#import "RNSScreenStackHeaderConfig.h" #import "RNSScreen.h" #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import // Some RN private method hacking below. Couldn't figure out better way to access image data // of a given RCTImageView. See more comments in the code section processing SubviewTypeBackButton @interface RCTImageView (Private) - (UIImage*)image; @end @interface RCTImageLoader (Private) - (id)imageCache; @end @interface RNSScreenStackHeaderSubview : UIView @property (nonatomic, weak) RCTBridge *bridge; @property (nonatomic, weak) UIView *reactSuperview; @property (nonatomic) RNSScreenStackHeaderSubviewType type; - (instancetype)initWithBridge:(RCTBridge*)bridge; @end @implementation RNSScreenStackHeaderSubview - (instancetype)initWithBridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge { if (self = [super init]) { _bridge = bridge; } return self; } @end @implementation RNSScreenStackHeaderConfig { NSMutableArray *_reactSubviews; } - (instancetype)init { if (self = [super init]) { self.hidden = YES; _translucent = YES; _reactSubviews = [NSMutableArray new]; } return self; } - (void)insertReactSubview:(RNSScreenStackHeaderSubview *)subview atIndex:(NSInteger)atIndex { [_reactSubviews insertObject:subview atIndex:atIndex]; subview.reactSuperview = self; } - (void)removeReactSubview:(RNSScreenStackHeaderSubview *)subview { [_reactSubviews removeObject:subview]; } - (NSArray *)reactSubviews { return _reactSubviews; } - (UIView *)reactSuperview { return _screenView; } - (void)removeFromSuperview { [super removeFromSuperview]; _screenView = nil; } - (void)updateViewControllerIfNeeded { UIViewController *vc = _screenView.controller; UINavigationController *nav = (UINavigationController*) vc.parentViewController; UIViewController *nextVC = nav.visibleViewController; if (nav.transitionCoordinator != nil) { // if navigator is performing transition instead of allowing to update of `visibleConttroller` // we look at `topController`. This is because during transitiong the `visibleController` won't // point to the controller that is going to be revealed after transition. This check fixes the // problem when config gets updated while the transition is ongoing. nextVC = nav.topViewController; } if (vc != nil && nextVC == vc) { [RNSScreenStackHeaderConfig updateViewController:self.screenView.controller withConfig:self animated:YES]; } } - (void)didSetProps:(NSArray *)changedProps { [super didSetProps:changedProps]; [self updateViewControllerIfNeeded]; } - (void)didUpdateReactSubviews { [super didUpdateReactSubviews]; [self updateViewControllerIfNeeded]; } + (void)setAnimatedConfig:(UIViewController *)vc withConfig:(RNSScreenStackHeaderConfig *)config { UINavigationBar *navbar = ((UINavigationController *)vc.parentViewController).navigationBar; // It is workaround for loading custom back icon when transitioning from a screen without header to the screen which has one. // This action fails when navigating to the screen with header for the second time and loads default back button. // It looks like changing the tint color of navbar triggers an update of the items belonging to it and it seems to load the custom back image // so we change the tint color's alpha by a very small amount and then set it to the one it should have. [navbar setTintColor:[config.color colorWithAlphaComponent:CGColorGetAlpha(config.color.CGColor) - 0.01]]; [navbar setTintColor:config.color]; #if defined(__IPHONE_13_0) && TARGET_OS_IOS if (@available(iOS 13.0, *)) { // font customized on the navigation item level, so nothing to do here } else #endif { BOOL hideShadow = config.hideShadow; if (config.backgroundColor && CGColorGetAlpha(config.backgroundColor.CGColor) == 0.) { [navbar setBackgroundImage:[UIImage new] forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault]; [navbar setBarTintColor:[UIColor clearColor]]; hideShadow = YES; } else { [navbar setBackgroundImage:nil forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault]; [navbar setBarTintColor:config.backgroundColor]; } [navbar setTranslucent:config.translucent]; [navbar setValue:@(hideShadow ? YES : NO) forKey:@"hidesShadow"]; if (config.titleFontFamily || config.titleFontSize || config.titleColor) { NSMutableDictionary *attrs = [NSMutableDictionary new]; if (config.titleColor) { attrs[NSForegroundColorAttributeName] = config.titleColor; } NSNumber *size = config.titleFontSize ?: @17; if (config.titleFontFamily) { attrs[NSFontAttributeName] = [RCTFont updateFont:nil withFamily:config.titleFontFamily size:size weight:nil style:nil variant:nil scaleMultiplier:1.0]; } else { attrs[NSFontAttributeName] = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:[size floatValue]]; } [navbar setTitleTextAttributes:attrs]; } #if (TARGET_OS_IOS) if (@available(iOS 11.0, *)) { if (config.largeTitle && (config.largeTitleFontFamily || config.largeTitleFontSize || config.largeTitleColor || config.titleColor)) { NSMutableDictionary *largeAttrs = [NSMutableDictionary new]; if (config.largeTitleColor || config.titleColor) { largeAttrs[NSForegroundColorAttributeName] = config.largeTitleColor ? config.largeTitleColor : config.titleColor; } NSNumber *largeSize = config.largeTitleFontSize ?: @34; if (config.largeTitleFontFamily) { largeAttrs[NSFontAttributeName] = [RCTFont updateFont:nil withFamily:config.largeTitleFontFamily size:largeSize weight:nil style:nil variant:nil scaleMultiplier:1.0]; } else { largeAttrs[NSFontAttributeName] = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:[largeSize floatValue] weight:UIFontWeightBold]; } [navbar setLargeTitleTextAttributes:largeAttrs]; } } #endif } } + (void)setTitleAttibutes:(NSDictionary *)attrs forButton:(UIBarButtonItem *)button { [button setTitleTextAttributes:attrs forState:UIControlStateNormal]; [button setTitleTextAttributes:attrs forState:UIControlStateHighlighted]; [button setTitleTextAttributes:attrs forState:UIControlStateDisabled]; [button setTitleTextAttributes:attrs forState:UIControlStateSelected]; if (@available(iOS 9.0, *)) { [button setTitleTextAttributes:attrs forState:UIControlStateFocused]; } } + (UIImage*)loadBackButtonImageInViewController:(UIViewController *)vc withConfig:(RNSScreenStackHeaderConfig *)config { BOOL hasBackButtonImage = NO; for (RNSScreenStackHeaderSubview *subview in config.reactSubviews) { if (subview.type == RNSScreenStackHeaderSubviewTypeBackButton && subview.subviews.count > 0) { hasBackButtonImage = YES; RCTImageView *imageView = subview.subviews[0]; if (imageView.image == nil) { // This is yet another workaround for loading custom back icon. It turns out that under // certain circumstances image attribute can be null despite the app running in production // mode (when images are loaded from the filesystem). This can happen because image attribute // is reset when image view is detached from window, and also in some cases initialization // does not populate the frame of the image view before the loading start. The latter result // in the image attribute not being updated. We manually set frame to the size of an image // in order to trigger proper reload that'd update the image attribute. RCTImageSource *source = imageView.imageSources[0]; [imageView reactSetFrame:CGRectMake(imageView.frame.origin.x, imageView.frame.origin.y, source.size.width, source.size.height)]; } UIImage *image = imageView.image; // IMPORTANT!!! // image can be nil in DEV MODE ONLY // // It is so, because in dev mode images are loaded over HTTP from the packager. In that case // we first check if image is already loaded in cache and if it is, we take it from cache and // display immediately. Otherwise we wait for the transition to finish and retry updating // header config. // Unfortunately due to some problems in UIKit we cannot update the image while the screen // transition is ongoing. This results in the settings being reset after the transition is done // to the state from before the transition. if (image == nil) { // in DEV MODE we try to load from cache (we use private API for that as it is not exposed // publically in headers). RCTImageSource *source = imageView.imageSources[0]; image = [subview.bridge.imageLoader.imageCache imageForUrl:source.request.URL.absoluteString size:source.size scale:source.scale resizeMode:imageView.resizeMode]; } if (image == nil) { // This will be triggered if the image is not in the cache yet. What we do is we wait