import { Platform } from '@unimodules/core'; import { getAssetByID } from './AssetRegistry'; import * as AssetSources from './AssetSources'; import * as AssetUris from './AssetUris'; import { getEmbeddedAssetUri } from './EmbeddedAssets'; import * as ImageAssets from './ImageAssets'; import { downloadAsync, IS_ENV_WITH_UPDATES_ENABLED } from './PlatformUtils'; import resolveAssetSource from './resolveAssetSource'; export class Asset { constructor({ name, type, hash = null, uri, width, height }) { this.hash = null; this.localUri = null; this.width = null; this.height = null; this.downloading = false; this.downloaded = false; this._downloadCallbacks = []; = name; this.type = type; this.hash = hash; this.uri = uri; if (typeof width === 'number') { this.width = width; } if (typeof height === 'number') { this.height = height; } if (hash) { this.localUri = getEmbeddedAssetUri(hash, type); if (this.localUri) { this.downloaded = true; } } if (Platform.OS === 'web') { if (!name) { = AssetUris.getFilename(uri); } if (!type) { this.type = AssetUris.getFileExtension(uri); } } } static loadAsync(moduleId) { const moduleIds = Array.isArray(moduleId) ? moduleId : [moduleId]; return Promise.all( => Asset.fromModule(moduleId).downloadAsync())); } static fromModule(virtualAssetModule) { if (typeof virtualAssetModule === 'string') { return Asset.fromURI(virtualAssetModule); } const meta = getAssetByID(virtualAssetModule); if (!meta) { throw new Error(`Module "${virtualAssetModule}" is missing from the asset registry`); } // Outside of the managed env we need the moduleId to initialize the asset // because resolveAssetSource depends on it if (!IS_ENV_WITH_UPDATES_ENABLED) { const { uri } = resolveAssetSource(virtualAssetModule); const asset = new Asset({ name:, type: meta.type, hash: meta.hash, uri, width: meta.width, height: meta.height, }); // TODO: FileSystem should probably support 'downloading' from drawable // resources But for now it doesn't (it only supports raw resources) and // React Native's Image works fine with drawable resource names for // images. if (Platform.OS === 'android' && !uri.includes(':') && (meta.width || meta.height)) { asset.localUri = asset.uri; asset.downloaded = true; } Asset.byHash[meta.hash] = asset; return asset; } return Asset.fromMetadata(meta); } static fromMetadata(meta) { // The hash of the whole asset, not to be confused with the hash of a specific file returned // from `selectAssetSource` const metaHash = meta.hash; if (Asset.byHash[metaHash]) { return Asset.byHash[metaHash]; } const { uri, hash } = AssetSources.selectAssetSource(meta); const asset = new Asset({ name:, type: meta.type, hash, uri, width: meta.width, height: meta.height, }); Asset.byHash[metaHash] = asset; return asset; } static fromURI(uri) { if (Asset.byUri[uri]) { return Asset.byUri[uri]; } // Possibly a Base64-encoded URI let type = ''; if (uri.indexOf(';base64') > -1) { type = uri.split(';')[0].split('/')[1]; } else { const extension = AssetUris.getFileExtension(uri); type = extension.startsWith('.') ? extension.substring(1) : extension; } const asset = new Asset({ name: '', type, hash: null, uri, }); Asset.byUri[uri] = asset; return asset; } async downloadAsync() { if (this.downloaded) { return this; } if (this.downloading) { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._downloadCallbacks.push({ resolve, reject }); }); return this; } this.downloading = true; try { if (Platform.OS === 'web') { if (ImageAssets.isImageType(this.type)) { const { width, height, name } = await ImageAssets.getImageInfoAsync(this.uri); this.width = width; this.height = height; = name; } else { = AssetUris.getFilename(this.uri); } } this.localUri = await downloadAsync(this.uri, this.hash, this.type,; this.downloaded = true; this._downloadCallbacks.forEach(({ resolve }) => resolve()); } catch (e) { this._downloadCallbacks.forEach(({ reject }) => reject(e)); throw e; } finally { this.downloading = false; this._downloadCallbacks = []; } return this; } } Asset.byHash = {}; Asset.byUri = {}; //#