/* * Copyright (C) 2006 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef JSValueRef_h #define JSValueRef_h #include #include #ifndef __cplusplus #include #endif /*! @enum JSType @abstract A constant identifying the type of a JSValue. @constant kJSTypeUndefined The unique undefined value. @constant kJSTypeNull The unique null value. @constant kJSTypeBoolean A primitive boolean value, one of true or false. @constant kJSTypeNumber A primitive number value. @constant kJSTypeString A primitive string value. @constant kJSTypeObject An object value (meaning that this JSValueRef is a JSObjectRef). @constant kJSTypeSymbol A primitive symbol value. */ typedef enum { kJSTypeUndefined, kJSTypeNull, kJSTypeBoolean, kJSTypeNumber, kJSTypeString, kJSTypeObject, kJSTypeSymbol JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macosx(JSC_MAC_TBA), ios(JSC_IOS_TBA)) } JSType; /*! @enum JSTypedArrayType @abstract A constant identifying the Typed Array type of a JSObjectRef. @constant kJSTypedArrayTypeInt8Array Int8Array @constant kJSTypedArrayTypeInt16Array Int16Array @constant kJSTypedArrayTypeInt32Array Int32Array @constant kJSTypedArrayTypeUint8Array Uint8Array @constant kJSTypedArrayTypeUint8ClampedArray Uint8ClampedArray @constant kJSTypedArrayTypeUint16Array Uint16Array @constant kJSTypedArrayTypeUint32Array Uint32Array @constant kJSTypedArrayTypeFloat32Array Float32Array @constant kJSTypedArrayTypeFloat64Array Float64Array @constant kJSTypedArrayTypeArrayBuffer ArrayBuffer @constant kJSTypedArrayTypeNone Not a Typed Array */ typedef enum { kJSTypedArrayTypeInt8Array, kJSTypedArrayTypeInt16Array, kJSTypedArrayTypeInt32Array, kJSTypedArrayTypeUint8Array, kJSTypedArrayTypeUint8ClampedArray, kJSTypedArrayTypeUint16Array, kJSTypedArrayTypeUint32Array, kJSTypedArrayTypeFloat32Array, kJSTypedArrayTypeFloat64Array, kJSTypedArrayTypeArrayBuffer, kJSTypedArrayTypeNone, } JSTypedArrayType JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macosx(10.12), ios(10.0)); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /*! @function @abstract Returns a JavaScript value's type. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param value The JSValue whose type you want to obtain. @result A value of type JSType that identifies value's type. */ JS_EXPORT JSType JSValueGetType(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value); /*! @function @abstract Tests whether a JavaScript value's type is the undefined type. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param value The JSValue to test. @result true if value's type is the undefined type, otherwise false. */ JS_EXPORT bool JSValueIsUndefined(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value); /*! @function @abstract Tests whether a JavaScript value's type is the null type. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param value The JSValue to test. @result true if value's type is the null type, otherwise false. */ JS_EXPORT bool JSValueIsNull(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value); /*! @function @abstract Tests whether a JavaScript value's type is the boolean type. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param value The JSValue to test. @result true if value's type is the boolean type, otherwise false. */ JS_EXPORT bool JSValueIsBoolean(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value); /*! @function @abstract Tests whether a JavaScript value's type is the number type. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param value The JSValue to test. @result true if value's type is the number type, otherwise false. */ JS_EXPORT bool JSValueIsNumber(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value); /*! @function @abstract Tests whether a JavaScript value's type is the string type. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param value The JSValue to test. @result true if value's type is the string type, otherwise false. */ JS_EXPORT bool JSValueIsString(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value); /*! @function @abstract Tests whether a JavaScript value's type is the object type. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param value The JSValue to test. @result true if value's type is the object type, otherwise false. */ JS_EXPORT bool JSValueIsObject(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value); /*! @function @abstract Tests whether a JavaScript value is an object with a given class in its class chain. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param value The JSValue to test. @param jsClass The JSClass to test against. @result true if value is an object and has jsClass in its class chain, otherwise false. */ JS_EXPORT bool JSValueIsObjectOfClass(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value, JSClassRef jsClass); /*! @function @abstract Tests whether a JavaScript value is an array. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param value The JSValue to test. @result true if value is an array, otherwise false. */ JS_EXPORT bool JSValueIsArray(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macosx(10.11), ios(9.0)); /*! @function @abstract Tests whether a JavaScript value is a date. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param value The JSValue to test. @result true if value is a date, otherwise false. */ JS_EXPORT bool JSValueIsDate(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macosx(10.11), ios(9.0)); /*! @function @abstract Returns a JavaScript value's Typed Array type. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param value The JSValue whose Typed Array type to return. @param exception A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception. @result A value of type JSTypedArrayType that identifies value's Typed Array type, or kJSTypedArrayTypeNone if the value is not a Typed Array object. */ JS_EXPORT JSTypedArrayType JSValueGetTypedArrayType(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value, JSValueRef* exception) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macosx(10.12), ios(10.0)); /* Comparing values */ /*! @function @abstract Tests whether two JavaScript values are equal, as compared by the JS == operator. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param a The first value to test. @param b The second value to test. @param exception A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception. @result true if the two values are equal, false if they are not equal or an exception is thrown. */ JS_EXPORT bool JSValueIsEqual(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef a, JSValueRef b, JSValueRef* exception); /*! @function @abstract Tests whether two JavaScript values are strict equal, as compared by the JS === operator. