"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports["default"] = void 0; var _utils = require("@jimp/utils"); /** * Rotates an image clockwise by an arbitrary number of degrees. NB: 'this' must be a Jimp object. * @param {number} deg the number of degrees to rotate the image by * @param {string|boolean} mode (optional) resize mode or a boolean, if false then the width and height of the image will not be changed */ function advancedRotate(deg, mode) { deg %= 360; var rad = deg * Math.PI / 180; var cosine = Math.cos(rad); var sine = Math.sin(rad); // the final width and height will change if resize == true var w = this.bitmap.width; var h = this.bitmap.height; if (mode === true || typeof mode === 'string') { // resize the image to it maximum dimension and blit the existing image // onto the center so that when it is rotated the image is kept in bounds // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3231176/how-to-get-size-of-a-rotated-rectangle // Plus 1 border pixel to ensure to show all rotated result for some cases. w = Math.ceil(Math.abs(this.bitmap.width * cosine) + Math.abs(this.bitmap.height * sine)) + 1; h = Math.ceil(Math.abs(this.bitmap.width * sine) + Math.abs(this.bitmap.height * cosine)) + 1; // Ensure destination to have even size to a better result. if (w % 2 !== 0) { w++; } if (h % 2 !== 0) { h++; } var c = this.cloneQuiet(); this.scanQuiet(0, 0, this.bitmap.width, this.bitmap.height, function (x, y, idx) { this.bitmap.data.writeUInt32BE(this._background, idx); }); var max = Math.max(w, h, this.bitmap.width, this.bitmap.height); this.resize(max, max, mode); this.blit(c, this.bitmap.width / 2 - c.bitmap.width / 2, this.bitmap.height / 2 - c.bitmap.height / 2); } var bW = this.bitmap.width; var bH = this.bitmap.height; var dstBuffer = Buffer.alloc(this.bitmap.data.length); function createTranslationFunction(deltaX, deltaY) { return function (x, y) { return { x: x + deltaX, y: y + deltaY }; }; } var translate2Cartesian = createTranslationFunction(-(bW / 2), -(bH / 2)); var translate2Screen = createTranslationFunction(bW / 2 + 0.5, bH / 2 + 0.5); for (var y = 1; y <= bH; y++) { for (var x = 1; x <= bW; x++) { var cartesian = translate2Cartesian(x, y); var source = translate2Screen(cosine * cartesian.x - sine * cartesian.y, cosine * cartesian.y + sine * cartesian.x); var dstIdx = bW * (y - 1) + x - 1 << 2; if (source.x >= 0 && source.x < bW && source.y >= 0 && source.y < bH) { var srcIdx = (bW * (source.y | 0) + source.x | 0) << 2; var pixelRGBA = this.bitmap.data.readUInt32BE(srcIdx); dstBuffer.writeUInt32BE(pixelRGBA, dstIdx); } else { // reset off-image pixels dstBuffer.writeUInt32BE(this._background, dstIdx); } } } this.bitmap.data = dstBuffer; if (mode === true || typeof mode === 'string') { // now crop the image to the final size var _x = bW / 2 - w / 2; var _y = bH / 2 - h / 2; this.crop(_x, _y, w, h); } } var _default = function _default() { return { /** * Rotates the image clockwise by a number of degrees. By default the width and height of the image will be resized appropriately. * @param {number} deg the number of degrees to rotate the image by * @param {string|boolean} mode (optional) resize mode or a boolean, if false then the width and height of the image will not be changed * @param {function(Error, Jimp)} cb (optional) a callback for when complete * @returns {Jimp} this for chaining of methods */ rotate: function rotate(deg, mode, cb) { // enable overloading if (typeof mode === 'undefined' || mode === null) { // e.g. image.resize(120); // e.g. image.resize(120, null, cb); // e.g. image.resize(120, undefined, cb); mode = true; } if (typeof mode === 'function' && typeof cb === 'undefined') { // e.g. image.resize(120, cb); cb = mode; mode = true; } if (typeof deg !== 'number') { return _utils.throwError.call(this, 'deg must be a number', cb); } if (typeof mode !== 'boolean' && typeof mode !== 'string') { return _utils.throwError.call(this, 'mode must be a boolean or a string', cb); } advancedRotate.call(this, deg, mode, cb); if ((0, _utils.isNodePattern)(cb)) { cb.call(this, null, this); } return this; } }; }; exports["default"] = _default; //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map