/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace folly; using namespace facebook::xplat; #define EXPECT_JSAE(statement, exstr) \ do { \ try { \ statement; \ FAIL() << "Expected JsArgumentException(" << (exstr) << ") not thrown"; \ } catch (const JsArgumentException &ex) { \ EXPECT_EQ(ex.what(), std::string(exstr)); \ } \ } while (0) // let any other exception escape, gtest will deal. TEST(JsArgumentHelpersTest, args) { const bool aBool = true; const int64_t anInt = 17; const double aDouble = 3.14; const string aString = "word"; const dynamic anArray = dynamic::array("a", "b", "c"); const dynamic anObject = dynamic::object("k1", "v1")("k2", "v2"); const string aNumericString = to(anInt); folly::dynamic args = dynamic::array( aBool, anInt, aDouble, aString, anArray, anObject, aNumericString); EXPECT_EQ(jsArgAsBool(args, 0), aBool); EXPECT_EQ(jsArgAsInt(args, 1), anInt); EXPECT_EQ(jsArgAsDouble(args, 2), aDouble); EXPECT_EQ(jsArgAsString(args, 3), aString); EXPECT_EQ(jsArgAsArray(args, 4), anArray); EXPECT_EQ(jsArgAsObject(args, 5), anObject); // const args const folly::dynamic &cargs = args; const folly::dynamic &a4 = jsArgAsArray(cargs, 4); EXPECT_EQ(a4, anArray); EXPECT_EQ(jsArgAsObject(cargs, 5), anObject); // helpers returning dynamic should return same object without copying EXPECT_EQ(&jsArgAsArray(args, 4), &(args[4])); EXPECT_EQ(&jsArgAsArray(cargs, 4), &(args[4])); // dynamics returned for mutable args should be mutable. The test is that // this compiles. jsArgAsArray(args, 4)[2] = "d"; jsArgAsArray(args, 4)[2] = "c"; // These fail to compile due to constness. // jsArgAsArray(cargs, 4)[2] = "d"; // jsArgAsArray(cargs, 4)[2] = "c"; // ref-qualified member function tests EXPECT_EQ(jsArgN(args, 3, &folly::dynamic::getString), aString); EXPECT_EQ(jsArg(args[3], &folly::dynamic::getString), aString); // conversions EXPECT_EQ(jsArgAsDouble(args, 1), anInt * 1.0); EXPECT_EQ(jsArgAsString(args, 1), aNumericString); EXPECT_EQ(jsArgAsInt(args, 6), anInt); // Test exception messages. // out_of_range EXPECT_JSAE( jsArgAsBool(args, 7), "JavaScript provided 7 arguments for C++ method which references at least " "8 arguments: out of range in dynamic array"); // Conv range_error (invalid value conversion) const std::string exhead = "Could not convert argument 3 to required type: "; const std::string extail = ": Invalid leading character: \"word\""; try { jsArgAsInt(args, 3); FAIL() << "Expected JsArgumentException(" << exhead << "..." << extail << ") not thrown"; } catch (const JsArgumentException &ex) { const std::string exwhat = ex.what(); EXPECT_GT(exwhat.size(), exhead.size()); EXPECT_GT(exwhat.size(), extail.size()); EXPECT_TRUE(std::equal(exhead.cbegin(), exhead.cend(), exwhat.cbegin())) << "JsArgumentException('" << exwhat << "') does not begin with '" << exhead << "'"; EXPECT_TRUE(std::equal(extail.crbegin(), extail.crend(), exwhat.crbegin())) << "JsArgumentException('" << exwhat << "') does not end with '" << extail << "'"; } // inconvertible types EXPECT_JSAE( jsArgAsArray(args, 2), "Argument 3 of type double is not required type Array"); EXPECT_JSAE( jsArgAsInt(args, 4), "Error converting javascript arg 4 to C++: " "TypeError: expected dynamic type `int/double/bool/string', but had type `array'"); // type predicate failure EXPECT_JSAE( jsArgAsObject(args, 4), "Argument 5 of type array is not required type Object"); }