"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.enableAMDH = exports.enableHAXM = exports.enableWHPX = exports.getBestHypervisor = exports.createAVD = exports.installComponent = exports.getAndroidSdkRootInstallation = exports.getUserAndroidPath = void 0; function _fsExtra() { const data = require("fs-extra"); _fsExtra = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _path() { const data = require("path"); _path = function () { return data; }; return data; } var _executeWinCommand = require("./executeWinCommand"); var _processorType = require("./processorType"); /** * Returns the path to where all Android related things should be installed * locally to the user. */ const getUserAndroidPath = () => { return (0, _path().join)(process.env.LOCALAPPDATA || '', 'Android'); }; /** * Deals with ANDROID_HOME, ANDROID_SDK_ROOT or generates a new one */ exports.getUserAndroidPath = getUserAndroidPath; const getAndroidSdkRootInstallation = () => { const env = process.env.ANDROID_SDK_ROOT || process.env.ANDROID_HOME; const installPath = env ? // Happens if previous installations or not fully completed env : // All Android zip files have a root folder, using `Android` as the common place (0, _path().join)(getUserAndroidPath(), 'Sdk'); if ((0, _fsExtra().pathExistsSync)(installPath)) { return installPath; } else { return ''; } }; /** * Installs an Android component (e.g.: `platform-tools`, `emulator`) * using the `sdkmanager` tool and automatically accepting the licenses. */ exports.getAndroidSdkRootInstallation = getAndroidSdkRootInstallation; const installComponent = (component, androidSdkRoot) => { return new Promise((done, error) => { const sdkmanager = (0, _path().join)(androidSdkRoot, 'tools', 'bin', 'sdkmanager.bat'); const command = `"${sdkmanager}" --sdk_root="${androidSdkRoot}" "${component}"`; const child = (0, _executeWinCommand.executeCommand)(command); let stderr = ''; child.stdout.on('data', data => { if (data.includes('(y/N)')) { child.stdin.write('y\n'); } }); child.stderr.on('data', data => { stderr += data.toString('utf-8'); }); child.on('close', exitStatus => { if (exitStatus === 0) { done(); } else { error({ stderr }); } }); child.on('error', error); }); }; /** * For the given custom Hypervisor and the output of `emulator-check accel` * returns the preferred Hypervisor to use and its installation status. * The recommendation order is: * 1. WHPX * 2. HAXM if Intel * 3. AMDH if AMD */ exports.installComponent = installComponent; const parseHypervisor = (status, customHypervisor) => { /** * Messages: * Android Emulator requires an Intel processor with VT-x and NX support. Your CPU: 'AuthenticAMD' * HAXM is not installed, but Windows Hypervisor Platform is available. * WHPX (10.0.19041) is installed and usable. * * This message outputs for WHPX and when the AMD Hypervisor is installed * HAXM version 6.2.1 (4) is installed and usable. * HAXM is not installed on this machine */ if (status.includes('is not installed, but Windows Hypervisor Platform is available.')) { return { hypervisor: 'WHPX', installed: false }; } if (/WHPX \((\d|\.)+\) is installed and usable\./.test(status)) { return { hypervisor: 'WHPX', installed: true }; } if (/is installed and usable\./.test(status)) { return { hypervisor: customHypervisor, installed: true }; } if (status.includes("Your CPU: 'AuthenticAMD'")) { return { hypervisor: customHypervisor, installed: false }; } if (status.includes('is not installed on this machine')) { return { hypervisor: 'none', installed: false }; } return null; }; const getEmulatorAccelOutputInformation = async androidSDKRoot => { /** * The output of the following command is something like: * * ``` * accel: * 0 * WHPX (10.0.19041) is installed and usable. * accel * ``` * * If it fails it will still output to stdout with a similar format: * * ``` * accel: * 1 * Android Emulator does not support nested virtualization. Your VM host: 'Microsoft Hv' (Hyper-V) * accel * ``` * */ try { const { stdout } = await (0, _executeWinCommand.executeCommand)(`"${(0, _path().join)(androidSDKRoot, 'emulator', 'emulator-check.exe')}" accel`); return stdout; } catch (e) { const { stdout } = e; return stdout; } }; /** * Creates a new Android Virtual Device in the default folder with the * name, device and system image passed by parameter. */ const createAVD = async (androidSDKRoot, name, device, image) => { try { const abi = image.includes('x86_64') ? 