const lazyImportsBlacklist = require('./lazy-imports-blacklist'); module.exports = function(api, options = {}) { const { web = {}, native = {} } = options; const bundler = api.caller(getBundler); const isWebpack = bundler === 'webpack'; let platform = api.caller(getPlatform); // If the `platform` prop is not defined then this must be a custom config that isn't // defining a platform in the babel-loader. Currently this may happen with Next.js + Expo web. if (!platform && isWebpack) { platform = 'web'; } const platformOptions = platform === 'web' ? { disableImportExportTransform: true, ...web } : { disableImportExportTransform: false, ...native }; // Note that if `options.lazyImports` is not set (i.e., `null` or `undefined`), // `metro-react-native-babel-preset` will handle it. const lazyImportsOption = options && options.lazyImports; return { presets: [ [ // We use `require` here instead of directly using the package name because we want to // specifically use the `metro-react-native-babel-preset` installed by this package (ex: // `babel-preset-expo/node_modules/`). This way the preset will not change unintentionally. // Reference: require('metro-react-native-babel-preset'), { disableImportExportTransform: platformOptions.disableImportExportTransform, lazyImportExportTransform: lazyImportsOption === true ? importModuleSpecifier => { // Do not lazy-initialize packages that are local imports (similar to `lazy: true` // behavior) or are in the blacklist. return !( importModuleSpecifier.includes('./') || lazyImportsBlacklist.has(importModuleSpecifier) ); } : // Pass the option directly to `metro-react-native-babel-preset`, which in turn // passes it to `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs` lazyImportsOption, }, ], ], plugins: [ getAliasPlugin(), [require.resolve('@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators'), { legacy: true }], platform === 'web' && [require.resolve('babel-plugin-react-native-web')], isWebpack && platform !== 'web' && [require.resolve('./plugins/disable-ambiguous-requires')], ].filter(Boolean), }; }; function getAliasPlugin() { const aliases = {}; if (hasModule('@expo/vector-icons')) { aliases['react-native-vector-icons'] = '@expo/vector-icons'; } if (Object.keys(aliases).length) { return [ require.resolve('babel-plugin-module-resolver'), { alias: aliases, }, ]; } return null; } function hasModule(name) { try { return !!require.resolve(name); } catch (error) { if (error.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' && error.message.includes(name)) { return false; } throw error; } } function getPlatform(caller) { return caller && caller.platform; } /** * Get the name of the `bundler`. * * @param {*} caller */ function getBundler(caller) { if (!caller) return null; const { bundler, name } = caller; if (!bundler) { if (name === 'metro') { // This is a hack to determine if metro is being used. return 'metro'; } else if (name === 'babel-loader') { // This won't work in all cases as tools like Next.js could change the name of their loader. return 'webpack'; } } // Perhaps we should add a check to log once when an unexpected bundler is being used. return bundler || null; }