
The main Jimp class. This class can be extended with types and bitmap manipulation functions. Out of the box it does not support any image type. ## Available Methods ### Jimp The Jimp class constructor. ### addConstants Add constant or static methods to the Jimp constructor. ```js addConstants({ MIME_SPECIAL: 'image/special' }); ``` ### addJimpMethods Add a bitmap manipulation method to Jimp constructor. These method should return this so that the function can be chain-able. ```js addJimpMethods({ cropCrazy: function() { // Your custom image manipulation method return this; } }) const image = await Jimp.read(...); image.resize(10, Jimp.AUTO), .cropCrazy(); await image.writeAsync('test.png'); ``` ### addType Add a image mime type to Jimp constructor. First argument is a mime type and the second is an array of file extension for that type. ```js addType('image/special', ['spec', 'special']); ```