'x86_64' : 'x86'; const tag = image.includes('google_apis') ? 'google_apis' : 'generic'; const avdmanager = (0, _path().join)(androidSDKRoot, 'tools', 'bin', 'avdmanager.bat'); const { stdout } = await (0, _executeWinCommand.executeCommand)(`${avdmanager} -s create avd --force --name "${name}" --device "${device}" --package "${image}" --tag "${tag}" --abi "${abi}"`); // For some reason `image.sysdir.1` in `config.ini` points to the wrong location and needs to be updated const configPath = (0, _path().join)(process.env.HOMEPATH || '', '.android', 'avd', `${name}.avd`, 'config.ini'); const content = await (0, _fsExtra().readFile)(configPath, 'utf-8'); const updatedContent = content.replace(/Sdk\\system-images/g, 'system-images'); await (0, _fsExtra().writeFile)(configPath, updatedContent, 'utf-8'); return stdout; } catch (e) { const { stderr } = e; return stderr; } }; /** * Returns what hypervisor should be installed for the Android emulator * using [Microsoft's official * documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/android/get-started/installation/android-emulator/hardware-acceleration?pivots=windows) * as a reference. */ exports.createAVD = createAVD; const getBestHypervisor = async androidSDKRoot => { const customHypervisor = (0, _processorType.getProcessorType)() === 'Intel' ? 'HAXM' : 'AMDH'; const stdout = await getEmulatorAccelOutputInformation(androidSDKRoot); const lines = stdout.split('\n'); for (const line of lines) { const hypervisor = parseHypervisor(line, customHypervisor); if (hypervisor) { return hypervisor; } } // Couldn't identify the best one to run so not doing anything return { hypervisor: 'none', installed: false }; }; /** * Enables the Windows HypervisorPlatform and Hyper-V features. * Will prompt the User Account Control (UAC) */ exports.getBestHypervisor = getBestHypervisor; const enableWHPX = () => { return (0, _executeWinCommand.executeCommand)('DISM /Quiet /NoRestart /Online /Enable-Feature /All /FeatureName:Microsoft-Hyper-V /FeatureName:HypervisorPlatform', true); }; /** * Installs and enables the [HAXM](https://github.com/intel/haxm) * version available through the Android SDK manager. * @param androidSdkInstallPath The path to the Android SDK installation */ exports.enableWHPX = enableWHPX; const enableHAXM = async androidSdkInstallPath => { await installComponent('extras;intel;Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager', androidSdkInstallPath); await (0, _executeWinCommand.executeCommand)((0, _path().join)(androidSdkInstallPath, 'Sdk', 'extras', 'intel', 'Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager', 'silent_install.bat')); }; /** * Installs and enables the * [Hypervisor Driver for AMD Processors](https://androidstudio.googleblog.com/2019/10/android-emulator-hypervisor-driver-for.html) * version available through the Android SDK manager. * @param androidSdkInstallPath The path to the Android SDK installation */ exports.enableHAXM = enableHAXM; const enableAMDH = async androidSdkInstallPath => { await installComponent('extras;google;Android_Emulator_Hypervisor_Driver', androidSdkInstallPath); await (0, _executeWinCommand.executeCommand)((0, _path().join)(androidSdkInstallPath, 'Sdk', 'extras', 'google', 'Android_Emulator_Hypervisor_Driver', 'silent_install.bat')); }; exports.enableAMDH = enableAMDH; //# sourceMappingURL=androidWinHelpers.js.map