until // the end of transition and run header config updates again. We could potentially wait for // image on load to trigger, but that would require even more private method hacking. if (vc.transitionCoordinator) { [vc.transitionCoordinator animateAlongsideTransition:^(id _Nonnull context) { // nothing, we just want completion } completion:^(id _Nonnull context) { // in order for new back button image to be loaded we need to trigger another change // in back button props that'd make UIKit redraw the button. Otherwise the changes are // not reflected. Here we change back button visibility which is then immediately restored #if (TARGET_OS_IOS) vc.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = YES; #endif [config updateViewControllerIfNeeded]; }]; } return [UIImage new]; } else { return image; } } } return nil; } + (void)willShowViewController:(UIViewController *)vc animated:(BOOL)animated withConfig:(RNSScreenStackHeaderConfig *)config { [self updateViewController:vc withConfig:config animated:animated]; } #if defined(__IPHONE_13_0) && TARGET_OS_IOS + (UINavigationBarAppearance*)buildAppearance:(UIViewController *)vc withConfig:(RNSScreenStackHeaderConfig *)config { UINavigationBarAppearance *appearance = [UINavigationBarAppearance new]; if (config.backgroundColor && CGColorGetAlpha(config.backgroundColor.CGColor) == 0.) { // transparent background color [appearance configureWithTransparentBackground]; } else { [appearance configureWithOpaqueBackground]; } // set background color if specified if (config.backgroundColor) { appearance.backgroundColor = config.backgroundColor; } if (config.blurEffect) { appearance.backgroundEffect = [UIBlurEffect effectWithStyle:config.blurEffect]; } if (config.hideShadow) { appearance.shadowColor = nil; } if (config.titleFontFamily || config.titleFontSize || config.titleColor) { NSMutableDictionary *attrs = [NSMutableDictionary new]; if (config.titleColor) { attrs[NSForegroundColorAttributeName] = config.titleColor; } NSNumber *size = config.titleFontSize ?: @17; if (config.titleFontFamily) { attrs[NSFontAttributeName] = [RCTFont updateFont:nil withFamily:config.titleFontFamily size:size weight:nil style:nil variant:nil scaleMultiplier:1.0]; } else { attrs[NSFontAttributeName] = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:[size floatValue]]; } appearance.titleTextAttributes = attrs; } if (config.largeTitleFontFamily || config.largeTitleFontSize || config.largeTitleColor || config.titleColor) { NSMutableDictionary *largeAttrs = [NSMutableDictionary new]; if (config.largeTitleColor || config.titleColor) { largeAttrs[NSForegroundColorAttributeName] = config.largeTitleColor ? config.largeTitleColor : config.titleColor; } NSNumber *largeSize = config.largeTitleFontSize ?: @34; if (config.largeTitleFontFamily) { largeAttrs[NSFontAttributeName] = [RCTFont updateFont:nil withFamily:config.largeTitleFontFamily size:largeSize weight:nil style:nil variant:nil scaleMultiplier:1.0]; } else { largeAttrs[NSFontAttributeName] = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:[largeSize floatValue] weight:UIFontWeightBold]; } appearance.largeTitleTextAttributes = largeAttrs; } UIImage *backButtonImage = [self loadBackButtonImageInViewController:vc withConfig:config]; if (backButtonImage) { [appearance setBackIndicatorImage:backButtonImage transitionMaskImage:backButtonImage]; } else if (appearance.backIndicatorImage) { [appearance setBackIndicatorImage:nil transitionMaskImage:nil]; } return appearance; } #endif + (void)updateViewController:(UIViewController *)vc withConfig:(RNSScreenStackHeaderConfig *)config animated:(BOOL)animated { UINavigationItem *navitem = vc.navigationItem; UINavigationController *navctr = (UINavigationController *)vc.parentViewController; NSUInteger currentIndex = [navctr.viewControllers indexOfObject:vc]; UINavigationItem *prevItem = currentIndex > 0 ? [navctr.viewControllers objectAtIndex:currentIndex - 1].navigationItem : nil; BOOL wasHidden = navctr.navigationBarHidden; BOOL shouldHide = config == nil || config.hide; if (!shouldHide && !config.translucent) { // when nav bar is not translucent we chage edgesForExtendedLayout to avoid system laying out // the screen underneath navigation controllers vc.