import Hammer from '@egjs/hammerjs'; import { findNodeHandle } from 'react-native'; import State from '../State'; import { EventMap } from './constants'; import * as NodeManager from './NodeManager'; let _gestureInstances = 0; class GestureHandler { isGestureRunning = false; hasGestureFailed = false; view = null; config = {}; hammer = null; pendingGestures = {}; oldState = State.UNDETERMINED; previousState = State.UNDETERMINED; lastSentState = null; get id() { return `${}${this._gestureInstance}`; } get isDiscrete() { return false; } get shouldEnableGestureOnSetup() { throw new Error('Must override GestureHandler.shouldEnableGestureOnSetup'); } constructor() { this._gestureInstance = _gestureInstances++; } getConfig() { return this.config; } onWaitingEnded(gesture) {} removePendingGesture(id) { delete this.pendingGestures[id]; } addPendingGesture(gesture) { this.pendingGestures[] = gesture; } isGestureEnabledForEvent() { return { success: true }; } parseNativeEvent(nativeEvent) { return nativeEvent; } get NativeGestureClass() { throw new Error('Must override GestureHandler.NativeGestureClass'); } updateHasCustomActivationCriteria(config) { return true; } clearSelfAsPending = () => { if (Array.isArray(this.config.waitFor)) { for (const gesture of this.config.waitFor) { gesture.removePendingGesture(; } } }; updateGestureConfig({ enabled = true, ...props }) { this.clearSelfAsPending(); this.config = ensureConfig({ enabled, ...props }); this._hasCustomActivationCriteria = this.updateHasCustomActivationCriteria( this.config ); if (Array.isArray(this.config.waitFor)) { for (const gesture of this.config.waitFor) { gesture.addPendingGesture(this); } } if (this.hammer) { this.sync(); } return this.config; } destroy = () => { this.clearSelfAsPending(); if (this.hammer) { this.hammer.stop(); this.hammer.destroy(); } this.hammer = null; }; isPointInView = ({ x, y }) => { const rect = this.view.getBoundingClientRect(); const pointerInside = x >= rect.left && x <= rect.right && y >= && y <= rect.bottom; return pointerInside; }; getState(type) { return EventMap[type]; } transformEventData(event) { const { eventType, maxPointers: numberOfPointers } = event; // const direction = DirectionMap[ev.direction]; const changedTouch = event.changedPointers[0]; const pointerInside = this.isPointInView({ x: changedTouch.clientX, y: changedTouch.clientY, }); const state = this.getState(eventType); if (state !== this.previousState) { this.oldState = this.previousState; this.previousState = state; } return { nativeEvent: { numberOfPointers, state, pointerInside, ...this.transformNativeEvent(event), // onHandlerStateChange only handlerTag: this.handlerTag, target: this.ref, oldState: this.oldState, }, timeStamp:, }; } transformNativeEvent(event) { return {}; } sendEvent = nativeEvent => { const { onGestureHandlerStateChange: onHandlerStateChange, onGestureHandlerEvent: onGestureEvent, } = this.ref.props; const event = this.transformEventData(nativeEvent); invokeNullableMethod('onGestureEvent', onGestureEvent, event); if (this.lastSentState !== event.nativeEvent.state) { this.lastSentState = event.nativeEvent.state; invokeNullableMethod('onHandlerStateChange', onHandlerStateChange, event); } }; cancelPendingGestures(event) { for (const gesture of Object.values(this.pendingGestures)) { if (gesture && gesture.isGestureRunning) { gesture.hasGestureFailed = true; gesture.cancelEvent(event); } } } notifyPendingGestures() { for (const gesture of Object.values(this.pendingGestures)) { if (gesture) { gesture.onWaitingEnded(this); } } } onGestureEnded(event) { this.isGestureRunning = false; this.cancelPendingGestures(event); } forceInvalidate(event) { if (this.isGestureRunning) { this.hasGestureFailed = true; this.cancelEvent(event); } } cancelEvent(event) { this.notifyPendingGestures(); this.sendEvent({ ...event, eventType: Hammer.INPUT_CANCEL, isFinal: true, }); this.onGestureEnded(event); } onRawEvent({ isFirst }) { if (isFirst) { this.hasGestureFailed = false; } } setView(ref) { if (ref == null) { this.destroy(); this.view = null; return; } this.ref = ref; this.view = findNodeHandle(ref); this.hammer = new Hammer.Manager(this.view); this.oldState = State.UNDETERMINED; this.previousState = State.UNDETERMINED; this.lastSentState = null; const { NativeGestureClass } = this; const gesture = new NativeGestureClass(this.getHammerConfig()); this.hammer.add(gesture); this.hammer.on('hammer.input', ev => { if (!this.config.enabled) { this.hasGestureFailed = false; this.isGestureRunning = false; return; } this.onRawEvent(ev); // TODO: Bacon: Check against something other than null // The isFirst value is not called when the first rotation is calculated. if (this.initialRotation === null && ev.rotation !