/** * @license node-stream-zip | (c) 2020 Antelle | https://github.com/antelle/node-stream-zip/blob/master/LICENSE * Portions copyright https://github.com/cthackers/adm-zip | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cthackers/adm-zip/master/LICENSE */ let fs = require('fs'); const util = require('util'); const path = require('path'); const events = require('events'); const zlib = require('zlib'); const stream = require('stream'); const consts = { /* The local file header */ LOCHDR: 30, // LOC header size LOCSIG: 0x04034b50, // "PK\003\004" LOCVER: 4, // version needed to extract LOCFLG: 6, // general purpose bit flag LOCHOW: 8, // compression method LOCTIM: 10, // modification time (2 bytes time, 2 bytes date) LOCCRC: 14, // uncompressed file crc-32 value LOCSIZ: 18, // compressed size LOCLEN: 22, // uncompressed size LOCNAM: 26, // filename length LOCEXT: 28, // extra field length /* The Data descriptor */ EXTSIG: 0x08074b50, // "PK\007\008" EXTHDR: 16, // EXT header size EXTCRC: 4, // uncompressed file crc-32 value EXTSIZ: 8, // compressed size EXTLEN: 12, // uncompressed size /* The central directory file header */ CENHDR: 46, // CEN header size CENSIG: 0x02014b50, // "PK\001\002" CENVEM: 4, // version made by CENVER: 6, // version needed to extract CENFLG: 8, // encrypt, decrypt flags CENHOW: 10, // compression method CENTIM: 12, // modification time (2 bytes time, 2 bytes date) CENCRC: 16, // uncompressed file crc-32 value CENSIZ: 20, // compressed size CENLEN: 24, // uncompressed size CENNAM: 28, // filename length CENEXT: 30, // extra field length CENCOM: 32, // file comment length CENDSK: 34, // volume number start CENATT: 36, // internal file attributes CENATX: 38, // external file attributes (host system dependent) CENOFF: 42, // LOC header offset /* The entries in the end of central directory */ ENDHDR: 22, // END header size ENDSIG: 0x06054b50, // "PK\005\006" ENDSIGFIRST: 0x50, ENDSUB: 8, // number of entries on this disk ENDTOT: 10, // total number of entries ENDSIZ: 12, // central directory size in bytes ENDOFF: 16, // offset of first CEN header ENDCOM: 20, // zip file comment length MAXFILECOMMENT: 0xffff, /* The entries in the end of ZIP64 central directory locator */ ENDL64HDR: 20, // ZIP64 end of central directory locator header size ENDL64SIG: 0x07064b50, // ZIP64 end of central directory locator signature ENDL64SIGFIRST: 0x50, ENDL64OFS: 8, // ZIP64 end of central directory offset /* The entries in the end of ZIP64 central directory */ END64HDR: 56, // ZIP64 end of central directory header size END64SIG: 0x06064b50, // ZIP64 end of central directory signature END64SIGFIRST: 0x50, END64SUB: 24, // number of entries on this disk END64TOT: 32, // total number of entries END64SIZ: 40, END64OFF: 48, /* Compression methods */ STORED: 0, // no compression SHRUNK: 1, // shrunk REDUCED1: 2, // reduced with compression factor 1 REDUCED2: 3, // reduced with compression factor 2 REDUCED3: 4, // reduced with compression factor 3 REDUCED4: 5, // reduced with compression factor 4 IMPLODED: 6, // imploded // 7 reserved DEFLATED: 8, // deflated ENHANCED_DEFLATED: 9, // deflate64 PKWARE: 10, // PKWare DCL imploded // 11 reserved BZIP2: 12, // compressed using BZIP2 // 13 reserved LZMA: 14, // LZMA // 15-17 reserved IBM_TERSE: 18, // compressed using IBM TERSE IBM_LZ77: 19, //IBM LZ77 z /* General purpose bit flag */ FLG_ENC: 0, // encrypted file FLG_COMP1: 1, // compression option FLG_COMP2: 2, // compression option FLG_DESC: 4, // data descriptor FLG_ENH: 8, // enhanced deflation FLG_STR: 16, // strong encryption FLG_LNG: 