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone; } else { // system default is UIRectEdgeAll vc.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeAll; } [navctr setNavigationBarHidden:shouldHide animated:animated]; #if (TARGET_OS_IOS) // we put it before check with return because we want to apply changes to status bar even if the header is hidden if (config != nil) { if (config.statusBarStyle || config.statusBarAnimation || config.statusBarHidden) { [RNSScreenStackHeaderConfig assertViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearenceSet]; if ([vc isKindOfClass:[RNSScreen class]]) { [RNSScreenStackHeaderConfig updateStatusBarAppearance]; } } } #endif if (shouldHide) { return; } if (config.direction == UISemanticContentAttributeForceLeftToRight || config.direction == UISemanticContentAttributeForceRightToLeft) { navctr.view.semanticContentAttribute = config.direction; navctr.navigationBar.semanticContentAttribute = config.direction; } navitem.title = config.title; #if (TARGET_OS_IOS) if (config.backTitle != nil || config.backTitleFontFamily || config.backTitleFontSize) { prevItem.backBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:config.backTitle ?: prevItem.title style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:nil action:nil]; if (config.backTitleFontFamily || config.backTitleFontSize) { NSMutableDictionary *attrs = [NSMutableDictionary new]; NSNumber *size = config.backTitleFontSize ?: @17; if (config.backTitleFontFamily) { attrs[NSFontAttributeName] = [RCTFont updateFont:nil withFamily:config.backTitleFontFamily size:size weight:nil style:nil variant:nil scaleMultiplier:1.0]; } else { attrs[NSFontAttributeName] = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:[size floatValue]]; } [self setTitleAttibutes:attrs forButton:prevItem.backBarButtonItem]; } } else { prevItem.backBarButtonItem = nil; } if (@available(iOS 11.0, *)) { if (config.largeTitle) { navctr.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = YES; } navitem.largeTitleDisplayMode = config.largeTitle ? UINavigationItemLargeTitleDisplayModeAlways : UINavigationItemLargeTitleDisplayModeNever; } #endif #if defined(__IPHONE_13_0) && TARGET_OS_IOS if (@available(iOS 13.0, *)) { UINavigationBarAppearance *appearance = [self buildAppearance:vc withConfig:config]; navitem.standardAppearance = appearance; navitem.compactAppearance = appearance; UINavigationBarAppearance *scrollEdgeAppearance = [[UINavigationBarAppearance alloc] initWithBarAppearance:appearance]; if (config.largeTitleBackgroundColor != nil) { scrollEdgeAppearance.backgroundColor = config.largeTitleBackgroundColor; } if (config.largeTitleHideShadow) { scrollEdgeAppearance.shadowColor = nil; } navitem.scrollEdgeAppearance = scrollEdgeAppearance; } else #endif { #if (TARGET_OS_IOS) // updating backIndicatotImage does not work when called during transition. On iOS pre 13 we need // to update it before the navigation starts. UIImage *backButtonImage = [self loadBackButtonImageInViewController:vc withConfig:config]; if (backButtonImage) { navctr.navigationBar.backIndicatorImage = backButtonImage; navctr.navigationBar.backIndicatorTransitionMaskImage = backButtonImage; } else if (navctr.navigationBar.backIndicatorImage) { navctr.navigationBar.backIndicatorImage = nil; navctr.navigationBar.backIndicatorTransitionMaskImage = nil; } #endif } #if (TARGET_OS_IOS) navitem.hidesBackButton = config.hideBackButton; #endif navitem.leftBarButtonItem = nil; navitem.rightBarButtonItem = nil; navitem.titleView = nil; for (RNSScreenStackHeaderSubview *subview in config.reactSubviews) { switch (subview.type) { case RNSScreenStackHeaderSubviewTypeLeft: { #if (TARGET_OS_IOS) navitem.leftItemsSupplementBackButton = config.backButtonInCustomView; #endif UIBarButtonItem *buttonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView:subview]; navitem.leftBarButtonItem = buttonItem; break; } case RNSScreenStackHeaderSubviewTypeRight: { UIBarButtonItem *buttonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView:subview]; navitem.rightBarButtonItem = buttonItem; break; } case RNSScreenStackHeaderSubviewTypeCenter: case