import GestureHandler from './GestureHandler'; import { TEST_MAX_IF_NOT_NAN } from './utils'; class DiscreteGestureHandler extends GestureHandler { get isDiscrete() { return true; } get shouldEnableGestureOnSetup() { return true; } shouldFailUnderCustomCriteria( { x, y, deltaX, deltaY }, { maxDeltaX, maxDeltaY, maxDistSq, shouldCancelWhenOutside } ) { if (shouldCancelWhenOutside) { if (!this.isPointInView({ x, y })) { return true; } } return ( TEST_MAX_IF_NOT_NAN(Math.abs(deltaX), maxDeltaX) || TEST_MAX_IF_NOT_NAN(Math.abs(deltaY), maxDeltaY) || TEST_MAX_IF_NOT_NAN(Math.abs(deltaY * deltaY + deltaX * deltaX), maxDistSq) ); } transformNativeEvent({ center: { x, y } }) { const rect = this.view.getBoundingClientRect(); return { absoluteX: x, absoluteY: y, x: x - rect.left, y: y -, }; } isGestureEnabledForEvent( { minPointers, maxPointers, maxDist, maxDeltaX, maxDeltaY, maxDistSq, shouldCancelWhenOutside }, recognizer, { maxPointers: pointerLength, center, deltaX, deltaY, ...props } ) { const validPointerCount = pointerLength >= minPointers && pointerLength <= maxPointers; if ( this.shouldFailUnderCustomCriteria( {, deltaX, deltaY }, { maxDeltaX, maxDeltaY, maxDistSq, shouldCancelWhenOutside, } ) || // A user probably won't land a multi-pointer tap on the first tick (so we cannot just cancel each time) // but if the gesture is running and the user adds or subtracts another pointer then it should fail. (!validPointerCount && this.isGestureRunning) ) { return { failed: true }; } return { success: validPointerCount }; } } export default DiscreteGestureHandler;