== 0) { this.initialRotation = ev.rotation; } if (ev.isFinal) { // in favor of a willFail otherwise the last frame of the gesture will be captured. setTimeout(() => { this.initialRotation = null; this.hasGestureFailed = false; }); } }); this.setupEvents(); this.sync(); } setupEvents() { if (!this.isDiscrete) { this.hammer.on(`${}start`, event => this.onStart(event)); this.hammer.on(`${}end ${}cancel`, event => this.onGestureEnded(event) ); } this.hammer.on(, ev => this.onGestureActivated(ev)); } onStart({ deltaX, deltaY, rotation }) { // Reset the state for the next gesture this.oldState = State.UNDETERMINED; this.previousState = State.UNDETERMINED; this.lastSentState = null; this.isGestureRunning = true; this.__initialX = deltaX; this.__initialY = deltaY; this.initialRotation = rotation; } onGestureActivated(ev) { this.sendEvent(ev); } onSuccess() {} _getPendingGestures() { if (Array.isArray(this.config.waitFor) && this.config.waitFor.length) { // Get the list of gestures that this gesture is still waiting for. // Use `=== false` in case a ref that isn't a gesture handler is used. const stillWaiting = this.config.waitFor.filter( ({ hasGestureFailed }) => hasGestureFailed === false ); return stillWaiting; } return []; } getHammerConfig() { const pointers = this.config.minPointers === this.config.maxPointers ? this.config.minPointers : 0; return { pointers, }; } sync = () => { const gesture = this.hammer.get(; if (!gesture) return; const enable = (recognizer, inputData) => { if (!this.config.enabled) { this.isGestureRunning = false; this.hasGestureFailed = false; return false; } // Prevent events before the system is ready. if ( !inputData || !recognizer.options || typeof inputData.maxPointers === 'undefined' ) { return this.shouldEnableGestureOnSetup; } if (this.hasGestureFailed) { return false; } if (!this.isDiscrete) { if (this.isGestureRunning) { return true; } // The built-in hammer.js "waitFor" doesn't work across multiple views. // Only process if there are views to wait for. this._stillWaiting = this._getPendingGestures(); // This gesture should continue waiting. if (this._stillWaiting.length) { // Check to see if one of the gestures you're waiting for has started. // If it has then the gesture should fail. for (const gesture of this._stillWaiting) { // When the target gesture has started, this gesture must force fail. if (!gesture.isDiscrete && gesture.isGestureRunning) { this.hasGestureFailed = true; this.isGestureRunning = false; return false; } } // This gesture shouldn't start until the others have finished. return false; } } // Use default behaviour if (!this._hasCustomActivationCriteria) { return true; } const deltaRotation = this.initialRotation == null ? 0 : inputData.rotation - this.initialRotation; const { success, failed } = this.isGestureEnabledForEvent( this.getConfig(), recognizer, { ...inputData, deltaRotation, } ); if (failed) { this.simulateCancelEvent(inputData); this.hasGestureFailed = true; } return success; }; const params = this.getHammerConfig(); gesture.set({ ...params, enable }); }; simulateCancelEvent(inputData) {} } // Used for sending data to a callback or AnimatedEvent function invokeNullableMethod(name, method, event) { if (method) { if (typeof method === 'function') { method(event); } else { // For use with reanimated's AnimatedEvent if ( '__getHandler' in method && typeof method.__getHandler === 'function' ) { const handler = method.__getHandler(); invokeNullableMethod(name, handler, event); } else { if ('__nodeConfig' in method) { const { argMapping } = method.__nodeConfig; if (Array.isArray(argMapping)) { for (const index in argMapping) { const [key, value] = argMapping[index]; if (key in event.nativeEvent) { const nativeValue = event.nativeEvent[key]; if (value && value.setValue) { // Reanimated API value.setValue(nativeValue); } else { // RN Animated API method.__nodeConfig.argMapping[index] = [key, nativeValue]; } } } } } } } } } // Validate the props function ensureConfig(config) { const props = { ...config }; if ('minDist' in config) { props.minDist = config.minDist; props.minDistSq = props.minDist * props.minDist; } if ('minVelocity' in config) { props.minVelocity = config.minVelocity; props.minVelocitySq = props.minVelocity * props.minVelocity; } if ('maxDist' in config) { props.maxDist = config.maxDist; props.maxDistSq = config.maxDist * config.maxDist; } if ('waitFor' in config) { props.waitFor = asArray(config.waitFor) .map(({ _handlerTag }) => NodeManager.getHandler(_handlerTag)) .filter(v => v); } else { props.waitFor = null; } [ 'minPointers', 'maxPointers', 'minDist', 'maxDist', 'maxDistSq', 'minVelocitySq', 'minDistSq', 'minVelocity', 'failOffsetXStart', 'failOffsetYStart', 'failOffsetXEnd', 'failOffsetYEnd', 'activeOffsetXStart', 'activeOffsetXEnd', 'activeOffsetYStart', 'activeOffsetYEnd', ].forEach(prop => { if (typeof props[prop] === 'undefined') { props[prop] = Number.NaN; } }); return props; } function asArray(value) { return value == null ? [] : Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]; } export default GestureHandler;