1024, // language encoding FLG_MSK: 4096, // mask header values FLG_ENTRY_ENC: 1, /* 4.5 Extensible data fields */ EF_ID: 0, EF_SIZE: 2, /* Header IDs */ ID_ZIP64: 0x0001, ID_AVINFO: 0x0007, ID_PFS: 0x0008, ID_OS2: 0x0009, ID_NTFS: 0x000a, ID_OPENVMS: 0x000c, ID_UNIX: 0x000d, ID_FORK: 0x000e, ID_PATCH: 0x000f, ID_X509_PKCS7: 0x0014, ID_X509_CERTID_F: 0x0015, ID_X509_CERTID_C: 0x0016, ID_STRONGENC: 0x0017, ID_RECORD_MGT: 0x0018, ID_X509_PKCS7_RL: 0x0019, ID_IBM1: 0x0065, ID_IBM2: 0x0066, ID_POSZIP: 0x4690, EF_ZIP64_OR_32: 0xffffffff, EF_ZIP64_OR_16: 0xffff, }; const StreamZip = function (config) { let fd, fileSize, chunkSize, op, centralDirectory, closed; const ready = false, that = this, entries = config.storeEntries !== false ? {} : null, fileName = config.file; open(); function open() { if (config.fd) { fd = config.fd; readFile(); } else { fs.open(fileName, 'r', (err, f) => { if (err) { return that.emit('error', err); } fd = f; readFile(); }); } } function readFile() { fs.fstat(fd, (err, stat) => { if (err) { return that.emit('error', err); } fileSize = stat.size; chunkSize = config.chunkSize || Math.round(fileSize / 1000); chunkSize = Math.max( Math.min(chunkSize, Math.min(128 * 1024, fileSize)), Math.min(1024, fileSize) ); readCentralDirectory(); }); } function readUntilFoundCallback(err, bytesRead) { if (err || !bytesRead) { return that.emit('error', err || new Error('Archive read error')); } let pos = op.lastPos; let bufferPosition = pos - op.win.position; const buffer = op.win.buffer; const minPos = op.minPos; while (--pos >= minPos && --bufferPosition >= 0) { if (buffer.length - bufferPosition >= 4 && buffer[bufferPosition] === op.firstByte) { // quick check first signature byte if (buffer.readUInt32LE(bufferPosition) === op.sig) { op.lastBufferPosition = bufferPosition; op.lastBytesRead = bytesRead; op.complete(); return; } } } if (pos === minPos) { return that.emit('error', new Error('Bad archive')); } op.lastPos = pos + 1; op.chunkSize *= 2; if (pos <= minPos) { return that.emit('error', new Error('Bad archive')); } const expandLength = Math.min(op.chunkSize, pos - minPos); op.win.expandLeft(expandLength, readUntilFoundCallback); } function readCentralDirectory() { const totalReadLength = Math.min(consts.ENDHDR + consts.MAXFILECOMMENT, fileSize); op = { win: new FileWindowBuffer(fd), totalReadLength, minPos: fileSize - totalReadLength, lastPos: fileSize, chunkSize: Math.min(1024, chunkSize), firstByte: consts.ENDSIGFIRST, sig: consts.ENDSIG, complete: readCentralDirectoryComplete, }; op.win.read(fileSize - op.chunkSize, op.chunkSize, readUntilFoundCallback); } function readCentralDirectoryComplete() { const buffer = op.win.buffer; const pos = op.lastBufferPosition; try { centralDirectory = new CentralDirectoryHeader(); centralDirectory.read(buffer.slice(pos, pos + consts.ENDHDR)); centralDirectory.headerOffset = op.win.position + pos; if (centralDirectory.commentLength) { that.comment = buffer .slice( pos + consts.ENDHDR, pos + consts.ENDHDR + centralDirectory.commentLength ) .toString(); } else { that.comment = null; } that.entriesCount = centralDirectory.volumeEntries; that.centralDirectory = centralDirectory; if ( (centralDirectory.volumeEntries === consts.EF_ZIP64_OR_16 && centralDirectory.totalEntries === consts.EF_ZIP64_OR_16) || centralDirectory.size === consts.EF_ZIP64_OR_32 || centralDirectory.offset === consts.EF_ZIP64_OR_32 ) { readZip64CentralDirectoryLocator(); } else { op = {}; readEntries(); } } catch (err) { that.emit('error', err); } } function readZip64CentralDirectoryLocator() { const length = consts.ENDL64HDR; if (op.lastBufferPosition > length) { op.lastBufferPosition -= length; readZip64CentralDirectoryLocatorComplete(); } else { op = { win: op.win, totalReadLength: length, minPos: op.win.position - length, lastPos: op.win.position, chunkSize: op.chunkSize, firstByte: consts.ENDL64SIGFIRST, sig: consts.ENDL64SIG, complete: readZip64CentralDirectoryLocatorComplete, }; op.win.read(op.lastPos - op.chunkSize, op.chunkSize, readUntilFoundCallback); } } function readZip64CentralDirectoryLocatorComplete() { const buffer = op.win.buffer; const locHeader = new CentralDirectoryLoc64Header(); locHeader.read( buffer.slice(op.lastBufferPosition, op.lastBufferPosition + consts.ENDL64HDR) ); const readLength = fileSize - locHeader.headerOffset; op = { win: op.win, totalReadLength: readLength, minPos: locHeader.headerOffset, lastPos: op.lastPos, chunkSize: op.chunkSize, firstByte: consts.END64SIGFIRST, sig: consts.END64SIG, complete: readZip64CentralDirectoryComplete, }; op.win.read(fileSize - op.chunkSize, op.chunkSize, readUntilFoundCallback); } function readZip64CentralDirectoryComplete() { const buffer = op.win.buffer; const zip64cd = new CentralDirectoryZip64Header(); zip64cd.read(buffer.slice(op.lastBufferPosition, op.lastBufferPosition + consts.END64HDR)); that.centralDirectory.volumeEntries = zip64cd.volumeEntries; that.centralDirectory.totalEntries = zip64cd.totalEntries; that.centralDirectory.size = zip64cd.size; that.centralDirectory.offset = zip64cd.offset; that.entriesCount = zip64cd.volumeEntries; op = {}; readEntries(); } function readEntries() { op = { win: new FileWindowBuffer(fd), pos: centralDirectory.offset, chunkSize, entriesLeft: centralDirectory.volumeEntries, }; op.win.read(op.pos, Math.min(chunkSize, fileSize - op.pos), readEntriesCallback); } function readEntriesCallback(err, bytesRead) { if (err || !bytesRead) { return that.emit('error', err || new Error('Entries read error')); } let bufferPos = op.pos - op.win.position; let entry = op.entry; const buffer = op.win.buffer; const bufferLength = buffer.length; try { while (op.entriesLeft > 0) { if (!entry) { entry = new ZipEntry(); entry.readHeader(buffer, bufferPos); entry.headerOffset = op.win.position + bufferPos; op.entry = entry; op.pos += consts.CENHDR; bufferPos += consts.CENHDR; } const entryHeaderSize = entry.fnameLen + entry.extraLen + entry.comLen; const advanceBytes = entryHeaderSize + (op.entriesLeft > 1 ? consts.CENHDR : 0); if (bufferLength - bufferPos < advanceBytes) { op.win.moveRight(chunkSize, readEntriesCallback, bufferPos); op.move = true; return; } entry.read(buffer, bufferPos); if (!config.skipEntryNameValidation) { entry.validateName(); } if (entries) { entries[entry.name] = entry; } that.emit('entry', entry); op.entry = entry = null; op.entriesLeft--; op.pos += entryHeaderSize; bufferPos += entryHeaderSize; } that.emit('ready'); } catch (err) { that.emit('error', err); } } function checkEntriesExist() { if (!entries) { throw new Error('storeEntries disabled'); } } Object.defineProperty(this, 'ready', { get() { return ready; }, }); this.entry = function (name) { checkEntriesExist(); return entries[name]; }; this.entries = function () { checkEntriesExist(); return entries; }; this.stream = function (entry, callback) { return this.openEntry( entry, (err, entry) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } const offset = dataOffset(entry); let entryStream = new EntryDataReaderStream(fd, offset, entry.compressedSize); if (entry.method === consts.STORED) { // nothing to do } else if (entry.method === consts.DEFLATED) { entryStream = entryStream.pipe(zlib.createInflateRaw()); } else { return callback(new Error('Unknown compression method: ' + entry.method)); } if (canVerifyCrc(entry)) { entryStream = entryStream.pipe( new EntryVerifyStream(entryStream, entry.crc, entry.size) ); } callback(null, entryStream); }, false ); }; this.entryDataSync = function (entry) { let err = null; this.openEntry( entry, (e, en) => { err = e; entry = en; }, true ); if (err) { throw err; } let data = Buffer.alloc(entry.compressedSize); new FsRead(fd, data, 0, entry.compressedSize, dataOffset(entry), (e) => { err = e; }).read(true); if (err) { throw err; } if (entry.method === consts.STORED) { // nothing to do } else if (entry.method === consts.DEFLATED || entry.method === consts.ENHANCED_DEFLATED) { data = zlib.inflateRawSync(data); } else { throw new Error('Unknown compression method: ' + entry.method); } if (data.length !== entry.size) { throw new Error('Invalid size'); } if (canVerifyCrc(entry)) { const verify = new CrcVerify(entry.crc, entry.size); verify.data(data); } return data; }; this.openEntry = function (entry, callback, sync) { if (typeof entry === 'string') { checkEntriesExist(); entry = entries[entry]; if (!entry) { return callback(new Error('Entry not found')); } } if (!entry.isFile) { return callback(new Error('Entry is not file')); } if (!fd) { return callback(new Error('Archive closed')); } const buffer = Buffer.alloc(consts.LOCHDR); new FsRead(fd, buffer, 0, buffer.length, entry.offset, (err) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } let readEx; try { entry.readDataHeader(buffer); if (entry.encrypted) { readEx = new Error('Entry encrypted'); } } catch (ex) { readEx = ex; } callback(readEx, entry); }).read(sync); }; function dataOffset(entry) { return entry.offset + consts.LOCHDR + entry.fnameLen + entry.extraLen; } function canVerifyCrc(entry) { // if bit 3 (0x08) of the general-purpose flags field is set, then the CRC-32 and file sizes are not known when the header is written return (entry.flags & 0x8) !== 0x8; } function extract(entry, outPath, callback) { that.stream(entry, (err, stm) => { if (err) { callback(err); } else { let fsStm, errThrown; stm.on('error', (err) => { errThrown = err; if (fsStm) { stm.unpipe(fsStm); fsStm.close(() => { callback(err); }); } }); fs.open(outPath, 'w', (err, fdFile) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (errThrown) { fs.close(fd, () => { callback(errThrown); }); return; } fsStm = fs.createWriteStream(outPath, { fd: fdFile }); fsStm.on('finish', () => { that.emit('extract', entry, outPath); if (!errThrown) { callback(); } }); stm.pipe(fsStm); }); } }); } function createDirectories(baseDir, dirs, callback) { if (!dirs.length) { return callback(); } let dir = dirs.shift(); dir = path.join(baseDir, path.join(...dir)); fs.mkdir(dir, (err) => { if (err && err.code !== 'EEXIST') { return callback(err); } createDirectories(baseDir, dirs, callback); }); } function extractFiles(baseDir, baseRelPath, files, callback, extractedCount) { if (!files.length) { return callback(null, extractedCount); } const file = files.shift(); const targetPath = path.join(baseDir, file.name.replace(baseRelPath, '')); extract(file, targetPath, (err) => { if (err) { return callback(err, extractedCount); } extractFiles(baseDir, baseRelPath, files, callback, extractedCount + 1); }); } this.extract = function (entry, outPath, callback) { let entryName = entry || ''; if (typeof entry === 'string') { entry = this.entry(entry); if (entry) { entryName = entry.name; } else { if (entryName.length && entryName[entryName.length - 1] !