/// import { ConfigPlugin, XcodeProject } from '../Plugin.types'; /** * Ensure a Swift bridging header is created for the project. * This helps fix problems related to using modules that are written in Swift (lottie, FBSDK). * * 1. Ensures the file exists given the project path. * 2. Writes the file and links to Xcode as a resource file. * 3. Sets the build configuration `SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = [PROJECT_NAME]-Bridging-Header.h` */ export declare const withSwiftBridgingHeader: ConfigPlugin; export declare function ensureSwiftBridgingHeaderSetup({ projectRoot, project, }: { projectRoot: string; project: XcodeProject; }): XcodeProject; export declare function getDesignatedSwiftBridgingHeaderFileReference({ project, }: { project: XcodeProject; }): string | null; /** * * @param bridgingHeader The bridging header filename ex: `ExpoAPIs-Bridging-Header.h` * @returns */ export declare function linkBridgingHeaderFile({ project, bridgingHeader, }: { project: XcodeProject; bridgingHeader: string; }): XcodeProject; export declare function createBridgingHeaderFile({ projectRoot, projectName, project, bridgingHeader, }: { project: XcodeProject; projectName: string; projectRoot: string; bridgingHeader: string; }): XcodeProject;