413 lines
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413 lines
13 KiB
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* Copyright (c) Nicolas Gallagher.
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import { forwardRef, useCallback, useMemo, useRef } from 'react';
import createElement from '../createElement';
import css from '../StyleSheet/css';
import pick from '../../modules/pick';
import useElementLayout from '../../hooks/useElementLayout';
import useLayoutEffect from '../../hooks/useLayoutEffect';
import useMergeRefs from '../../modules/useMergeRefs';
import usePlatformMethods from '../../hooks/usePlatformMethods';
import useResponderEvents from '../../hooks/useResponderEvents';
import StyleSheet from '../StyleSheet';
import TextInputState from '../../modules/TextInputState';
* Determines whether a 'selection' prop differs from a node's existing
* selection state.
var isSelectionStale = function isSelectionStale(node, selection) {
var selectionEnd = node.selectionEnd,
selectionStart = node.selectionStart;
var start = selection.start,
end = selection.end;
return start !== selectionStart || end !== selectionEnd;
* Certain input types do no support 'selectSelectionRange' and will throw an
* error.
var setSelection = function setSelection(node, selection) {
if (isSelectionStale(node, selection)) {
var start = selection.start,
end = selection.end;
try {
node.setSelectionRange(start, end || start);
} catch (e) {}
var forwardPropsList = {
accessibilityLabel: true,
accessibilityLiveRegion: true,
accessibilityRole: true,
accessibilityState: true,
accessibilityValue: true,
accessible: true,
autoCapitalize: true,
autoComplete: true,
autoCorrect: true,
autoFocus: true,
children: true,
classList: true,
defaultValue: true,
dir: true,
disabled: true,
importantForAccessibility: true,
maxLength: true,
nativeID: true,
onBlur: true,
onChange: true,
onClick: true,
onClickCapture: true,
onContextMenu: true,
onFocus: true,
onScroll: true,
onTouchCancel: true,
onTouchCancelCapture: true,
onTouchEnd: true,
onTouchEndCapture: true,
onTouchMove: true,
onTouchMoveCapture: true,
onTouchStart: true,
onTouchStartCapture: true,
placeholder: true,
pointerEvents: true,
readOnly: true,
ref: true,
rows: true,
spellCheck: true,
style: true,
value: true,
testID: true,
type: true,
// unstable
dataSet: true,
onMouseDown: true,
onMouseEnter: true,
onMouseLeave: true,
onMouseMove: true,
onMouseOver: true,
onMouseOut: true,
onMouseUp: true
var pickProps = function pickProps(props) {
return pick(props, forwardPropsList);
}; // If an Input Method Editor is processing key input, the 'keyCode' is 229.
// https://www.w3.org/TR/uievents/#determine-keydown-keyup-keyCode
function isEventComposing(nativeEvent) {
return nativeEvent.isComposing || nativeEvent.keyCode === 229;
var TextInput = forwardRef(function (props, forwardedRef) {
var _props$autoCapitalize = props.autoCapitalize,
autoCapitalize = _props$autoCapitalize === void 0 ? 'sentences' : _props$autoCapitalize,
autoComplete = props.autoComplete,
autoCompleteType = props.autoCompleteType,
_props$autoCorrect = props.autoCorrect,
autoCorrect = _props$autoCorrect === void 0 ? true : _props$autoCorrect,
blurOnSubmit = props.blurOnSubmit,
clearTextOnFocus = props.clearTextOnFocus,
dir = props.dir,
_props$editable = props.editable,
editable = _props$editable === void 0 ? true : _props$editable,
_props$keyboardType = props.keyboardType,
keyboardType = _props$keyboardType === void 0 ? 'default' : _props$keyboardType,
_props$multiline = props.multiline,
multiline = _props$multiline === void 0 ? false : _props$multiline,
_props$numberOfLines = props.numberOfLines,
numberOfLines = _props$numberOfLines === void 0 ? 1 : _props$numberOfLines,
onBlur = props.onBlur,
onChange = props.onChange,
onChangeText = props.onChangeText,
onContentSizeChange = props.onContentSizeChange,
