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2021-04-02 02:24:13 +03:00
var sax = require('sax');
var expat /*= require('node-expat');*/ = { on: function () { }, parse: function () { } };
var helper = require('./options-helper');
var isArray = require('./array-helper').isArray;
var options;
var pureJsParser = true;
var currentElement;
function validateOptions(userOptions) {
options = helper.copyOptions(userOptions);
helper.ensureFlagExists('ignoreDeclaration', options);
helper.ensureFlagExists('ignoreInstruction', options);
helper.ensureFlagExists('ignoreAttributes', options);
helper.ensureFlagExists('ignoreText', options);
helper.ensureFlagExists('ignoreComment', options);
helper.ensureFlagExists('ignoreCdata', options);
helper.ensureFlagExists('ignoreDoctype', options);
helper.ensureFlagExists('compact', options);
helper.ensureFlagExists('alwaysChildren', options);
helper.ensureFlagExists('addParent', options);
helper.ensureFlagExists('trim', options);
helper.ensureFlagExists('nativeType', options);
helper.ensureFlagExists('nativeTypeAttributes', options);
helper.ensureFlagExists('sanitize', options);
helper.ensureFlagExists('instructionHasAttributes', options);
helper.ensureFlagExists('captureSpacesBetweenElements', options);
helper.ensureKeyExists('declaration', options);
helper.ensureKeyExists('instruction', options);
helper.ensureKeyExists('attributes', options);
helper.ensureKeyExists('text', options);
helper.ensureKeyExists('comment', options);
helper.ensureKeyExists('cdata', options);
helper.ensureKeyExists('doctype', options);
helper.ensureKeyExists('type', options);
helper.ensureKeyExists('name', options);
helper.ensureKeyExists('elements', options);
helper.ensureKeyExists('parent', options);
helper.checkFnExists('doctype', options);
helper.checkFnExists('instruction', options);
helper.checkFnExists('cdata', options);
helper.checkFnExists('comment', options);
helper.checkFnExists('text', options);
helper.checkFnExists('instructionName', options);
helper.checkFnExists('elementName', options);
helper.checkFnExists('attributeName', options);
helper.checkFnExists('attributeValue', options);
helper.checkFnExists('attributes', options);
return options;
function nativeType(value) {
var nValue = Number(value);
if (!isNaN(nValue)) {
return nValue;
var bValue = value.toLowerCase();
if (bValue === 'true') {
return true;
} else if (bValue === 'false') {
return false;
return value;
function addField(type, value) {
var key;
if (options.compact) {
if (
!currentElement[options[type + 'Key']] &&
(isArray(options.alwaysArray) ? options.alwaysArray.indexOf(options[type + 'Key']) !== -1 : options.alwaysArray)
) {
currentElement[options[type + 'Key']] = [];
if (currentElement[options[type + 'Key']] && !isArray(currentElement[options[type + 'Key']])) {
currentElement[options[type + 'Key']] = [currentElement[options[type + 'Key']]];
if (type + 'Fn' in options && typeof value === 'string') {
value = options[type + 'Fn'](value, currentElement);
if (type === 'instruction' && ('instructionFn' in options || 'instructionNameFn' in options)) {
for (key in value) {
if (value.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if ('instructionFn' in options) {
value[key] = options.instructionFn(value[key], key, currentElement);
} else {
var temp = value[key];
delete value[key];
value[options.instructionNameFn(key, temp, currentElement)] = temp;
if (isArray(currentElement[options[type + 'Key']])) {
currentElement[options[type + 'Key']].push(value);
} else {
currentElement[options[type + 'Key']] = value;
} else {
if (!currentElement[options.elementsKey]) {
currentElement[options.elementsKey] = [];
var element = {};
element[options.typeKey] = type;
if (type === 'instruction') {
for (key in value) {
if (value.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
element[options.nameKey] = 'instructionNameFn' in options ? options.instructionNameFn(key, value, currentElement) : key;
if (options.instructionHasAttributes) {
element[options.attributesKey] = value[key][options.attributesKey];
if ('instructionFn' in options) {
element[options.attributesKey] = options.instructionFn(element[options.attributesKey], key, currentElement);
} else {
if ('instructionFn' in options) {
value[key] = options.instructionFn(value[key], key, currentElement);
element[options.instructionKey] = value[key];
} else {
if (type + 'Fn' in options) {
value = options[type + 'Fn'](value, currentElement);
element[options[type + 'Key']] = value;
if (options.addParent) {
element[options.parentKey] = currentElement;
function manipulateAttributes(attributes) {
if ('attributesFn' in options && attributes) {
attributes = options.attributesFn(attributes, currentElement);
if ((options.trim || 'attributeValueFn' in options || 'attributeNameFn' in options || options.nativeTypeAttributes) && attributes) {
var key;
for (key in attributes) {
if (attributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (options.trim) attributes[key] = attributes[key].trim();
