/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @flow strict-local * @format */ 'use strict'; import * as React from 'react'; import {useMemo, useState, useRef, useImperativeHandle} from 'react'; import useAndroidRippleForView, { type RippleConfig, } from './useAndroidRippleForView'; import type { AccessibilityActionEvent, AccessibilityActionInfo, AccessibilityRole, AccessibilityState, AccessibilityValue, } from '../View/ViewAccessibility'; import {PressabilityDebugView} from '../../Pressability/PressabilityDebug'; import usePressability from '../../Pressability/usePressability'; import {normalizeRect, type RectOrSize} from '../../StyleSheet/Rect'; import type {ColorValue} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes'; import type {LayoutEvent, PressEvent} from '../../Types/CoreEventTypes'; import View from '../View/View'; type ViewStyleProp = $ElementType, 'style'>; export type StateCallbackType = $ReadOnly<{| pressed: boolean, |}>; type Props = $ReadOnly<{| /** * Accessibility. */ accessibilityActions?: ?$ReadOnlyArray, accessibilityElementsHidden?: ?boolean, accessibilityHint?: ?Stringish, accessibilityIgnoresInvertColors?: ?boolean, accessibilityLabel?: ?Stringish, accessibilityLiveRegion?: ?('none' | 'polite' | 'assertive'), accessibilityRole?: ?AccessibilityRole, accessibilityState?: ?AccessibilityState, accessibilityValue?: ?AccessibilityValue, accessibilityViewIsModal?: ?boolean, accessible?: ?boolean, focusable?: ?boolean, importantForAccessibility?: ?('auto' | 'yes' | 'no' | 'no-hide-descendants'), onAccessibilityAction?: ?(event: AccessibilityActionEvent) => mixed, /** * Either children or a render prop that receives a boolean reflecting whether * the component is currently pressed. */ children: React.Node | ((state: StateCallbackType) => React.Node), /** * Duration (in milliseconds) from `onPressIn` before `onLongPress` is called. */ delayLongPress?: ?number, /** * Whether the press behavior is disabled. */ disabled?: ?boolean, /** * Additional distance outside of this view in which a press is detected. */ hitSlop?: ?RectOrSize, /** * Additional distance outside of this view in which a touch is considered a * press before `onPressOut` is triggered. */ pressRetentionOffset?: ?RectOrSize, /** * Called when this view's layout changes. */ onLayout?: ?(event: LayoutEvent) => void, /** * Called when a long-tap gesture is detected. */ onLongPress?: ?(event: PressEvent) => void, /** * Called when a single tap gesture is detected. */ onPress?: ?(event: PressEvent) => void, /** * Called when a touch is engaged before `onPress`. */ onPressIn?: ?(event: PressEvent) => void, /** * Called when a touch is released before `onPress`. */ onPressOut?: ?(event: PressEvent) => void, /** * Either view styles or a function that receives a boolean reflecting whether * the component is currently pressed and returns view styles. */ style?: ViewStyleProp | ((state: StateCallbackType) => ViewStyleProp), /** * Identifier used to find this view in tests. */ testID?: ?string, /** * If true, doesn't play system sound on touch. */ android_disableSound?: ?boolean, /** * Enables the Android ripple effect and configures its color. */ android_ripple?: ?RippleConfig, /** * Used only for documentation or testing (e.g. snapshot testing). */ testOnly_pressed?: ?boolean, |}>; /** * Component used to build display components that should respond to whether the * component is currently pressed or not. */ function Pressable(props: Props, forwardedRef): React.Node { const { accessible, android_disableSound, android_ripple, children, delayLongPress, disabled, focusable, onLongPress, onPress, onPressIn, onPressOut, pressRetentionOffset, style, testOnly_pressed, ...restProps } = props; const viewRef = useRef | null>(null); useImperativeHandle(forwardedRef, () => viewRef.current); const android_rippleConfig = useAndroidRippleForView(android_ripple, viewRef); const [pressed, setPressed] = usePressState(testOnly_pressed === true); const hitSlop = normalizeRect(props.hitSlop); const config = useMemo( () => ({ disabled, hitSlop, pressRectOffset: pressRetentionOffset, android_disableSound, delayLongPress, onLongPress, onPress, onPressIn(event: PressEvent): void { if (android_rippleConfig != null) { android_rippleConfig.onPressIn(event); } setPressed(true); if (onPressIn != null) { onPressIn(event); } }, onPressMove: android_rippleConfig?.onPressMove, onPressOut(event: PressEvent): void { if (android_rippleConfig != null) { android_rippleConfig.onPressOut(event); } setPressed(false); if (onPressOut != null) { onPressOut(event); } }, }), [ android_disableSound, android_rippleConfig, delayLongPress, disabled, hitSlop, onLongPress, onPress, onPressIn, onPressOut, pressRetentionOffset, setPressed, ], ); const eventHandlers = usePressability(config); return ( {typeof children === 'function' ? children({pressed}) : children} {__DEV__ ? : null} ); } function usePressState(forcePressed: boolean): [boolean, (boolean) => void] { const [pressed, setPressed] = useState(false); return [pressed || forcePressed, setPressed]; } const MemoedPressable = React.memo(React.forwardRef(Pressable)); MemoedPressable.displayName = 'Pressable'; export default (MemoedPressable: React.AbstractComponent< Props, React.ElementRef, >);