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2021-04-02 02:24:13 +03:00
let warnedBefore = false;
const warn = () => {
if (warnedBefore) {
// We will only warn the user if the Badging API is not available at all
if ('ExperimentalBadge' in window || 'setExperimentalAppBadge' in navigator) {
console.warn('Badging API must be enabled. Please check here how you can enable it:');
warnedBefore = true;
const current = {
mediaQuery: null,
value: 0,
function isVersion1Available() {
return 'ExperimentalBadge' in window && !!window.ExperimentalBadge;
function isVersion2Available() {
return ('setExperimentalAppBadge' in navigator &&
!!navigator.setExperimentalAppBadge &&
'clearExperimentalAppBadge' in navigator &&
function isAvailable() {
if (!current.mediaQuery) {
current.mediaQuery = window.matchMedia('(display-mode: standalone)');
// Get notified once app is installed
current.mediaQuery.onchange = event => {
return (current.mediaQuery.matches &&
(isVersion1Available() || isVersion2Available()));
function set(value) {
current.value = value;
if (!isAvailable()) {
return false;
// Sets the badge to contents (an integer), or to "flag" if contents is omitted. If contents is 0, clears the badge for the matching app(s).
// See details here:
if (isVersion1Available()) {
return true;
else if (isVersion2Available()) {
return true;
return false;
function clear() {
if (!isAvailable()) {
if (isVersion1Available()) {
else if (isVersion2Available()) {
function deepMerge(target, source) {
// Iterate through `source` properties and if an `Object` set property to merge of `target` and `source` properties
for (const key of Object.keys(source)) {
if (source[key] instanceof Object)
Object.assign(source[key], deepMerge(target[key], source[key]));
// Join `target` and modified `source`
Object.assign(target || {}, source);
return target;
function isPositiveNumber(value) {
return (typeof value !== 'undefined' && Number.isInteger(value) && value >= 0);
const DefaultValue = 0;
const DefaultOptions = {
backgroundColor: '#424242',
color: '#ffffff',
indicator: '!',
radius: 3,
size: 7,
horizontalMargin: 0,
verticalMargin: 0,
horizontalPadding: 1,
verticalPadding: 1,
const isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > -1;
// Get all favicons of the page
const getFavicons = () => {
const links = document.head.getElementsByTagName('link');
const favicons = [];
for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
const link = links[i];
const href = link.getAttribute('href');
const rel = link.getAttribute('rel');
if (!href) {
if (!rel) {
if (rel.split(' ').indexOf('icon') === -1) {
return favicons;
// Get the favicon with the best quality of the document
const getBestFavicon = () => {
const favicons = getFavicons();
let bestFavicon = null;
let bestSize = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < favicons.length; i++) {
const favicon = favicons[i];
const href = favicon.getAttribute('href');
const sizes = favicon.getAttribute('sizes');
// If the href looks like it's an SVG, it's the best we can get
if (href === null || href === void 0 ? void 0 : href.endsWith('.svg')) {
return favicon;
// If the link does not have a "sizes" attribute, we use it only if we haven't found anything else yet
if (!sizes) {
if (!bestFavicon) {
bestFavicon = favicon;
bestSize = 0;
// If we find an icon with sizes "any", it's the best we can get
if (sizes === 'any') {
return favicon;
// Otherwise we will try to find the maximum size
const size = parseInt(sizes.split('x')[0], 10);
if (Number.isNaN(size)) {
if (!bestFavicon) {
bestFavicon = favicon;
bestSize = 0;
if (size > bestSize) {
bestFavicon = favicon;
bestSize = size;
return bestFavicon;
// References to the favicons that we need to track in order to reset and update the counters
const current$1 = {
favicons: null,
bestFavicon: null,
bestFaviconImage: null,
value: DefaultValue,
options: DefaultOptions,
// Get size depending on screen density
const devicePixelRatioListener = window.matchMedia('screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx)');
const getRatio = () => {
return Math.ceil(window.devicePixelRatio) || 1;
const handleRatioChange = () => {
set$1(current$1.value, current$1.options);
const getIconSize = () => {
return 16 * getRatio();
// Update favicon
const setFavicon = (url) => {
if (!url) {
// Remove previous favicons
for (const favicon of getFavicons()) {
if (favicon.parentNode) {
// Create new favicon
const newFavicon = document.createElement('link'); = 'badgin';
newFavicon.type = 'image/x-icon';
newFavicon.rel = 'icon favicon';
newFavicon.href = url;
// Draw the favicon
const drawFavicon = (image, value, options) => {
const iconSize = getIconSize();
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = iconSize;
canvas.height = iconSize;
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
if (!context) {
// Draw new image
image.width = iconSize;
image.height = iconSize;
context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, image.width, image.height);
// Draw bubble on the top
drawBubble(context, value, options);
// Refresh tag in page
// Draws the bubble on the canvas
const drawBubble = (context, value, options) => {
const ratio = getRatio();
const iconSize = getIconSize();
// Do we need to render the bubble at all?
