import Hammer from '@egjs/hammerjs'; import DiscreteGestureHandler from './DiscreteGestureHandler'; import { isnan } from './utils'; class TapGestureHandler extends DiscreteGestureHandler { get name() { return 'tap'; } get NativeGestureClass() { return Hammer.Tap; } get maxDelayMs() { return isnan(this.config.maxDelayMs) ? 300 : this.config.maxDelayMs; } simulateCancelEvent(inputData) { if (this.isGestureRunning) { this.cancelEvent(inputData); } } onGestureActivated(ev) { if (this.isGestureRunning) { this.onSuccessfulTap(ev); } } onSuccessfulTap = ev => { if (this._getPendingGestures().length) { this._shouldFireEndEvent = ev; return; } if (ev.eventType === Hammer.INPUT_END) { this.sendEvent({ ...ev, eventType: Hammer.INPUT_MOVE }); } // When handler gets activated it will turn into State.END immediately. this.sendEvent({ ...ev, isFinal: true }); this.onGestureEnded(ev); }; onRawEvent(ev) { super.onRawEvent(ev); // Attempt to create a touch-down event by checking if a valid tap hasn't started yet, then validating the input. if ( !this.hasGestureFailed && !this.isGestureRunning && // Prevent multi-pointer events from misfiring. !ev.isFinal ) { // Tap Gesture start event const gesture = this.hammer.get(; if (gesture.options.enable(gesture, ev)) { clearTimeout(this._multiTapTimer); this.onStart(ev); this.sendEvent(ev); } } if (ev.isFinal && ev.maxPointers > 1) { setTimeout(() => { // Handle case where one finger presses slightly // after the first finger on a multi-tap event if (this.isGestureRunning) { this.cancelEvent(ev); } }); } if (this.hasGestureFailed) { return; } // Hammer doesn't send a `cancel` event for taps. // Manually fail the event. if (ev.isFinal) { // Handle case where one finger presses slightly // after the first finger on a multi-tap event if (ev.maxPointers > 1) { setTimeout(() => { if (this.isGestureRunning) { this.cancelEvent(ev); } }); } // Clear last timer clearTimeout(this._timer); // Create time out for multi-taps. this._timer = setTimeout(() => { this.hasGestureFailed = true; this.cancelEvent(ev); }, this.maxDelayMs); } else if (!this.hasGestureFailed && !this.isGestureRunning) { // Tap Gesture start event const gesture = this.hammer.get(; if (gesture.options.enable(gesture, ev)) { clearTimeout(this._multiTapTimer); this.onStart(ev); this.sendEvent(ev); } } } getHammerConfig() { return { ...super.getHammerConfig(), event:, taps: isnan(this.config.numberOfTaps) ? 1 : this.config.numberOfTaps, interval: this.maxDelayMs, time: isnan(this.config.maxDurationMs) || this.config.maxDurationMs == null ? 250 : this.config.maxDurationMs, }; } updateGestureConfig({ shouldCancelWhenOutside = true, maxDeltaX = Number.NaN, maxDeltaY = Number.NaN, numberOfTaps = 1, minDurationMs = 525, maxDelayMs = Number.NaN, maxDurationMs = Number.NaN, maxDist = 2, minPointers = 1, maxPointers = 1, ...props }) { return super.updateGestureConfig({ shouldCancelWhenOutside, numberOfTaps, maxDeltaX, maxDeltaY, minDurationMs, maxDelayMs, maxDist, minPointers, maxPointers, ...props, }); } onGestureEnded(...props) { clearTimeout(this._timer); super.onGestureEnded(...props); } onWaitingEnded(gesture) { if (this._shouldFireEndEvent) { this.onSuccessfulTap(this._shouldFireEndEvent); this._shouldFireEndEvent = null; } } } export default TapGestureHandler;