {
throw new Error("Could not find the build script for iOS. This could happen in case of outdated 'node_modules'. Run 'npm install' to make sure that it's up-to-date.");
const relativePath = path.relative(path.join(projectRoot, 'ios'), buildScriptPath);
return process.platform === 'win32' ? relativePath.replace(/\\/g, '/') : relativePath;
function getBundleReactNativePhase(project) {
const shellScriptBuildPhase = project.hash.project.objects.PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
const bundleReactNative = Object.values(shellScriptBuildPhase).find(buildPhase => === '"Bundle React Native code and images"');
if (!bundleReactNative) {
throw new Error(`Couldn't find a build phase "Bundle React Native code and images"`);
return bundleReactNative;
exports.getBundleReactNativePhase = getBundleReactNativePhase;
function ensureBundleReactNativePhaseContainsConfigurationScript(projectRoot, project) {
const bundleReactNative = getBundleReactNativePhase(project);
const buildPhaseShellScriptPath = formatConfigurationScriptPath(projectRoot);
if (!isShellScriptBuildPhaseConfigured(projectRoot, project)) {
// check if there's already another path to
// this might be the case for monorepos
if (bundleReactNative.shellScript.includes(CREATE_MANIFEST_IOS_PATH)) {
bundleReactNative.shellScript = bundleReactNative.shellScript.replace(new RegExp(`(\\\\n)(\\.\\.)+/node_modules/${CREATE_MANIFEST_IOS_PATH}`), '');
bundleReactNative.shellScript = `${bundleReactNative.shellScript.replace(/"$/, '')}${buildPhaseShellScriptPath}\\n"`;
return project;
exports.ensureBundleReactNativePhaseContainsConfigurationScript = ensureBundleReactNativePhaseContainsConfigurationScript;
function isShellScriptBuildPhaseConfigured(projectRoot, project) {
const bundleReactNative = getBundleReactNativePhase(project);
const buildPhaseShellScriptPath = formatConfigurationScriptPath(projectRoot);
return bundleReactNative.shellScript.includes(buildPhaseShellScriptPath);
exports.isShellScriptBuildPhaseConfigured = isShellScriptBuildPhaseConfigured;
function isPlistConfigurationSet(expoPlist) {
return Boolean(expoPlist.EXUpdatesURL && (expoPlist.EXUpdatesSDKVersion || expoPlist.EXUpdatesRuntimeVersion));
exports.isPlistConfigurationSet = isPlistConfigurationSet;
function isPlistConfigurationSynced(config, expoPlist, username) {
return (getUpdateUrl(config, username) === expoPlist.EXUpdatesURL &&
getUpdatesEnabled(config) === expoPlist.EXUpdatesEnabled &&
getUpdatesTimeout(config) === expoPlist.EXUpdatesLaunchWaitMs &&
getUpdatesCheckOnLaunch(config) === expoPlist.EXUpdatesCheckOnLaunch &&
isPlistVersionConfigurationSynced(config, expoPlist));
exports.isPlistConfigurationSynced = isPlistConfigurationSynced;
function isPlistVersionConfigurationSynced(config, expoPlist) {
var _a, _b;
const expectedRuntimeVersion = getRuntimeVersion(config);
const expectedSdkVersion = getSDKVersion(config);
const currentRuntimeVersion = (_a = expoPlist.EXUpdatesRuntimeVersion) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
const currentSdkVersion = (_b = expoPlist.EXUpdatesSDKVersion) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null;
return (currentSdkVersion === expectedSdkVersion && currentRuntimeVersion === expectedRuntimeVersion);
exports.isPlistVersionConfigurationSynced = isPlistVersionConfigurationSynced;