RNSScreenStackHeaderSubviewTypeTitle: { navitem.titleView = subview; break; } } } if (animated && vc.transitionCoordinator != nil && vc.transitionCoordinator.presentationStyle == UIModalPresentationNone && !wasHidden) { // when there is an ongoing transition we may need to update navbar setting in animation block // using animateAlongsideTransition. However, we only do that given the transition is not a modal // transition (presentationStyle == UIModalPresentationNone) and that the bar was not previously // hidden. This is because both for modal transitions and transitions from screen with hidden bar // the transition animation block does not get triggered. This is ok, because with both of those // types of transitions there is no "shared" navigation bar that needs to be updated in an animated // way. [vc.transitionCoordinator animateAlongsideTransition:^(id _Nonnull context) { [self setAnimatedConfig:vc withConfig:config]; } completion:^(id _Nonnull context) { if ([context isCancelled]) { UIViewController* fromVC = [context viewControllerForKey:UITransitionContextFromViewControllerKey]; RNSScreenStackHeaderConfig* config = nil; for (UIView *subview in fromVC.view.reactSubviews) { if ([subview isKindOfClass:[RNSScreenStackHeaderConfig class]]) { config = (RNSScreenStackHeaderConfig*) subview; break; } } [self setAnimatedConfig:fromVC withConfig:config]; } }]; } else { [self setAnimatedConfig:vc withConfig:config]; } } + (void)assertViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearenceSet { static dispatch_once_t once; static bool viewControllerBasedAppearence; dispatch_once(&once, ^{ viewControllerBasedAppearence = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance"] boolValue]; }); if (!viewControllerBasedAppearence) { RCTLogError(@"If you want to change the appearance of status bar, you have to change \ UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance key in the Info.plist to YES"); } } + (void)updateStatusBarAppearance { [UIView animateWithDuration:0.4 animations:^{ // duration based on "Programming iOS 13" p. 311 implementation if (@available(iOS 13, *)) { UIWindow *firstWindow = [[[UIApplication sharedApplication] windows] firstObject]; if (firstWindow != nil) { [[firstWindow rootViewController] setNeedsStatusBarAppearanceUpdate]; } } else { [UIApplication.sharedApplication.keyWindow.rootViewController setNeedsStatusBarAppearanceUpdate]; } }]; } + (UIStatusBarStyle)statusBarStyleForRNSStatusBarStyle:(RNSStatusBarStyle)statusBarStyle { #ifdef __IPHONE_13_0 if (@available(iOS 13.0, *)) { switch (statusBarStyle) { case RNSStatusBarStyleAuto: return [UITraitCollection.currentTraitCollection userInterfaceStyle] == UIUserInterfaceStyleDark ? UIStatusBarStyleLightContent : UIStatusBarStyleDarkContent; case RNSStatusBarStyleInverted: return [UITraitCollection.currentTraitCollection userInterfaceStyle] == UIUserInterfaceStyleDark ? UIStatusBarStyleDarkContent : UIStatusBarStyleLightContent; case RNSStatusBarStyleLight: return UIStatusBarStyleLightContent; case RNSStatusBarStyleDark: return UIStatusBarStyleDarkContent; default: return UIStatusBarStyleLightContent; } } #endif return UIStatusBarStyleLightContent; } @end @implementation RNSScreenStackHeaderConfigManager RCT_EXPORT_MODULE() - (UIView *)view { return [RNSScreenStackHeaderConfig new]; } RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(title, NSString) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(titleFontFamily, NSString) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(titleFontSize, NSNumber) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(titleColor, UIColor) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(backTitle, NSString) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(backTitleFontFamily, NSString) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(backTitleFontSize, NSNumber) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(backgroundColor, UIColor) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(blurEffect, UIBlurEffectStyle) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(color, UIColor) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(direction, UISemanticContentAttribute) