import Constants from 'expo-constants'; import { EventEmitter } from 'fbemitter'; import invariant from 'invariant'; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; import getInstallationIdAsync from '../environment/getInstallationIdAsync'; import LogSerialization from './LogSerialization'; const _sessionId = uuidv4(); const _logQueue = []; const _transportEventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); let _logCounter = 0; let _isSendingLogs = false; let _completionPromise = null; let _resolveCompletion = null; async function enqueueRemoteLogAsync(level, additionalFields, data) { if (_isReactNativeWarning(data)) { // Remove the stack trace from the warning message since we'll capture our own if (data.length === 0) { throw new Error(`Warnings must include log arguments`); } const warning = data[0]; if (typeof warning !== 'string') { throw new TypeError(`The log argument for a warning must be a string`); } const lines = warning.split('\n'); if (lines.length > 1 && /^\s+in /.test(lines[1])) { data[0] = lines[0]; } } const { body, includesStack } = await LogSerialization.serializeLogDataAsync(data, level); _logQueue.push({ count: _logCounter++, level, body, includesStack, ...additionalFields, }); // Send the logs asynchronously (system errors are emitted with transport error events) and throw an uncaught error _sendRemoteLogsAsync().catch(error => { setImmediate(() => { throw error; }); }); } async function _sendRemoteLogsAsync() { if (_isSendingLogs || !_logQueue.length) { return; } // Our current transport policy is to send all of the pending log messages in one batch. If we opt // for another policy (ex: throttling) this is where to to implement it. const batch = _logQueue.splice(0); const { logUrl } = Constants.manifest; if (typeof logUrl !== 'string') { throw new Error('The Expo project manifest must specify `logUrl`'); } _isSendingLogs = true; try { await _sendNextLogBatchAsync(batch, logUrl); } finally { _isSendingLogs = false; } if (_logQueue.length) { return _sendRemoteLogsAsync(); } else if (_resolveCompletion) { _resolveCompletion(); } } async function _sendNextLogBatchAsync(batch, logUrl) { let response; const headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Connection: 'keep-alive', 'Proxy-Connection': 'keep-alive', Accept: 'application/json', 'Device-Id': await getInstallationIdAsync(), 'Session-Id': _sessionId, }; if (Constants.deviceName) { headers['Device-Name'] = Constants.deviceName; } try { response = await fetch(logUrl, { method: 'POST', headers, body: JSON.stringify(batch), }); } catch (error) { _transportEventEmitter.emit('error', { error }); return; } const success = response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300; if (!success) { _transportEventEmitter.emit('error', { error: new Error(`An HTTP error occurred when sending remote logs`), response, }); } } function addTransportErrorListener(listener) { return _transportEventEmitter.addListener('error', listener); } function _isReactNativeWarning(data) { // NOTE: RN does the same thing internally for YellowBox const message = data[0]; return data.length === 1 && typeof message === 'string' && message.startsWith('Warning: '); } export default { enqueueRemoteLogAsync, addTransportErrorListener, }; /** * Returns a promise that resolves when all entries in the log queue have been sent. This method is * intended for testing only. */ export function __waitForEmptyLogQueueAsync() { if (_completionPromise) { return _completionPromise; } if (!_isSendingLogs && !_logQueue.length) { return Promise.resolve(); } _completionPromise = new Promise(resolve => { _resolveCompletion = () => { invariant(!_isSendingLogs, `Must not be sending logs at completion`); invariant(!_logQueue.length, `Log queue must be empty at completion`); _completionPromise = null; _resolveCompletion = null; resolve(); }; }); return _completionPromise; } //#