#import "REAPropsNode.h" #import "REANodesManager.h" #import "REAStyleNode.h" #import "REAModule.h" #import #import #import "React/RCTComponentData.h" @implementation REAPropsNode { NSNumber *_connectedViewTag; NSString *_connectedViewName; NSMutableDictionary *_propsConfig; } - (instancetype)initWithID:(REANodeID)nodeID config:(NSDictionary *)config { if (self = [super initWithID:nodeID config:config]) { _propsConfig = config[@"props"]; } return self; } - (void)connectToView:(NSNumber *)viewTag viewName:(NSString *)viewName { _connectedViewTag = viewTag; _connectedViewName = viewName; [self dangerouslyRescheduleEvaluate]; } - (void)disconnectFromView:(NSNumber *)viewTag { _connectedViewTag = nil; _connectedViewName = nil; } - (id)evaluate { NSMutableDictionary *uiProps = [NSMutableDictionary new]; NSMutableDictionary *nativeProps = [NSMutableDictionary new]; NSMutableDictionary *jsProps = [NSMutableDictionary new]; void (^addBlock)(NSString *key, id obj, BOOL * stop) = ^(NSString *key, id obj, BOOL * stop){ if ([self.nodesManager.uiProps containsObject:key]) { uiProps[key] = obj; } else if ([self.nodesManager.nativeProps containsObject:key]) { nativeProps[key] = obj; } else { jsProps[key] = obj; } }; for (NSString *prop in _propsConfig) { REANode *propNode = [self.nodesManager findNodeByID:_propsConfig[prop]]; if ([propNode isKindOfClass:[REAStyleNode class]]) { [[propNode value] enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:addBlock]; } else { addBlock(prop, [propNode value], nil); } } if (_connectedViewTag != nil) { if (uiProps.count > 0) { [self.nodesManager.uiManager synchronouslyUpdateViewOnUIThread:_connectedViewTag viewName:_connectedViewName props:uiProps]; } if (nativeProps.count > 0) { [self.nodesManager enqueueUpdateViewOnNativeThread:_connectedViewTag viewName:_connectedViewName nativeProps:nativeProps]; } if (jsProps.count > 0) { [self.nodesManager.reanimatedModule sendEventWithName:@"onReanimatedPropsChange" body:@{@"viewTag": _connectedViewTag, @"props": jsProps }]; } } return @(0); } - (void)update { // Since we are updating nodes after detaching them from views there is a time where it's // possible that the view was disconnected and still receive an update, this is normal and we can // simply skip that update. if (!_connectedViewTag) { return; } // triger for side effect [self value]; } @end