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param a The first value to test. @param b The second value to test. @result true if the two values are strict equal, otherwise false. */ JS_EXPORT bool JSValueIsStrictEqual(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef a, JSValueRef b); /*! @function @abstract Tests whether a JavaScript value is an object constructed by a given constructor, as compared by the JS instanceof operator. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param value The JSValue to test. @param constructor The constructor to test against. @param exception A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception. @result true if value is an object constructed by constructor, as compared by the JS instanceof operator, otherwise false. */ JS_EXPORT bool JSValueIsInstanceOfConstructor(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value, JSObjectRef constructor, JSValueRef* exception); /* Creating values */ /*! @function @abstract Creates a JavaScript value of the undefined type. @param ctx The execution context to use. @result The unique undefined value. */ JS_EXPORT JSValueRef JSValueMakeUndefined(JSContextRef ctx); /*! @function @abstract Creates a JavaScript value of the null type. @param ctx The execution context to use. @result The unique null value. */ JS_EXPORT JSValueRef JSValueMakeNull(JSContextRef ctx); /*! @function @abstract Creates a JavaScript value of the boolean type. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param boolean The bool to assign to the newly created JSValue. @result A JSValue of the boolean type, representing the value of boolean. */ JS_EXPORT JSValueRef JSValueMakeBoolean(JSContextRef ctx, bool boolean); /*! @function @abstract Creates a JavaScript value of the number type. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param number The double to assign to the newly created JSValue. @result A JSValue of the number type, representing the value of number. */ JS_EXPORT JSValueRef JSValueMakeNumber(JSContextRef ctx, double number); /*! @function @abstract Creates a JavaScript value of the string type. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param string The JSString to assign to the newly created JSValue. The newly created JSValue retains string, and releases it upon garbage collection. @result A JSValue of the string type, representing the value of string. */ JS_EXPORT JSValueRef JSValueMakeString(JSContextRef ctx, JSStringRef string); /* Converting to and from JSON formatted strings */ /*! @function @abstract Creates a JavaScript value from a JSON formatted string. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param string The JSString containing the JSON string to be parsed. @result A JSValue containing the parsed value, or NULL if the input is invalid. */ JS_EXPORT JSValueRef JSValueMakeFromJSONString(JSContextRef ctx, JSStringRef string) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macosx(10.7), ios(7.0)); /*! @function @abstract Creates a JavaScript string containing the JSON serialized representation of a JS value. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param value The value to serialize. @param indent The number of spaces to indent when nesting. If 0, the resulting JSON will not contains newlines. The size of the indent is clamped to 10 spaces. @param exception A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception. @result A JSString with the result of serialization, or NULL if an exception is thrown. */ JS_EXPORT JSStringRef JSValueCreateJSONString(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value, unsigned indent, JSValueRef* exception) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macosx(10.7), ios(7.0)); /* Converting to primitive values */ /*! @function @abstract Converts a JavaScript value to boolean and returns the resulting boolean. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param value The JSValue to convert. @result The boolean result of conversion. */ JS_EXPORT bool JSValueToBoolean(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value); /*! @function @abstract Converts a JavaScript value to number and returns the resulting number. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param value The JSValue to convert. @param exception A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception. @result The numeric result of conversion, or NaN if an exception is thrown. */ JS_EXPORT double JSValueToNumber(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value, JSValueRef* exception); /*! @function @abstract Converts a JavaScript value to string and copies the result into a JavaScript string. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param value The JSValue to convert. @param exception A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception. @result A JSString with the result of conversion, or NULL if an exception is thrown. Ownership follows the Create Rule. */ JS_EXPORT JSStringRef JSValueToStringCopy(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value, JSValueRef* exception); /*! @function @abstract Converts a JavaScript value to object and returns the resulting object. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param value The JSValue to convert. @param exception A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception. @result The JSObject result of conversion, or NULL if an exception is thrown. */ JS_EXPORT JSObjectRef JSValueToObject(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value, JSValueRef* exception); /* Garbage collection */ /*! @function @abstract Protects a JavaScript value from garbage collection. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param value The JSValue to protect. @discussion Use this method when you want to store a JSValue in a global or on the heap, where the garbage collector will not be able to discover your reference to it. A value may be protected multiple times and must be unprotected an equal number of times before becoming eligible for garbage collection. */ JS_EXPORT void JSValueProtect(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value); /*! @function @abstract Unprotects a JavaScript value from garbage collection. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param value The JSValue to unprotect. @discussion A value may be protected multiple times and must be unprotected an equal number of times before becoming eligible for garbage collection. */ JS_EXPORT void JSValueUnprotect(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* JSValueRef_h */