import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Animated, Platform } from 'react-native'; import { State, BaseButton } from '../GestureHandler'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; /** * Each touchable is a states' machine which preforms transitions. * On very beginning (and on the very end or recognition) touchable is * UNDETERMINED. Then it moves to BEGAN. If touchable recognizes that finger * travel outside it transits to special MOVED_OUTSIDE state. Gesture recognition * finishes in UNDETERMINED state. */ export const TOUCHABLE_STATE = { UNDETERMINED: 0, BEGAN: 1, MOVED_OUTSIDE: 2, }; const PublicPropTypes = { // Decided to drop not used fields from RN's implementation. // e.g. onBlur and onFocus as well as deprecated props. accessible: PropTypes.bool, accessibilityLabel: PropTypes.node, accessibilityHint: PropTypes.string, hitSlop: PropTypes.shape({ top: PropTypes.number, left: PropTypes.number, bottom: PropTypes.number, right: PropTypes.number, }), disabled: PropTypes.bool, onPress: PropTypes.func, onPressIn: PropTypes.func, onPressOut: PropTypes.func, onLayout: PropTypes.func, onLongPress: PropTypes.func, nativeID: PropTypes.string, testID: PropTypes.string, delayPressIn: PropTypes.number, delayPressOut: PropTypes.number, delayLongPress: PropTypes.number, shouldActivateOnStart: PropTypes.bool, disallowInterruption: PropTypes.bool, }; const InternalPropTypes = { extraButtonProps: PropTypes.object, onStateChange: PropTypes.func, }; /** * GenericTouchable is not intented to be used as it. * Should be treated as a source for the rest of touchables */ export default class GenericTouchable extends Component { static publicPropTypes = PublicPropTypes; static internalPropTypes = InternalPropTypes; // The prop type collections have to be outside of the class, as metro // at this time does not compile `` correctly if HMR is enabled. // static propTypes = { ...InternalPropTypes, ...PublicPropTypes, }; static defaultProps = { delayLongPress: 600, extraButtonProps: { rippleColor: 'transparent', }, }; // timeout handlers pressInTimeout; pressOutTimeout; longPressTimeout; // This flag is required since recognition of longPress implies not-invoking onPress longPressDetected = false; pointerInside = true; // State of touchable STATE = TOUCHABLE_STATE.UNDETERMINED; // handlePressIn in called on first touch on traveling inside component. // Handles state transition with delay. handlePressIn() { if (this.props.delayPressIn) { this.pressInTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.moveToState(TOUCHABLE_STATE.BEGAN); this.pressInTimeout = null; }, this.props.delayPressIn); } else { this.moveToState(TOUCHABLE_STATE.BEGAN); } if (this.props.onLongPress) { const time = (this.props.delayPressIn || 0) + (this.props.delayLongPress || 0); this.longPressTimeout = setTimeout(this.onLongPressDetected, time); } } // handleMoveOutside in called on traveling outside component. // Handles state transition with delay. handleMoveOutside() { if (this.props.delayPressOut) { this.pressOutTimeout = this.pressOutTimeout || setTimeout(() => { this.moveToState(TOUCHABLE_STATE.MOVED_OUTSIDE); this.pressOutTimeout = null; }, this.props.delayPressOut); } else { this.moveToState(TOUCHABLE_STATE.MOVED_OUTSIDE); } } // handleGoToUndetermined transits to UNDETERMINED state with proper delay handleGoToUndetermined() { clearTimeout(this.pressOutTimeout); if (this.props.delayPressOut) { this.pressOutTimeout = setTimeout(() => { if (this.STATE === TOUCHABLE_STATE.UNDETERMINED) { this.moveToState(TOUCHABLE_STATE.BEGAN); } this.moveToState(TOUCHABLE_STATE.UNDETERMINED); this.pressOutTimeout = null; }, this.props.delayPressOut); } else { if (this.STATE === TOUCHABLE_STATE.UNDETERMINED) { this.moveToState(TOUCHABLE_STATE.BEGAN); } this.moveToState(TOUCHABLE_STATE.UNDETERMINED); } } componentDidMount() { this.reset(); } // reset timeout to prevent memory leaks. reset() { this.longPressDetected = false; this.pointerInside = true; clearTimeout(this.pressInTimeout); clearTimeout(this.pressOutTimeout); clearTimeout(this.longPressTimeout); this.pressOutTimeout = null; this.longPressTimeout = null; this.pressInTimeout = null; } // All states' transitions are defined here. moveToState(newState) { if (newState === this.STATE) { // Ignore dummy transitions return; } if (newState === TOUCHABLE_STATE.BEGAN) { // First touch and moving inside this.props.onPressIn && this.props.onPressIn(); } else if (newState === TOUCHABLE_STATE.MOVED_OUTSIDE) { // Moving outside this.props.onPressOut && this.props.onPressOut(); } else if (newState === TOUCHABLE_STATE.UNDETERMINED) { // Need to reset each time on transition to UNDETERMINED this.reset(); if (this.STATE === TOUCHABLE_STATE.BEGAN) { // ... and if it happens inside button. this.props.onPressOut && this.props.onPressOut(); } } // Finally call lister (used by subclasses) this.props.onStateChange && this.props.onStateChange(this.STATE, newState); // ... and make transition. this.STATE = newState; } onGestureEvent = ({ nativeEvent: { pointerInside } }) => { if (this.pointerInside !== pointerInside) { if (pointerInside) { this.onMoveIn(); } else { this.onMoveOut(); } } this.pointerInside = pointerInside; }; onHandlerStateChange = ({ nativeEvent }) => { const { state } = nativeEvent; if (state === State.CANCELLED || state === State.FAILED) { // Need to handle case with external cancellation (e.g. by ScrollView) this.moveToState(TOUCHABLE_STATE.UNDETERMINED); } else if ( // This platform check is an implication of slightly different behavior of handlers on different platform. // And Android "Active" state is achieving on first move of a finger, not on press in. // On iOS event on "Began" is not delivered. state === (Platform.OS !== 'android' ? State.ACTIVE : State.BEGAN) && this.STATE === TOUCHABLE_STATE.UNDETERMINED ) { // Moving inside requires this.handlePressIn(); } else if (state === State.END) { const shouldCallOnPress = !this.longPressDetected && this.STATE !== TOUCHABLE_STATE.MOVED_OUTSIDE && this.pressOutTimeout === null; this.handleGoToUndetermined(); if (shouldCallOnPress) { // Calls only inside component whether no long press was called previously this.props.onPress && this.props.onPress(); } } }; onLongPressDetected = () => { this.longPressDetected = true; this.props.onLongPress(); }; componentWillUnmount() { // to prevent memory leaks this.reset(); } onMoveIn() { if (this.STATE === TOUCHABLE_STATE.MOVED_OUTSIDE) { // This call is not throttled with delays (like in RN's implementation). this.moveToState(TOUCHABLE_STATE.BEGAN); } } onMoveOut() { // long press should no longer be detected clearTimeout(this.longPressTimeout); this.longPressTimeout = null; if (this.STATE === TOUCHABLE_STATE.BEGAN) { this.handleMoveOutside(); } } render() { const coreProps = { accessible: this.props.accessible !== false, accessibilityLabel: this.props.accessibilityLabel, accessibilityHint: this.props.accessibilityHint, accessibilityComponentType: this.props.accessibilityComponentType, accessibilityRole: this.props.accessibilityRole, accessibilityStates: this.props.accessibilityStates, accessibilityTraits: this.props.accessibilityTraits, nativeID: this.props.nativeID, onLayout: this.props.onLayout, hitSlop: this.props.hitSlop, }; return ( {this.props.children} ); } }