275 lines
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275 lines
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/// <reference types="node" />
import { CommandInstance, CommandHandler, CommandBuilderDefinition, CommandBuilder, CommandHandlerCallback, FinishCommandHandler } from './command';
import { Dictionary } from './common-types';
import { Arguments as ParserArguments, DetailedArguments as ParserDetailedArguments, Configuration as ParserConfiguration, Options as ParserOptions, ConfigCallback, CoerceCallback } from 'yargs-parser';
import { YError } from './yerror';
import { UsageInstance, FailureFunction } from './usage';
import { CompletionFunction } from './completion';
import { ValidationInstance, KeyOrPos } from './validation';
import { Y18N } from 'y18n';
import { MiddlewareCallback, Middleware } from './middleware';
import { RequireDirectoryOptions } from 'require-directory';
export declare function Yargs(processArgs?: string | string[], cwd?: string, parentRequire?: NodeRequire): YargsInstance;
export declare function rebase(base: string, dir: string): string;
/** Instance of the yargs module. */
export interface YargsInstance {
$0: string;
argv: Arguments;
customScriptName: boolean;
parsed: DetailedArguments | false;
_copyDoubleDash<T extends Arguments | Promise<Arguments>>(argv: T): T;
_getLoggerInstance(): LoggerInstance;
_getParseContext(): Object;
_hasOutput(): boolean;
_hasParseCallback(): boolean;
_parseArgs: {
(args: null, shortCircuit: null, _calledFromCommand: boolean, commandIndex?: number): Arguments | Promise<Arguments>;
(args: string | string[], shortCircuit?: boolean): Arguments | Promise<Arguments>;
_runValidation(argv: Arguments, aliases: Dictionary<string[]>, positionalMap: Dictionary<string[]>, parseErrors: Error | null, isDefaultCommand?: boolean): void;
_setHasOutput(): void;
addHelpOpt: {
(opt?: string | false): YargsInstance;
(opt?: string, msg?: string): YargsInstance;
addShowHiddenOpt: {
(opt?: string | false): YargsInstance;
(opt?: string, msg?: string): YargsInstance;
alias: {
(keys: string | string[], aliases: string | string[]): YargsInstance;
(keyAliases: Dictionary<string | string[]>): YargsInstance;
array(keys: string | string[]): YargsInstance;
boolean(keys: string | string[]): YargsInstance;
check(f: (argv: Arguments, aliases: Dictionary<string[]>) => any, _global?: boolean): YargsInstance;
choices: {
(keys: string | string[], choices: string | string[]): YargsInstance;
(keyChoices: Dictionary<string | string[]>): YargsInstance;
coerce: {
(keys: string | string[], coerceCallback: CoerceCallback): YargsInstance;
(keyCoerceCallbacks: Dictionary<CoerceCallback>): YargsInstance;
command(cmd: string | string[], description: CommandHandler['description'], builder?: CommandBuilderDefinition | CommandBuilder, handler?: CommandHandlerCallback, commandMiddleware?: Middleware[], deprecated?: boolean): YargsInstance;
commandDir(dir: string, opts?: RequireDirectoryOptions<any>): YargsInstance;
completion: {
(cmd?: string, fn?: CompletionFunction): YargsInstance;
(cmd?: string, desc?: string | false, fn?: CompletionFunction): YargsInstance;
config: {
(config: Dictionary): YargsInstance;
(keys?: string | string[], configCallback?: ConfigCallback): YargsInstance;
(keys?: string | string[], msg?: string, configCallback?: ConfigCallback): YargsInstance;
conflicts: {
(key: string, conflictsWith: string | string[]): YargsInstance;
(keyConflicts: Dictionary<string | string[]>): YargsInstance;
count(keys: string | string[]): YargsInstance;
default: {
(key: string, value: any, defaultDescription?: string): YargsInstance;
(keys: string[], value: Exclude<any, Function>): YargsInstance;
(keys: Dictionary<any>): YargsInstance;
defaults: YargsInstance['default'];
demand: {