onFocus = props.onFocus,
onKeyPress = props.onKeyPress,
onLayout = props.onLayout,
onMoveShouldSetResponder = props.onMoveShouldSetResponder,
onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture = props.onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture,
onResponderEnd = props.onResponderEnd,
onResponderGrant = props.onResponderGrant,
onResponderMove = props.onResponderMove,
onResponderReject = props.onResponderReject,
onResponderRelease = props.onResponderRelease,
onResponderStart = props.onResponderStart,
onResponderTerminate = props.onResponderTerminate,
onResponderTerminationRequest = props.onResponderTerminationRequest,
onScrollShouldSetResponder = props.onScrollShouldSetResponder,
onScrollShouldSetResponderCapture = props.onScrollShouldSetResponderCapture,
onSelectionChange = props.onSelectionChange,
onSelectionChangeShouldSetResponder = props.onSelectionChangeShouldSetResponder,
onSelectionChangeShouldSetResponderCapture = props.onSelectionChangeShouldSetResponderCapture,
onStartShouldSetResponder = props.onStartShouldSetResponder,
onStartShouldSetResponderCapture = props.onStartShouldSetResponderCapture,
onSubmitEditing = props.onSubmitEditing,
placeholderTextColor = props.placeholderTextColor,
returnKeyType = props.returnKeyType,
_props$secureTextEntr = props.secureTextEntry,
secureTextEntry = _props$secureTextEntr === void 0 ? false : _props$secureTextEntr,
selection = props.selection,
selectTextOnFocus = props.selectTextOnFocus,
spellCheck = props.spellCheck;
var type;
var inputMode;
switch (keyboardType) {
case 'email-address':
type = 'email';
case 'number-pad':
case 'numeric':
inputMode = 'numeric';
case 'decimal-pad':
inputMode = 'decimal';
case 'phone-pad':
type = 'tel';
case 'search':
case 'web-search':
type = 'search';
case 'url':
type = 'url';
type = 'text';
if (secureTextEntry) {
type = 'password';
var dimensions = useRef({
height: null,
width: null
var hostRef = useRef(null);
var handleContentSizeChange = useCallback(function () {
var node = hostRef.current;
if (multiline && onContentSizeChange && node != null) {
var newHeight = node.scrollHeight;
var newWidth = node.scrollWidth;
if (newHeight !== dimensions.current.height || newWidth !== dimensions.current.width) {
dimensions.current.height = newHeight;
dimensions.current.width = newWidth;
nativeEvent: {
contentSize: {
height: dimensions.current.height,
width: dimensions.current.width
}, [hostRef, multiline, onContentSizeChange]);
var imperativeRef = useMemo(function () {
return function (hostNode) {
// TextInput needs to add more methods to the hostNode in addition to those
// added by `usePlatformMethods`. This is temporarily until an API like
// `TextInput.clear(hostRef)` is added to React Native.
if (hostNode != null) {
hostNode.clear = function () {
if (hostNode != null) {
hostNode.value = '';
hostNode.isFocused = function () {
return hostNode != null && TextInputState.currentlyFocusedField() === hostNode;
}, [handleContentSizeChange]);
function handleBlur(e) {
TextInputState._currentlyFocusedNode = null;
if (onBlur) {
e.nativeEvent.text = e.target.value;
function handleChange(e) {
var text = e.target.value;
e.nativeEvent.text = text;
if (onChange) {
if (onChangeText) {
function handleFocus(e) {
var node = hostRef.current;
if (node != null) {
TextInputState._currentlyFocusedNode = node;
if (onFocus) {
e.nativeEvent.text = e.target.value;
if (clearTextOnFocus) {
node.value = '';
if (selectTextOnFocus) {
function handleKeyDown(e) {
// Prevent key events bubbling (see #612)
var blurOnSubmitDefault = !multiline;
var shouldBlurOnSubmit = blurOnSubmit == null ? blurOnSubmitDefault : blurOnSubmit;
var nativeEvent = e.nativeEvent;
var isComposing = isEventComposing(nativeEvent);
if (onKeyPress) {
if (e.key === 'Enter' && !e.shiftKey && // Do not call submit if composition is occuring.
