import { RCTDeviceEventEmitter, CodedError, NativeModulesProxy, UnavailabilityError, } from '@unimodules/core'; import { EventEmitter } from 'fbemitter'; import ExpoUpdates from './ExpoUpdates'; export * from './Updates.types'; export const updateId = ExpoUpdates.updateId && typeof ExpoUpdates.updateId === 'string' ? ExpoUpdates.updateId.toLowerCase() : null; export const releaseChannel = ExpoUpdates.releaseChannel ?? 'default'; export const localAssets = ExpoUpdates.localAssets ?? {}; export const isEmergencyLaunch = ExpoUpdates.isEmergencyLaunch || false; export const isUsingEmbeddedAssets = ExpoUpdates.isUsingEmbeddedAssets || false; let _manifest = ExpoUpdates.manifest; if (ExpoUpdates.manifestString) { _manifest = JSON.parse(ExpoUpdates.manifestString); } export const manifest = _manifest ?? {}; const isUsingDeveloperTool = !!manifest.developer?.tool; const isUsingExpoDevelopmentClient = NativeModulesProxy.ExponentConstants?.appOwnership === 'expo'; const manualUpdatesInstructions = isUsingExpoDevelopmentClient ? 'To test manual updates, publish your project using `expo publish` and open the published ' + 'version in this development client.' : 'To test manual updates, make a release build with `npm run ios --configuration Release` or ' + '`npm run android --variant Release`.'; export async function reloadAsync() { if (!ExpoUpdates.reload) { throw new UnavailabilityError('Updates', 'reloadAsync'); } if (__DEV__ && !isUsingExpoDevelopmentClient) { throw new CodedError('ERR_UPDATES_DISABLED', `You cannot use the Updates module in development mode in a production app. ${manualUpdatesInstructions}`); } await ExpoUpdates.reload(); } export async function checkForUpdateAsync() { if (!ExpoUpdates.checkForUpdateAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('Updates', 'checkForUpdateAsync'); } if (__DEV__ || isUsingDeveloperTool) { throw new CodedError('ERR_UPDATES_DISABLED', `You cannot check for updates in development mode. ${manualUpdatesInstructions}`); } const result = await ExpoUpdates.checkForUpdateAsync(); if (result.manifestString) { result.manifest = JSON.parse(result.manifestString); delete result.manifestString; } return result; } export async function fetchUpdateAsync() { if (!ExpoUpdates.fetchUpdateAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('Updates', 'fetchUpdateAsync'); } if (__DEV__ || isUsingDeveloperTool) { throw new CodedError('ERR_UPDATES_DISABLED', `You cannot fetch updates in development mode. ${manualUpdatesInstructions}`); } const result = await ExpoUpdates.fetchUpdateAsync(); if (result.manifestString) { result.manifest = JSON.parse(result.manifestString); delete result.manifestString; } return result; } export function clearUpdateCacheExperimentalAsync(_sdkVersion) { console.warn("This method is no longer necessary. `expo-updates` now automatically deletes your app's old bundle files!"); } let _emitter; function _getEmitter() { if (!_emitter) { _emitter = new EventEmitter(); RCTDeviceEventEmitter.addListener('Expo.nativeUpdatesEvent', _emitEvent); } return _emitter; } function _emitEvent(params) { let newParams = params; if (typeof params === 'string') { newParams = JSON.parse(params); } if (newParams.manifestString) { newParams.manifest = JSON.parse(newParams.manifestString); delete newParams.manifestString; } if (!_emitter) { throw new Error(`EventEmitter must be initialized to use from its listener`); } _emitter.emit('Expo.updatesEvent', newParams); } export function addListener(listener) { const emitter = _getEmitter(); return emitter.addListener('Expo.updatesEvent', listener); } //#