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2021-04-02 02:24:13 +03:00
# logkitty
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Display __pretty__ Android and iOS logs __without Android Studio or Console.app__, with __intuitive__ Command Line Interface.
## Installation
yarn global add logkitty
Or if you prefer having it locally:
yarn add -D logkitty
yarn logkitty --help
## Usage
logkitty <platform> <command> [options]
### Command line help
You can inspect available platforms, command and options for a given platform by adding `-h` at the end, for example:
logkitty -h # prints available platforms and global options
logkitty android -h # prints commands and options for android
logkitty android tag -h # prints tag command syntax and options for android
### Commands
* platform: `android`:
* `tag <tags...>` - Show logs with matching tags.
* `app <appId>` - Show logs from application with given identifier.
* `match <regexes...>` - Show logs matching given patterns (all regexes have flags `g` and `m`).
* `custom <patterns...>` - Use custom [patters supported by Logcat](
* `all` - Show all logs.
* platform: `ios`:
* `tag <tags...>` - Show logs with matching tags (where tag is usually a name of the app).
* `match <regexes...>` - Show logs matching given patterns (all regexes have flags `g` and `m`).
* `all` - Show all logs.
### Options
* common:
* `-h, --help` - Display help
* `-v, --version` - Display version
* platform `android`:
`tag`, `app`, `match` and `all` commands support additional priority filtering options (sorted by priority):
* `-U, -u` - Unknown priority (lowest)
* `-v, -v` - Verbose priority
* `-D, -d` - Debug priority (default)
* `-I, -i` - Info priority
* `-W, -w` - Warn priority
* `-E, -e` - Error priority
* `-F, -f` - Fatal priority
* `-S, -s` - Silent priority (highest)
For example `logkitty android all -W` will display all logs with priority __warn__, __error__ and __fatal__.
* platform `ios`:
`tag`, `match` and `all` commands support additional level filtering options:
* `-D, -d` - Debug level
* `-I, -i` - Info level
* `-E, -e` - Error level
### Examples
Show all logs with tag `ReactNativeJS` (and default priority - __debug and above__):
logkitty android tag ReactNativeJS
logkitty ios tag ReactNativeJS
Show all logs with priority __info and above__ from application with identifier `com.example.myApplication`:
logkitty android app com.example.myApplication -i
Show all logs matching `/CodePush/gm` regex:
logkitty android match CodePush
logkitty ios match CodePush
Show all logs with priority __error__ or __fatal__ for Android and __error_ level for iOS:
logkitty android all -e
logkitty ios all -e
Show logs using custom patterns - silence all logs and display only the onces with tag `my-tag` and priority __debug and above__:
logkitty android custom *:S my-tag:D
### Node API
If your building a tool and want to use Node API, head over to [Node API documentation](./docs/
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