(min: number, max?: number | string, msg?: string): YargsInstance;
(keys: string | string[], msg?: string | true): YargsInstance;
(keys: string | string[], max: string[], msg?: string | true): YargsInstance;
(keyMsgs: Dictionary<string | undefined>): YargsInstance;
(keyMsgs: Dictionary<string | undefined>, max: string[], msg?: string): YargsInstance;
demandCommand(): YargsInstance;
demandCommand(min: number, minMsg?: string): YargsInstance;
demandCommand(min: number, max: number, minMsg?: string | null, maxMsg?: string | null): YargsInstance;
demandOption: {
(keys: string | string[], msg?: string): YargsInstance;
(keyMsgs: Dictionary<string | undefined>): YargsInstance;
deprecateOption(option: string, message?: string | boolean): YargsInstance;
describe: {
(keys: string | string[], description?: string): YargsInstance;
(keyDescriptions: Dictionary<string>): YargsInstance;
detectLocale(detect: boolean): YargsInstance;
env(prefix?: string | false): YargsInstance;
epilog: YargsInstance['epilogue'];
epilogue(msg: string): YargsInstance;
example(cmd: string | [string, string?][], description?: string): YargsInstance;
exit(code: number, err?: YError | string): void;
exitProcess(enabled: boolean): YargsInstance;
fail(f: FailureFunction): YargsInstance;
getCommandInstance(): CommandInstance;
getCompletion(args: string[], done: (completions: string[]) => any): void;
getContext(): Context;
getDemandedCommands(): Options['demandedCommands'];
getDemandedOptions(): Options['demandedOptions'];
getDeprecatedOptions(): Options['deprecatedOptions'];
getDetectLocale(): boolean;
getExitProcess(): boolean;
getGroups(): Dictionary<string[]>;
getHandlerFinishCommand(): FinishCommandHandler | null;
getOptions(): Options;
getParserConfiguration(): Configuration;
getStrict(): boolean;
getStrictCommands(): boolean;
getUsageInstance(): UsageInstance;
getValidationInstance(): ValidationInstance;
global(keys: string | string[], global?: boolean): YargsInstance;
group(keys: string | string[], groupName: string): YargsInstance;
help: YargsInstance['addHelpOpt'];
hide(key: string): YargsInstance;
implies: {
(key: string, implication: KeyOrPos | KeyOrPos[]): YargsInstance;
(keyImplications: Dictionary<KeyOrPos | KeyOrPos[]>): YargsInstance;
locale: {
(): string;
(locale: string): YargsInstance;
middleware(callback: MiddlewareCallback | MiddlewareCallback[], applyBeforeValidation?: boolean): YargsInstance;
nargs: {
(keys: string | string[], nargs: number): YargsInstance;
(keyNargs: Dictionary<number>): YargsInstance;
normalize(keys: string | string[]): YargsInstance;
number(keys: string | string[]): YargsInstance;
onFinishCommand(f: FinishCommandHandler): YargsInstance;
option: {
(key: string, optionDefinition: OptionDefinition): YargsInstance;
(keyOptionDefinitions: Dictionary<OptionDefinition>): YargsInstance;
options: YargsInstance['option'];
parse: {
(): Arguments | Promise<Arguments>;
(args: string | string[], context: object, parseCallback?: ParseCallback): Arguments | Promise<Arguments>;
(args: string | string[], parseCallback: ParseCallback): Arguments | Promise<Arguments>;
(args: string | string[], shortCircuit: boolean): Arguments | Promise<Arguments>;
parserConfiguration(config: Configuration): YargsInstance;
pkgConf(key: string, rootPath?: string): YargsInstance;
positional(key: string, positionalDefinition: PositionalDefinition): YargsInstance;
recommendCommands(recommend: boolean): YargsInstance;
require: YargsInstance['demand'];
required: YargsInstance['demand'];
requiresArg(keys: string | string[] | Dictionary): YargsInstance;
reset(aliases?: DetailedArguments['aliases']): YargsInstance;
resetOptions(aliases?: DetailedArguments['aliases']): YargsInstance;
scriptName(scriptName: string): YargsInstance;