== '/') { entryName += '/'; } } } if (!entry || entry.isDirectory) { const files = [], dirs = [], allDirs = {}; for (const e in entries) { if ( Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(entries, e) && e.lastIndexOf(entryName, 0) === 0 ) { let relPath = e.replace(entryName, ''); const childEntry = entries[e]; if (childEntry.isFile) { files.push(childEntry); relPath = path.dirname(relPath); } if (relPath && !allDirs[relPath] && relPath !== '.') { allDirs[relPath] = true; let parts = relPath.split('/').filter((f) => { return f; }); if (parts.length) { dirs.push(parts); } while (parts.length > 1) { parts = parts.slice(0, parts.length - 1); const partsPath = parts.join('/'); if (allDirs[partsPath] || partsPath === '.') { break; } allDirs[partsPath] = true; dirs.push(parts); } } } } dirs.sort((x, y) => { return x.length - y.length; }); if (dirs.length) { createDirectories(outPath, dirs, (err) => { if (err) { callback(err); } else { extractFiles(outPath, entryName, files, callback, 0); } }); } else { extractFiles(outPath, entryName, files, callback, 0); } } else { fs.stat(outPath, (err, stat) => { if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) { extract(entry, path.join(outPath, path.basename(entry.name)), callback); } else { extract(entry, outPath, callback); } }); } }; this.close = function (callback) { if (closed || !fd) { closed = true; if (callback) { callback(); } } else { closed = true; fs.close(fd, (err) => { fd = null; if (callback) { callback(err); } }); } }; const originalEmit = events.EventEmitter.prototype.emit; this.emit = function (...args) { if (!closed) { return originalEmit.call(this, ...args); } }; }; StreamZip.setFs = function (customFs) { fs = customFs; }; StreamZip.debugLog = (...args) => { if (StreamZip.debug) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(...args); } }; util.inherits(StreamZip, events.EventEmitter); const propZip = Symbol('zip'); StreamZip.async = class StreamZipAsync extends events.EventEmitter { constructor(config) { super(); const zip = new StreamZip(config); zip.on('entry', (entry) => this.emit('entry', entry)); zip.on('extract', (entry, outPath) => this.emit('extract', entry, outPath)); this[propZip] = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { zip.on('ready', () => { zip.off('error', reject); resolve(zip); }); zip.on('error', reject); }); } get entriesCount() { return this[propZip].then((zip) => zip.entriesCount); } get comment() { return this[propZip].then((zip) => zip.comment); } async entry(name) { const zip = await this[propZip]; return zip.entry(name); } async entries() { const zip = await this[propZip]; return zip.entries(); } async stream(entry) { const zip = await this[propZip]; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { zip.stream(entry, (err, stm) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(stm); } }); }); } async entryData(entry) { const stm = await this.stream(entry); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const data = []; stm.on('data', (chunk) => data.push(chunk)); stm.on('end', () => { resolve(Buffer.concat(data)); }); stm.on('error', (err) => { stm.removeAllListeners('end'); reject(err); }); }); } async extract(entry, outPath) { const zip = await this[propZip]; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { zip.extract(entry, outPath, (err, res) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(res); } }); }); } async close() { const zip = await this[propZip]; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { zip.close((err) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(); } }); }); } }; class CentralDirectoryHeader { read(data) { if (data.length !== consts.ENDHDR || data.readUInt32LE(0) !