'use strict'; const os = require('os'); const onExit = require('signal-exit'); const pFinally = require('p-finally'); const DEFAULT_FORCE_KILL_TIMEOUT = 1000 * 5; // Monkey-patches `childProcess.kill()` to add `forceKillAfterTimeout` behavior const spawnedKill = (kill, signal = 'SIGTERM', options = {}) => { const killResult = kill(signal); setKillTimeout(kill, signal, options, killResult); return killResult; }; const setKillTimeout = (kill, signal, options, killResult) => { if (!shouldForceKill(signal, options, killResult)) { return; } const timeout = getForceKillAfterTimeout(options); setTimeout(() => { kill('SIGKILL'); }, timeout).unref(); }; const shouldForceKill = (signal, {forceKillAfterTimeout}, killResult) => { return isSigterm(signal) && forceKillAfterTimeout !== false && killResult; }; const isSigterm = signal => { return signal === os.constants.signals.SIGTERM || (typeof signal === 'string' && signal.toUpperCase() === 'SIGTERM'); }; const getForceKillAfterTimeout = ({forceKillAfterTimeout = true}) => { if (forceKillAfterTimeout === true) { return DEFAULT_FORCE_KILL_TIMEOUT; } if (!Number.isInteger(forceKillAfterTimeout) || forceKillAfterTimeout < 0) { throw new TypeError(`Expected the \`forceKillAfterTimeout\` option to be a non-negative integer, got \`${forceKillAfterTimeout}\` (${typeof forceKillAfterTimeout})`); } return forceKillAfterTimeout; }; // `childProcess.cancel()` const spawnedCancel = (spawned, context) => { const killResult = spawned.kill(); if (killResult) { context.isCanceled = true; } }; const timeoutKill = (spawned, signal, reject) => { spawned.kill(signal); reject(Object.assign(new Error('Timed out'), {timedOut: true, signal})); }; // `timeout` option handling const setupTimeout = (spawned, {timeout, killSignal = 'SIGTERM'}, spawnedPromise) => { if (timeout === 0 || timeout === undefined) { return spawnedPromise; } if (!Number.isInteger(timeout) || timeout < 0) { throw new TypeError(`Expected the \`timeout\` option to be a non-negative integer, got \`${timeout}\` (${typeof timeout})`); } let timeoutId; const timeoutPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { timeoutKill(spawned, killSignal, reject); }, timeout); }); const safeSpawnedPromise = pFinally(spawnedPromise, () => { clearTimeout(timeoutId); }); return Promise.race([timeoutPromise, safeSpawnedPromise]); }; // `cleanup` option handling const setExitHandler = (spawned, {cleanup, detached}, timedPromise) => { if (!cleanup || detached) { return timedPromise; } const removeExitHandler = onExit(() => { spawned.kill(); }); // TODO: Use native "finally" syntax when targeting Node.js 10 return pFinally(timedPromise, removeExitHandler); }; module.exports = { spawnedKill, spawnedCancel, setupTimeout, setExitHandler };