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2021-04-02 02:24:13 +03:00
"use strict";
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* Get line indexes for the generated section of a file.
* @param src
const crypto_1 = __importDefault(require("crypto"));
function getGeneratedSectionIndexes(src, tag) {
const contents = src.split('\n');
const start = contents.findIndex(line => line.includes(`@generated begin ${tag}`));
const end = contents.findIndex(line => line.includes(`@generated end ${tag}`));
return { contents, start, end };
* Merge the contents of two files together and add a generated header.
* @param src contents of the original file
* @param newSrc new contents to merge into the original file
* @param identifier used to update and remove merges
* @param anchor regex to where the merge should begin
* @param offset line offset to start merging at (<1 for behind the anchor)
* @param comment comment style `//` or `#`
function mergeContents({ src, newSrc, tag, anchor, offset, comment, }) {
const header = createGeneratedHeaderComment(newSrc, tag, comment);
if (!src.includes(header)) {
// Ensure the old generated contents are removed.
const sanitizedTarget = removeGeneratedContents(src, tag);
return {
contents: addLines(sanitizedTarget !== null && sanitizedTarget !== void 0 ? sanitizedTarget : src, anchor, offset, [
`${comment} @generated end ${tag}`,
didMerge: true,
didClear: !!sanitizedTarget,
return { contents: src, didClear: false, didMerge: false };
exports.mergeContents = mergeContents;
function removeContents({ src, tag }) {
// Ensure the old generated contents are removed.
const sanitizedTarget = removeGeneratedContents(src, tag);
return {
contents: sanitizedTarget !== null && sanitizedTarget !== void 0 ? sanitizedTarget : src,
didMerge: false,
didClear: !!sanitizedTarget,
exports.removeContents = removeContents;
function addLines(content, find, offset, toAdd) {
const lines = content.split('\n');
let lineIndex = lines.findIndex(line => line.match(find));
if (lineIndex < 0) {
const error = new Error(`Failed to match "${find}" in contents:\n${content}`);
// @ts-ignore
error.code = 'ERR_NO_MATCH';
throw error;
for (const newLine of toAdd) {
lines.splice(lineIndex + offset, 0, newLine);
return lines.join('\n');
* Removes the generated section from a file, returns null when nothing can be removed.
* This sways heavily towards not removing lines unless it's certain that modifications were not made manually.
* @param src
function removeGeneratedContents(src, tag) {
const { contents, start, end } = getGeneratedSectionIndexes(src, tag);
if (start > -1 && end > -1 && start < end) {
contents.splice(start, end - start + 1);
// TODO: We could in theory check that the contents we're removing match the hash used in the header,
// this would ensure that we don't accidentally remove lines that someone added or removed from the generated section.
return contents.join('\n');
return null;
exports.removeGeneratedContents = removeGeneratedContents;
function createGeneratedHeaderComment(contents, tag, comment) {
const hashKey = createHash(contents);
// Everything after the `${tag} ` is unversioned and can be freely modified without breaking changes.
return `${comment} @generated begin ${tag} - expo prebuild (DO NOT MODIFY) ${hashKey}`;
exports.createGeneratedHeaderComment = createGeneratedHeaderComment;
function createHash(src) {
// this doesn't need to be secure, the shorter the better.
const hash = crypto_1.default.createHash('sha1').update(src).digest('hex');
return `sync-${hash}`;
exports.createHash = createHash;