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(largeTitle, BOOL) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(largeTitleFontFamily, NSString) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(largeTitleFontSize, NSNumber) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(largeTitleColor, UIColor) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(largeTitleBackgroundColor, UIColor) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(largeTitleHideShadow, BOOL) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(hideBackButton, BOOL) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(hideShadow, BOOL) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(backButtonInCustomView, BOOL) // `hidden` is an UIView property, we need to use different name internally RCT_REMAP_VIEW_PROPERTY(hidden, hide, BOOL) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(translucent, BOOL) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(statusBarStyle, RNSStatusBarStyle) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(statusBarAnimation, UIStatusBarAnimation) RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(statusBarHidden, BOOL) @end @implementation RCTConvert (RNSScreenStackHeader) + (NSMutableDictionary *)blurEffectsForIOSVersion { NSMutableDictionary *blurEffects = [NSMutableDictionary new]; [blurEffects addEntriesFromDictionary:@{ @"extraLight": @(UIBlurEffectStyleExtraLight), @"light": @(UIBlurEffectStyleLight), @"dark": @(UIBlurEffectStyleDark), }]; if (@available(iOS 10.0, *)) { [blurEffects addEntriesFromDictionary:@{ @"regular": @(UIBlurEffectStyleRegular), @"prominent": @(UIBlurEffectStyleProminent), }]; } #if defined(__IPHONE_13_0) && TARGET_OS_IOS if (@available(iOS 13.0, *)) { [blurEffects addEntriesFromDictionary:@{ @"systemUltraThinMaterial": @(UIBlurEffectStyleSystemUltraThinMaterial), @"systemThinMaterial": @(UIBlurEffectStyleSystemThinMaterial), @"systemMaterial": @(UIBlurEffectStyleSystemMaterial), @"systemThickMaterial": @(UIBlurEffectStyleSystemThickMaterial), @"systemChromeMaterial": @(UIBlurEffectStyleSystemChromeMaterial), @"systemUltraThinMaterialLight": @(UIBlurEffectStyleSystemUltraThinMaterialLight), @"systemThinMaterialLight": @(UIBlurEffectStyleSystemThinMaterialLight), @"systemMaterialLight": @(UIBlurEffectStyleSystemMaterialLight), @"systemThickMaterialLight": @(UIBlurEffectStyleSystemThickMaterialLight), @"systemChromeMaterialLight": @(UIBlurEffectStyleSystemChromeMaterialLight), @"systemUltraThinMaterialDark": @(UIBlurEffectStyleSystemUltraThinMaterialDark), @"systemThinMaterialDark": @(UIBlurEffectStyleSystemThinMaterialDark), @"systemMaterialDark": @(UIBlurEffectStyleSystemMaterialDark), @"systemThickMaterialDark": @(UIBlurEffectStyleSystemThickMaterialDark), @"systemChromeMaterialDark": @(UIBlurEffectStyleSystemChromeMaterialDark), }]; } #endif return blurEffects; } RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER(RNSScreenStackHeaderSubviewType, (@{ @"back": @(RNSScreenStackHeaderSubviewTypeBackButton), @"left": @(RNSScreenStackHeaderSubviewTypeLeft), @"right": @(RNSScreenStackHeaderSubviewTypeRight), @"title": @(RNSScreenStackHeaderSubviewTypeTitle), @"center": @(RNSScreenStackHeaderSubviewTypeCenter), }), RNSScreenStackHeaderSubviewTypeTitle, integerValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER(UISemanticContentAttribute, (@{ @"ltr": @(UISemanticContentAttributeForceLeftToRight), @"rtl": @(UISemanticContentAttributeForceRightToLeft), }), UISemanticContentAttributeUnspecified, integerValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER(UIBlurEffectStyle, ([self blurEffectsForIOSVersion]), UIBlurEffectStyleExtraLight, integerValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER(RNSStatusBarStyle, (@{ @"auto": @(RNSStatusBarStyleAuto), @"inverted": @(RNSStatusBarStyleInverted), @"light": @(RNSStatusBarStyleLight), @"dark": @(RNSStatusBarStyleDark), }), RNSStatusBarStyleAuto, integerValue) @end @implementation RNSScreenStackHeaderSubviewManager RCT_EXPORT_MODULE() RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(type, RNSScreenStackHeaderSubviewType) - (UIView *)view { return [[RNSScreenStackHeaderSubview alloc] initWithBridge:self.bridge]; } @end