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2021-04-02 02:24:13 +03:00
"use strict";
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const commander_1 = require("commander");
const android_1 = __importDefault(require("./android"));
const constants_1 = require("./constants");
const ios_1 = __importDefault(require("./ios"));
const validators_1 = require("./validators");
async function action(configuration) {
const { platform, android, ios } = configuration;
const rootDir = process.cwd();
switch (platform) {
case constants_1.Platform.ANDROID:
await android_1.default(rootDir, android);
case constants_1.Platform.IOS:
await ios_1.default(rootDir, ios);
case constants_1.Platform.ALL:
await android_1.default(rootDir, android);
await ios_1.default(rootDir, ios);
function configurationFromOptions({ platform, imageResizeMode, backgroundColor, imagePath, statusBarHidden, statusBarStyle, statusBarTranslucent, statusBarBackgroundColor, darkModeBackgroundColor, darkModeImagePath, darkModeStatusBarStyle, darkModeStatusBarBackgroundColor, }) {
let resolvedPlatform = constants_1.Platform.ALL;
try {
resolvedPlatform = (platform && validators_1.validateEnumValue(platform, constants_1.Platform)) || constants_1.Platform.ALL;
catch (e) {
throw new Error(`'platform': ${e.message}`);
if (!backgroundColor) {
throw new Error(`'backgroundColor': Required option is not provided. Provide a valid color string.`);
const resolvedStatusBarHidden = statusBarHidden === undefined ? undefined : Boolean(statusBarHidden);
const resolvedStatusBarTranslucent = statusBarTranslucent === undefined ? undefined : Boolean(statusBarTranslucent);
const genericConfig = {
image: imagePath,
const genericStatusBarConfig = {
hidden: resolvedStatusBarHidden,
style: statusBarStyle,
const genericDarkModeConfig = {
backgroundColor: darkModeBackgroundColor,
image: darkModeImagePath,
const result = {
platform: resolvedPlatform,
android: {
statusBar: {
translucent: resolvedStatusBarTranslucent,
backgroundColor: statusBarBackgroundColor,
darkMode: {
statusBar: {
style: darkModeStatusBarStyle,
backgroundColor: darkModeStatusBarBackgroundColor,
ios: {
statusBar: genericStatusBarConfig,
darkMode: genericDarkModeConfig,
return result;
function getAvailableOptions(o) {
return Object.values(o)
.map(v => `"${v}"`)
.join(' | ');
exports.default = () => new commander_1.Command()
.description('Idempotent operation that configures native splash screens using provided backgroundColor and optional .png file. Supports light and dark modes configuration. Dark mode is supported only on iOS 13+ and Android 10+.')
.option('-p, --platform <platform>', `Selected platform to configure. Available values: ${getAvailableOptions(constants_1.Platform)} (default: "${constants_1.Platform.ALL}").`)
.option('-b, --background-color <color>', `(required) Valid css-formatted color (hex (#RRGGBB[AA]), rgb[a], hsl[a], named color ( that would be used as the background color for native splash screen view.`)
.option('-i, --image-path <path>', 'Path to valid .png image that will be displayed on the splash screen.')
.option('-r, --image-resize-mode <resizeMode>', `Resize mode to be used for the splash screen image. Available only if 'image-path' is provided as well. Available values: ${getAvailableOptions(constants_1.SplashScreenImageResizeMode)} ("native" is only available for Android)) (default: "${constants_1.SplashScreenImageResizeMode.CONTAIN}").`)
.option('--dark-mode-background-color <color>', `Color (see 'background-color' supported formats) that would be used as the background color for the splash screen in dark mode. Providing this option enables other dark-mode related options.`)
.option('--dark-mode-image-path <path>', `Path to valid .png image that will be displayed on the splash screen in dark mode only. Available only if 'dark-mode-background-color' is provided as well.`)
.option('--status-bar-style <style>', `Customizes the color of the status bar icons. Available values: ${getAvailableOptions(constants_1.SplashScreenStatusBarStyle)} (default: "${constants_1.SplashScreenStatusBarStyle.DEFAULT}").`)
.option('--status-bar-hidden', `Hides the status bar.`)
.option('--status-bar-background-color <color>', `(only for Android platform) Customizes the background color of the status bar. Accepts a valid color (see 'background-color' supported formats).`)
.option('--status-bar-translucent', `(only for Android platform) Makes the status bar translucent (enables drawing under the status bar area).`)
.option('--dark-mode-status-bar-style <style>', `(only for Android platform) The same as 'status-bar-style', but applied only in dark mode. Available only if 'dark-mode-background-color' and 'status-bar-style' are provided as well.`)
.option('--dark-mode-status-bar-background-color <color>', `(only for Android platform) The same as 'status-bar-background-color', but applied only in the dark mode. Available only if 'dark-mode-background-color' and 'status-bar-style' are provided as well.`)
.action(async (options) => {
const configuration = configurationFromOptions(options);
await action(configuration);