== consts.ENDSIG) { throw new Error('Invalid central directory'); } // number of entries on this volume this.volumeEntries = data.readUInt16LE(consts.ENDSUB); // total number of entries this.totalEntries = data.readUInt16LE(consts.ENDTOT); // central directory size in bytes this.size = data.readUInt32LE(consts.ENDSIZ); // offset of first CEN header this.offset = data.readUInt32LE(consts.ENDOFF); // zip file comment length this.commentLength = data.readUInt16LE(consts.ENDCOM); } } class CentralDirectoryLoc64Header { read(data) { if (data.length !== consts.ENDL64HDR || data.readUInt32LE(0) !== consts.ENDL64SIG) { throw new Error('Invalid zip64 central directory locator'); } // ZIP64 EOCD header offset this.headerOffset = readUInt64LE(data, consts.ENDSUB); } } class CentralDirectoryZip64Header { read(data) { if (data.length !== consts.END64HDR || data.readUInt32LE(0) !== consts.END64SIG) { throw new Error('Invalid central directory'); } // number of entries on this volume this.volumeEntries = readUInt64LE(data, consts.END64SUB); // total number of entries this.totalEntries = readUInt64LE(data, consts.END64TOT); // central directory size in bytes this.size = readUInt64LE(data, consts.END64SIZ); // offset of first CEN header this.offset = readUInt64LE(data, consts.END64OFF); } } class ZipEntry { readHeader(data, offset) { // data should be 46 bytes and start with "PK 01 02" if (data.length < offset + consts.CENHDR || data.readUInt32LE(offset) !== consts.CENSIG) { throw new Error('Invalid entry header'); } // version made by this.verMade = data.readUInt16LE(offset + consts.CENVEM); // version needed to extract this.version = data.readUInt16LE(offset + consts.CENVER); // encrypt, decrypt flags this.flags = data.readUInt16LE(offset + consts.CENFLG); // compression method this.method = data.readUInt16LE(offset + consts.CENHOW); // modification time (2 bytes time, 2 bytes date) const timebytes = data.readUInt16LE(offset + consts.CENTIM); const datebytes = data.readUInt16LE(offset + consts.CENTIM + 2); this.time = parseZipTime(timebytes, datebytes); // uncompressed file crc-32 value this.crc = data.readUInt32LE(offset + consts.CENCRC); // compressed size this.compressedSize = data.readUInt32LE(offset + consts.CENSIZ); // uncompressed size this.size = data.readUInt32LE(offset + consts.CENLEN); // filename length this.fnameLen = data.readUInt16LE(offset + consts.CENNAM); // extra field length this.extraLen = data.readUInt16LE(offset + consts.CENEXT); // file comment length this.comLen = data.readUInt16LE(offset + consts.CENCOM); // volume number start this.diskStart = data.readUInt16LE(offset + consts.CENDSK); // internal file attributes this.inattr = data.readUInt16LE(offset + consts.CENATT); // external file attributes this.attr = data.readUInt32LE(offset + consts.CENATX); // LOC header offset this.offset = data.readUInt32LE(offset + consts.CENOFF); } readDataHeader(data) { // 30 bytes and should start with "PK\003\004" if (data.readUInt32LE(0) !== consts.LOCSIG) { throw new Error('Invalid local header'); } // version needed to extract this.version = data.readUInt16LE(consts.LOCVER); // general purpose bit flag this.flags = data.readUInt16LE(consts.LOCFLG); // compression method this.method = data.readUInt16LE(consts.LOCHOW); // modification time (2 bytes time ; 2 bytes date) const timebytes = data.readUInt16LE(consts.LOCTIM); const datebytes = data.readUInt16LE(consts.LOCTIM + 2); this.time = parseZipTime(timebytes, datebytes); // uncompressed file crc-32 value this.crc = data.readUInt32LE(consts.LOCCRC) || this.crc; // compressed size const compressedSize = data.readUInt32LE(consts.LOCSIZ); if (compressedSize && compressedSize !