let finalValue = '';
if (isPositiveNumber(value)) {
if (value === 0) {
finalValue = '';
else if (value < 100) {
finalValue = String(value);
else {
finalValue = '99+';
else {
finalValue = options.indicator;
// Return early
if (!finalValue) {
// Calculate text width initially
const textHeight = options.size - 2;
const font = `${options.size * ratio}px Arial`;
context.font = font;
const { width: textWidth } = context.measureText(finalValue);
// Calculate position etc.
const width = textWidth + 2 * options.horizontalPadding;
const height = textHeight * ratio + 2 * options.verticalPadding;
const top = iconSize - height - options.verticalMargin;
const left = iconSize - width - options.horizontalMargin;
const bottom = 16 * ratio - options.verticalMargin;
const right = 16 * ratio - options.horizontalMargin;
const radius = options.radius;
// Bubble
context.globalAlpha = 1;
context.fillStyle = options.backgroundColor;
context.strokeStyle = options.backgroundColor;
context.lineWidth = 0;
context.moveTo(left + radius, top);
context.quadraticCurveTo(left, top, left, top + radius);
context.lineTo(left, bottom - radius);
context.quadraticCurveTo(left, bottom, left + radius, bottom);
context.lineTo(right - radius, bottom);
context.quadraticCurveTo(right, bottom, right, bottom - radius);
context.lineTo(right, top + radius);
context.quadraticCurveTo(right, top, right - radius, top);
// Value
context.font = font;
context.fillStyle = options.color;
context.textAlign = 'center';
context.textBaseline = 'hanging';
context.fillText(finalValue, left + width / 2, top + options.verticalPadding + (isFirefox ? 1 : 0));;
// Helper line
context.strokeStyle = '#ff0000'
context.moveTo(0, top + height / 2)
context.lineTo(iconSize, top + height / 2)
function isAvailable$1() {
return !!getBestFavicon();
function set$1(value, options) {
// Remember options
current$1.value = value;
deepMerge(current$1.options, options || {});
if (!isAvailable$1()) {
return false;
// Remember favicons
if (!current$1.bestFavicon) {
const bestFavicon = getBestFavicon();
if (bestFavicon) {
const bestFaviconImage = document.createElement('img');
// Allow cross origin resource requests if the image is not a data:uri
if (!bestFavicon.href.match(/^data/)) {
bestFaviconImage.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
// Load image
bestFaviconImage.src = bestFavicon.href;
// Store for next time
current$1.bestFavicon = bestFavicon;
current$1.bestFaviconImage = bestFaviconImage;
// Once the device pixel ratio changes we set the value again
devicePixelRatioListener.addEventListener('change', handleRatioChange);
if (!current$1.favicons) {
current$1.favicons = getFavicons();
// The image is required for setting the badge
if (!current$1.bestFaviconImage) {
return false;
// If we have the image, we can draw immediately
if (current$1.bestFaviconImage.complete) {
drawFavicon(current$1.bestFaviconImage, current$1.value, current$1.options);
return true;
// Otherwise we will wait for the load event
current$1.bestFaviconImage.addEventListener('load', function () {
drawFavicon(this, current$1.value, current$1.options);
return true;
function clear$1() {
if (!isAvailable$1()) {
// Reset value and options
current$1.value = DefaultValue;
current$1.options = DefaultOptions;
// Remove old listener
devicePixelRatioListener.removeEventListener('change', handleRatioChange);
if (current$1.favicons) {
// Remove current favicons
for (const favicon of getFavicons()) {
if (favicon.parentNode) {
// Recreate old favicons
for (const favicon of current$1.favicons) {
current$1.favicons = null;
current$1.bestFavicon = null;
current$1.bestFaviconImage = null;
const defaultOptions = {
indicator: '!',
const current$2 = {
title: null,
value: 0,
options: defaultOptions,
function changeTitle(title, value, options) {
let newTitle = title;
if (isPositiveNumber(value)) {
if (value === 0) {
newTitle = title;
else {
newTitle = `(${value}) ${title}`;
else {
newTitle = `(${options.indicator}) ${title}`;
const element = document.querySelector('title');
if (element) {
element.childNodes[0].nodeValue = newTitle;
function set$2(value, options) {
if (current$2.title === null) {
current$2.title = document.title;
// Watch changes of title
Object.defineProperty(document, 'title', {
get: () => {
return current$2.title;
set: title => {
current$2.title = title;
changeTitle(current$2.title, current$2.value, current$2.options);
// Remember value and options
current$2.value = value;
deepMerge(current$2.options, options || {});
// Trigger change
document.title = document.title;
return true;
function clear$2() {
current$2.value = 0;
// Trigger change
document.title = document.title;
* Sets badge
function set$3(value, options = {}) {
switch (options.method) {
case undefined:
case 'Badging': {
if (set(value)) {
// Break only if method is explicitly requested
if (options.method === 'Badging') {
case 'Favicon': {
if (set$1(value, options.favicon)) {
default: {
set$2(value, options.title);
* Clears badge
function clear$3() {
export { clear$3 as clear, set$3 as set };