import * as React from 'react'; import { Platform, processColor } from 'react-native'; import NativeLinearGradient from './NativeLinearGradient'; /** * Renders a native view that transitions between multiple colors in a linear direction. */ export class LinearGradient extends React.Component { render() { const { colors, locations, start, end, ...props } = this.props; let resolvedLocations = locations; if (locations && colors.length !== locations.length) { console.warn('LinearGradient colors and locations props should be arrays of the same length'); resolvedLocations = locations.slice(0, colors.length); } return (React.createElement(NativeLinearGradient, Object.assign({}, props, { colors:{ web: colors, default:, }), locations: resolvedLocations, startPoint: _normalizePoint(start), endPoint: _normalizePoint(end) }))); } } function _normalizePoint(point) { if (!point) { return undefined; } if (Array.isArray(point) && point.length !== 2) { console.warn('start and end props for LinearGradient must be of the format [x,y] or {x, y}'); return undefined; } return Array.isArray(point) ? point : [point.x, point.y]; } //#