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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* @format
'use strict';
function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }
function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
function _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; }
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; }
import * as React from 'react';
import { useCallback, useMemo, useState, useRef } from 'react';
import useMergeRefs from '../../modules/useMergeRefs';
import usePressEvents from '../../hooks/usePressEvents';
import StyleSheet from '../StyleSheet';
import View from '../View';
function createExtraStyles(activeOpacity, underlayColor) {
return {
child: {
opacity: activeOpacity !== null && activeOpacity !== void 0 ? activeOpacity : 0.85
underlay: {
backgroundColor: underlayColor === undefined ? 'black' : underlayColor
function hasPressHandler(props) {
return props.onPress != null || props.onPressIn != null || props.onPressOut != null || props.onLongPress != null;
* A wrapper for making views respond properly to touches.
* On press down, the opacity of the wrapped view is decreased, which allows
* the underlay color to show through, darkening or tinting the view.
* The underlay comes from wrapping the child in a new View, which can affect
* layout, and sometimes cause unwanted visual artifacts if not used correctly,
* for example if the backgroundColor of the wrapped view isn't explicitly set
* to an opaque color.
* TouchableHighlight must have one child (not zero or more than one).
* If you wish to have several child components, wrap them in a View.
function TouchableHighlight(props, forwardedRef) {
var accessible = props.accessible,
activeOpacity = props.activeOpacity,
children = props.children,
delayPressIn = props.delayPressIn,
delayPressOut = props.delayPressOut,
delayLongPress = props.delayLongPress,
disabled = props.disabled,
focusable = props.focusable,
onHideUnderlay = props.onHideUnderlay,
onLongPress = props.onLongPress,
onPress = props.onPress,
onPressIn = props.onPressIn,
onPressOut = props.onPressOut,
onShowUnderlay = props.onShowUnderlay,
rejectResponderTermination = props.rejectResponderTermination,
style = props.style,
testOnly_pressed = props.testOnly_pressed,
underlayColor = props.underlayColor,
rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(props, ["accessible", "activeOpacity", "children", "delayPressIn", "delayPressOut", "delayLongPress", "disabled", "focusable", "onHideUnderlay", "onLongPress", "onPress", "onPressIn", "onPressOut", "onShowUnderlay", "rejectResponderTermination", "style", "testOnly_pressed", "underlayColor"]);
var hostRef = useRef(null);
var setRef = useMergeRefs(forwardedRef, hostRef);
var _useState = useState(testOnly_pressed === true ? createExtraStyles(activeOpacity, underlayColor) : null),
extraStyles = _useState[0],
setExtraStyles = _useState[1];
var showUnderlay = useCallback(function () {
if (!hasPressHandler(props)) {
setExtraStyles(createExtraStyles(activeOpacity, underlayColor));
if (onShowUnderlay != null) {
}, [activeOpacity, onShowUnderlay, props, underlayColor]);
var hideUnderlay = useCallback(function () {
if (testOnly_pressed === true) {
if (hasPressHandler(props)) {
if (onHideUnderlay != null) {
}, [onHideUnderlay, props, testOnly_pressed]);
var pressConfig = useMemo(function () {
return {
cancelable: !rejectResponderTermination,
disabled: disabled,
delayLongPress: delayLongPress,
delayPressStart: delayPressIn,
delayPressEnd: delayPressOut,
onLongPress: onLongPress,
onPress: onPress,
onPressStart: function onPressStart(event) {
if (onPressIn != null) {
onPressEnd: function onPressEnd(event) {
if (onPressOut != null) {
}, [delayLongPress, delayPressIn, delayPressOut, disabled, onLongPress, onPress, onPressIn, onPressOut, rejectResponderTermination, showUnderlay, hideUnderlay]);
var pressEventHandlers = usePressEvents(hostRef, pressConfig);
var child = React.Children.only(children);
return React.createElement(View, _extends({}, rest, pressEventHandlers, {
accessibilityState: _objectSpread({
disabled: disabled
}, props.accessibilityState),
accessible: accessible !== false,
focusable: focusable !== false && onPress !== undefined,
ref: setRef,
style: [styles.root, style, !disabled && styles.actionable, extraStyles && extraStyles.underlay]
}), React.cloneElement(child, {
style: StyleSheet.compose(child.props.style, extraStyles && extraStyles.child)
var styles = StyleSheet.create({
root: {
userSelect: 'none'
actionable: {
cursor: 'pointer',
touchAction: 'manipulation'
var MemoedTouchableHighlight = React.memo(React.forwardRef(TouchableHighlight));
MemoedTouchableHighlight.displayName = 'TouchableHighlight';
export default MemoedTouchableHighlight;