!isComposing && !e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
if ((blurOnSubmit || !multiline) && onSubmitEditing) {
// prevent "Enter" from inserting a newline or submitting a form
nativeEvent.text = e.target.value;
if (shouldBlurOnSubmit && hostRef.current != null) {
function handleSelectionChange(e) {
if (onSelectionChange) {
try {
var node = e.target;
var selectionStart = node.selectionStart,
selectionEnd = node.selectionEnd;
e.nativeEvent.selection = {
start: selectionStart,
end: selectionEnd
e.nativeEvent.text = e.target.value;
} catch (e) {}
useLayoutEffect(function () {
var node = hostRef.current;
if (node != null && selection != null) {
setSelection(node, selection);
if (document.activeElement === node) {
TextInputState._currentlyFocusedNode = node;
}, [hostRef, selection]);
var component = multiline ? 'textarea' : 'input';
var classList = [classes.textinput];
var style = StyleSheet.compose(props.style, placeholderTextColor && {
placeholderTextColor: placeholderTextColor
useElementLayout(hostRef, onLayout);
useResponderEvents(hostRef, {
onMoveShouldSetResponder: onMoveShouldSetResponder,
onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture: onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture,
onResponderEnd: onResponderEnd,
onResponderGrant: onResponderGrant,
onResponderMove: onResponderMove,
onResponderReject: onResponderReject,
onResponderRelease: onResponderRelease,
onResponderStart: onResponderStart,
onResponderTerminate: onResponderTerminate,
onResponderTerminationRequest: onResponderTerminationRequest,
onScrollShouldSetResponder: onScrollShouldSetResponder,
onScrollShouldSetResponderCapture: onScrollShouldSetResponderCapture,
onSelectionChangeShouldSetResponder: onSelectionChangeShouldSetResponder,
onSelectionChangeShouldSetResponderCapture: onSelectionChangeShouldSetResponderCapture,
onStartShouldSetResponder: onStartShouldSetResponder,
onStartShouldSetResponderCapture: onStartShouldSetResponderCapture
var supportedProps = pickProps(props);
supportedProps.autoCapitalize = autoCapitalize;
supportedProps.autoComplete = autoComplete || autoCompleteType || 'on';
supportedProps.autoCorrect = autoCorrect ? 'on' : 'off';
supportedProps.classList = classList; // 'auto' by default allows browsers to infer writing direction
supportedProps.dir = dir !== undefined ? dir : 'auto';
supportedProps.enterkeyhint = returnKeyType;
supportedProps.onBlur = handleBlur;
supportedProps.onChange = handleChange;
supportedProps.onFocus = handleFocus;
supportedProps.onKeyDown = handleKeyDown;
supportedProps.onSelect = handleSelectionChange;
supportedProps.readOnly = !editable;
supportedProps.rows = multiline ? numberOfLines : undefined;
supportedProps.spellCheck = spellCheck != null ? spellCheck : autoCorrect;
supportedProps.style = style;
supportedProps.type = multiline ? undefined : type;
supportedProps.inputMode = inputMode;
var platformMethodsRef = usePlatformMethods(supportedProps);
var setRef = useMergeRefs(hostRef, platformMethodsRef, imperativeRef, forwardedRef);
supportedProps.ref = setRef;
return createElement(component, supportedProps);
TextInput.displayName = 'TextInput'; // $FlowFixMe
TextInput.State = TextInputState;
var classes = css.create({
textinput: {
MozAppearance: 'textfield',
WebkitAppearance: 'none',
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
border: '0 solid black',
borderRadius: 0,
boxSizing: 'border-box',
font: '14px System',
margin: 0,
padding: 0,
resize: 'none'
export default TextInput;