"use strict"; var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; }; var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; var result = {}; if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) result[k] = mod[k]; result["default"] = mod; return result; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const fs_extra_1 = __importDefault(require("fs-extra")); const path_1 = require("path"); const android_plugins_1 = require("../plugins/android-plugins"); const core_plugins_1 = require("../plugins/core-plugins"); const WarningAggregator = __importStar(require("../utils/warnings")); const DEFAULT_TARGET_PATH = './android/app/google-services.json'; const googleServicesClassPath = 'com.google.gms:google-services'; const googleServicesPlugin = 'com.google.gms.google-services'; // NOTE(brentvatne): This may be annoying to keep up to date... const googleServicesVersion = '4.3.3'; exports.withClassPath = config => { return android_plugins_1.withProjectBuildGradle(config, config => { if (config.modResults.language === 'groovy') { config.modResults.contents = setClassPath(config, config.modResults.contents); } else { WarningAggregator.addWarningAndroid('android-google-services', `Cannot automatically configure project build.gradle if it's not groovy`); } return config; }); }; exports.withApplyPlugin = config => { return android_plugins_1.withAppBuildGradle(config, config => { if (config.modResults.language === 'groovy') { config.modResults.contents = applyPlugin(config, config.modResults.contents); } else { WarningAggregator.addWarningAndroid('android-google-services', `Cannot automatically configure app build.gradle if it's not groovy`); } return config; }); }; /** * Add `google-services.json` to project */ exports.withGoogleServicesFile = config => { return core_plugins_1.withDangerousMod(config, [ 'android', async (config) => { await setGoogleServicesFile(config, config.modRequest.projectRoot); return config; }, ]); }; function getGoogleServicesFilePath(config) { var _a, _b; return (_b = (_a = config.android) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.googleServicesFile) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null; } exports.getGoogleServicesFilePath = getGoogleServicesFilePath; async function setGoogleServicesFile(config, projectRoot, targetPath = DEFAULT_TARGET_PATH) { const partialSourcePath = getGoogleServicesFilePath(config); if (!partialSourcePath) { return false; } const completeSourcePath = path_1.resolve(projectRoot, partialSourcePath); const destinationPath = path_1.resolve(projectRoot, targetPath); try { await fs_extra_1.default.copy(completeSourcePath, destinationPath); } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Cannot copy google-services.json from ${completeSourcePath} to ${destinationPath}. Please make sure the source and destination paths exist.`); } return true; } exports.setGoogleServicesFile = setGoogleServicesFile; /** * Adding the Google Services plugin * NOTE(brentvatne): string replacement is a fragile approach! we need a * better solution than this. */ function setClassPath(config, buildGradle) { const googleServicesFile = getGoogleServicesFilePath(config); if (!googleServicesFile) { return buildGradle; } if (buildGradle.includes(googleServicesClassPath)) { return buildGradle; } // return buildGradle.replace(/dependencies\s?{/, `dependencies { classpath '${googleServicesClassPath}:${googleServicesVersion}'`); } exports.setClassPath = setClassPath; function applyPlugin(config, appBuildGradle) { const googleServicesFile = getGoogleServicesFilePath(config); if (!googleServicesFile) { return appBuildGradle; } // Make sure the project does not have the plugin already const pattern = new RegExp(`apply\\s+plugin:\\s+['"]${googleServicesPlugin}['"]`); if (appBuildGradle.match(pattern)) { return appBuildGradle; } // Add it to the end of the file return appBuildGradle + `\napply plugin: '${googleServicesPlugin}'`; } exports.applyPlugin = applyPlugin; //# sourceMappingURL=GoogleServices.js.map