showCompletionScript($0?: string, cmd?: string): YargsInstance;
showHelp(level: 'error' | 'log' | ((message: string) => void)): YargsInstance;
showHelpOnFail: {
(message?: string): YargsInstance;
(enabled: boolean, message: string): YargsInstance;
showHidden: YargsInstance['addShowHiddenOpt'];
skipValidation(keys: string | string[]): YargsInstance;
strict(enable?: boolean): YargsInstance;
strictCommands(enable?: boolean): YargsInstance;
string(key: string | string[]): YargsInstance;
terminalWidth(): number | null;
updateStrings(obj: Dictionary<string>): YargsInstance;
updateLocale: YargsInstance['updateStrings'];
usage: {
(msg: string | null): YargsInstance;
(msg: string, description: CommandHandler['description'], builder?: CommandBuilderDefinition | CommandBuilder, handler?: CommandHandlerCallback): YargsInstance;
version: {
(ver?: string | false): YargsInstance;
(key?: string, ver?: string): YargsInstance;
(key?: string, msg?: string, ver?: string): YargsInstance;
wrap(cols: number | null | undefined): YargsInstance;
export declare function isYargsInstance(y: YargsInstance | void): y is YargsInstance;
/** Yargs' context. */
export interface Context {
commands: string[];
files: string[];
fullCommands: string[];
declare type LoggerInstance = Pick<Console, 'error' | 'log'>;
export interface Options extends ParserOptions {
__: Y18N['__'];
alias: Dictionary<string[]>;
array: string[];
boolean: string[];
choices: Dictionary<string[]>;
config: Dictionary<ConfigCallback | boolean>;
configObjects: Dictionary[];
configuration: Configuration;
count: string[];
defaultDescription: Dictionary<string | undefined>;
demandedCommands: Dictionary<{
min: number;
max: number;
minMsg?: string | null;
maxMsg?: string | null;
demandedOptions: Dictionary<string | undefined>;
deprecatedOptions: Dictionary<string | boolean | undefined>;
hiddenOptions: string[];
/** Manually set keys */
key: Dictionary<boolean | string>;
local: string[];
normalize: string[];
number: string[];
showHiddenOpt: string;
skipValidation: string[];
string: string[];
export interface Configuration extends Partial<ParserConfiguration> {
/** Should a config object be deep-merged with the object config it extends? */
'deep-merge-config'?: boolean;
/** Should commands be sorted in help? */
'sort-commands'?: boolean;
export interface OptionDefinition {
alias?: string | string[];
array?: boolean;
boolean?: boolean;
choices?: string | string[];
coerce?: CoerceCallback;
config?: boolean;
configParser?: ConfigCallback;
conflicts?: string | string[];
count?: boolean;
default?: any;
defaultDescription?: string;
deprecate?: string | boolean;
deprecated?: OptionDefinition['deprecate'];
desc?: string;
describe?: OptionDefinition['desc'];
description?: OptionDefinition['desc'];
demand?: string | true;
demandOption?: OptionDefinition['demand'];
global?: boolean;
group?: string;
hidden?: boolean;
implies?: string | number | KeyOrPos[];
nargs?: number;
normalize?: boolean;
number?: boolean;
require?: OptionDefinition['demand'];
required?: OptionDefinition['demand'];
requiresArg?: boolean;
skipValidation?: boolean;
string?: boolean;
type?: 'array' | 'boolean' | 'count' | 'number' | 'string';
interface PositionalDefinition extends Pick<OptionDefinition, 'alias' | 'array' | 'coerce' | 'choices' | 'conflicts' | 'default' | 'defaultDescription' | 'demand' | 'desc' | 'describe' | 'description' | 'implies' | 'normalize'> {
type?: 'boolean' | 'number' | 'string';
interface ParseCallback {
(err: YError | string | undefined | null, argv: Arguments | Promise<Arguments>, output: string): void;
export interface Arguments extends ParserArguments {
/** The script name or node command */
$0: string;
export interface DetailedArguments extends ParserDetailedArguments {
argv: Arguments;
export {};