== consts.EF_ZIP64_OR_32) { this.compressedSize = compressedSize; } // uncompressed size const size = data.readUInt32LE(consts.LOCLEN); if (size && size !== consts.EF_ZIP64_OR_32) { this.size = size; } // filename length this.fnameLen = data.readUInt16LE(consts.LOCNAM); // extra field length this.extraLen = data.readUInt16LE(consts.LOCEXT); } read(data, offset) { this.name = data.slice(offset, (offset += this.fnameLen)).toString(); const lastChar = data[offset - 1]; this.isDirectory = lastChar === 47 || lastChar === 92; if (this.extraLen) { this.readExtra(data, offset); offset += this.extraLen; } this.comment = this.comLen ? data.slice(offset, offset + this.comLen).toString() : null; } validateName() { if (/\\|^\w+:|^\/|(^|\/)\.\.(\/|$)/.test(this.name)) { throw new Error('Malicious entry: ' + this.name); } } readExtra(data, offset) { let signature, size; const maxPos = offset + this.extraLen; while (offset < maxPos) { signature = data.readUInt16LE(offset); offset += 2; size = data.readUInt16LE(offset); offset += 2; if (consts.ID_ZIP64 === signature) { this.parseZip64Extra(data, offset, size); } offset += size; } } parseZip64Extra(data, offset, length) { if (length >= 8 && this.size === consts.EF_ZIP64_OR_32) { this.size = readUInt64LE(data, offset); offset += 8; length -= 8; } if (length >= 8 && this.compressedSize === consts.EF_ZIP64_OR_32) { this.compressedSize = readUInt64LE(data, offset); offset += 8; length -= 8; } if (length >= 8 && this.offset === consts.EF_ZIP64_OR_32) { this.offset = readUInt64LE(data, offset); offset += 8; length -= 8; } if (length >= 4 && this.diskStart === consts.EF_ZIP64_OR_16) { this.diskStart = data.readUInt32LE(offset); // offset += 4; length -= 4; } } get encrypted() { return (this.flags & consts.FLG_ENTRY_ENC) === consts.FLG_ENTRY_ENC; } get isFile() { return !this.isDirectory; } } class FsRead { constructor(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback) { this.fd = fd; this.buffer = buffer; this.offset = offset; this.length = length; this.position = position; this.callback = callback; this.bytesRead = 0; this.waiting = false; } read(sync) { StreamZip.debugLog('read', this.position, this.bytesRead, this.length, this.offset); this.waiting = true; let err; if (sync) { let bytesRead = 0; try { bytesRead = fs.readSync( this.fd, this.buffer, this.offset + this.bytesRead, this.length - this.bytesRead, this.position + this.bytesRead ); } catch (e) { err = e; } this.readCallback(sync, err, err ? bytesRead : null); } else { fs.read( this.fd, this.buffer, this.offset + this.bytesRead, this.length - this.bytesRead, this.position + this.bytesRead, this.readCallback.bind(this, sync) ); } } readCallback(sync, err, bytesRead) { if (typeof bytesRead === 'number') { this.bytesRead += bytesRead; } if (err || !bytesRead || this.bytesRead === this.length) { this.waiting = false; return this.callback(err, this.bytesRead); } else { this.read(sync); } } } class FileWindowBuffer { constructor(fd) { this.position = 0; this.buffer = Buffer.alloc(0); this.fd = fd; this.fsOp = null; } checkOp() { if (this.fsOp && this.fsOp.waiting) { throw new Error('Operation in progress'); } } read(pos, length, callback) { this.checkOp(); if (this.buffer.length < length) { this.buffer = Buffer.alloc(length); } this.position = pos; this.fsOp = new FsRead(this.fd, this.buffer, 0, length, this.position, callback).read(); } expandLeft(length, callback) { this.checkOp(); this.buffer = Buffer.concat([Buffer.alloc(length), this.buffer]); this.position -= length; if (this.position < 0) { this.position = 0; } this.fsOp = new FsRead(this.fd, this.buffer, 0, length, this.position, callback).read(); } expandRight(length, callback) { this.checkOp(); const offset = this.buffer.length; this.buffer = Buffer.concat([this.buffer, Buffer.alloc(length)]); this.fsOp = new FsRead( this.fd, this.buffer, offset, length, this.position + offset, callback ).read(); } moveRight(length, callback, shift) { this.checkOp(); if (shift) { this.buffer.copy(this.buffer, 0, shift); } else { shift = 0; } this.position += shift; this.fsOp = new FsRead( this.fd, this.buffer, this.buffer.length - shift, shift, this.position + this.buffer.length - shift, callback ).read(); } } class EntryDataReaderStream extends stream.Readable { constructor(fd, offset, length) { super(); this.fd = fd; this.offset = offset; this.length = length; this.pos = 0; this.readCallback = this.readCallback.bind(this); } _read(n) { const buffer = Buffer.alloc(Math.min(n, this.length - this.pos)); if (buffer.length) { fs.read(this.fd, buffer, 0, buffer.length, this.offset + this.pos, this.readCallback); } else { this.push(null); } } readCallback(err, bytesRead, buffer) { this.pos += bytesRead; if (err) { this.emit('error', err); this.push(null); } else if (!bytesRead) { this.push(null); } else { if (bytesRead !== buffer.length) { buffer = buffer.slice(0, bytesRead); } this.push(buffer); } } } class EntryVerifyStream extends stream.Transform { constructor(baseStm, crc, size) { super(); this.verify = new CrcVerify(crc, size); baseStm.on('error', (e) => { this.emit('error', e); }); } _transform(data, encoding, callback) { let err; try { this.verify.data(data); } catch (e) { err = e; } callback(err, data); } } class CrcVerify { constructor(crc, size) { this.crc = crc; this.size = size; this.state = { crc: ~0, size: 0, }; } data(data) { const crcTable = CrcVerify.getCrcTable(); let crc = this.state.crc; let off = 0; let len = data.length; while (--len >= 0) { crc = crcTable[(crc ^ data[off++]) & 0xff] ^ (crc >>> 8); } this.state.crc = crc; this.state.size += data.length; if (this.state.size >= this.size) { const buf = Buffer.alloc(4); buf.writeInt32LE(~this.state.crc & 0xffffffff, 0); crc = buf.readUInt32LE(0); if (crc !== this.crc) { throw new Error('Invalid CRC'); } if (this.state.size !== this.size) { throw new Error('Invalid size'); } } } static getCrcTable() { let crcTable = CrcVerify.crcTable; if (!crcTable) { CrcVerify.crcTable = crcTable = []; const b = Buffer.alloc(4); for (let n = 0; n < 256; n++) { let c = n; for (let k = 8; --k >= 0; ) { if ((c & 1) !== 0) { c = 0xedb88320 ^ (c >>> 1); } else { c = c >>> 1; } } if (c < 0) { b.writeInt32LE(c, 0); c = b.readUInt32LE(0); } crcTable[n] = c; } } return crcTable; } } function parseZipTime(timebytes, datebytes) { const timebits = toBits(timebytes, 16); const datebits = toBits(datebytes, 16); const mt = { h: parseInt(timebits.slice(0, 5).join(''), 2), m: parseInt(timebits.slice(5, 11).join(''), 2), s: parseInt(timebits.slice(11, 16).join(''), 2) * 2, Y: parseInt(datebits.slice(0, 7).join(''), 2) + 1980, M: parseInt(datebits.slice(7, 11).join(''), 2), D: parseInt(datebits.slice(11, 16).join(''), 2), }; const dt_str = [mt.Y, mt.M, mt.D].join('-') + ' ' + [mt.h, mt.m, mt.s].join(':') + ' GMT+0'; return new Date(dt_str).getTime(); } function toBits(dec, size) { let b = (dec >>> 0).toString(2); while (b.length < size) { b = '0' + b; } return b.split(''); } function readUInt64LE(buffer, offset) { return buffer.readUInt32LE(offset + 4) * 0x0000000100000000 + buffer.readUInt32LE(offset); } module.exports = StreamZip;