if (options.nativeTypeAttributes) {
attributes[key] = nativeType(attributes[key]);
if ('attributeValueFn' in options) attributes[key] = options.attributeValueFn(attributes[key], key, currentElement);
if ('attributeNameFn' in options) {
var temp = attributes[key];
delete attributes[key];
attributes[options.attributeNameFn(key, attributes[key], currentElement)] = temp;
return attributes;
function onInstruction(instruction) {
var attributes = {};
if (instruction.body && ( === 'xml' || options.instructionHasAttributes)) {
var attrsRegExp = /([\w:-]+)\s*=\s*(?:"([^"]*)"|'([^']*)'|(\w+))\s*/g;
var match;
while ((match = attrsRegExp.exec(instruction.body)) !== null) {
attributes[match[1]] = match[2] || match[3] || match[4];
attributes = manipulateAttributes(attributes);
if ( === 'xml') {
if (options.ignoreDeclaration) {
currentElement[options.declarationKey] = {};
if (Object.keys(attributes).length) {
currentElement[options.declarationKey][options.attributesKey] = attributes;
if (options.addParent) {
currentElement[options.declarationKey][options.parentKey] = currentElement;
} else {
if (options.ignoreInstruction) {
if (options.trim) {
instruction.body = instruction.body.trim();
var value = {};
if (options.instructionHasAttributes && Object.keys(attributes).length) {
value[] = {};
value[][options.attributesKey] = attributes;
} else {
value[] = instruction.body;
addField('instruction', value);
function onStartElement(name, attributes) {
var element;
if (typeof name === 'object') {
attributes = name.attributes;
name =;
attributes = manipulateAttributes(attributes);
if ('elementNameFn' in options) {
name = options.elementNameFn(name, currentElement);
if (options.compact) {
element = {};
if (!options.ignoreAttributes && attributes && Object.keys(attributes).length) {
element[options.attributesKey] = {};
var key;
for (key in attributes) {
if (attributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
element[options.attributesKey][key] = attributes[key];
if (
!(name in currentElement) &&
(isArray(options.alwaysArray) ? options.alwaysArray.indexOf(name) !== -1 : options.alwaysArray)
) {
currentElement[name] = [];
if (currentElement[name] && !isArray(currentElement[name])) {
currentElement[name] = [currentElement[name]];
if (isArray(currentElement[name])) {
} else {
currentElement[name] = element;
} else {
if (!currentElement[options.elementsKey]) {
currentElement[options.elementsKey] = [];
element = {};
element[options.typeKey] = 'element';
element[options.nameKey] = name;
if (!options.ignoreAttributes && attributes && Object.keys(attributes).length) {
element[options.attributesKey] = attributes;
if (options.alwaysChildren) {
element[options.elementsKey] = [];
element[options.parentKey] = currentElement; // will be deleted in onEndElement() if !options.addParent
currentElement = element;
function onText(text) {
if (options.ignoreText) {
if (!text.trim() && !options.captureSpacesBetweenElements) {
if (options.trim) {
text = text.trim();
if (options.nativeType) {
text = nativeType(text);
if (options.sanitize) {
text = text.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
addField('text', text);
function onComment(comment) {
if (options.ignoreComment) {
if (options.trim) {
comment = comment.trim();
addField('comment', comment);
function onEndElement(name) {
var parentElement = currentElement[options.parentKey];
if (!options.addParent) {
delete currentElement[options.parentKey];
currentElement = parentElement;
function onCdata(cdata) {
if (options.ignoreCdata) {
if (options.trim) {
cdata = cdata.trim();
addField('cdata', cdata);
function onDoctype(doctype) {
if (options.ignoreDoctype) {
doctype = doctype.replace(/^ /, '');
if (options.trim) {
doctype = doctype.trim();
addField('doctype', doctype);
function onError(error) {
error.note = error; //console.error(error);
module.exports = function (xml, userOptions) {
var parser = pureJsParser ? sax.parser(true, {}) : parser = new expat.Parser('UTF-8');
var result = {};
currentElement = result;
options = validateOptions(userOptions);
if (pureJsParser) {
parser.opt = {strictEntities: true};
parser.onopentag = onStartElement;
parser.ontext = onText;
parser.oncomment = onComment;
parser.onclosetag = onEndElement;
parser.onerror = onError;
parser.oncdata = onCdata;
parser.ondoctype = onDoctype;
parser.onprocessinginstruction = onInstruction;
} else {
parser.on('startElement', onStartElement);
parser.on('text', onText);
parser.on('comment', onComment);
parser.on('endElement', onEndElement);
parser.on('error', onError);
//parser.on('startCdata', onStartCdata);
//parser.on('endCdata', onEndCdata);
//parser.on('entityDecl', onEntityDecl);
if (pureJsParser) {
} else {
if (!parser.parse(xml)) {
throw new Error('XML parsing error: ' + parser.getError());
if (result[options.elementsKey]) {
var temp = result[options.elementsKey];
delete result[options.elementsKey];
result[options.elementsKey] = temp;
delete result.text;
return result;