export declare type MergeResults = { contents: string; didClear: boolean; didMerge: boolean; }; /** * Merge the contents of two files together and add a generated header. * * @param src contents of the original file * @param newSrc new contents to merge into the original file * @param identifier used to update and remove merges * @param anchor regex to where the merge should begin * @param offset line offset to start merging at (<1 for behind the anchor) * @param comment comment style `//` or `#` */ export declare function mergeContents({ src, newSrc, tag, anchor, offset, comment, }: { src: string; newSrc: string; tag: string; anchor: string | RegExp; offset: number; comment: string; }): MergeResults; export declare function removeContents({ src, tag }: { src: string; tag: string; }): MergeResults; /** * Removes the generated section from a file, returns null when nothing can be removed. * This sways heavily towards not removing lines unless it's certain that modifications were not made manually. * * @param src */ export declare function removeGeneratedContents(src: string, tag: string): string | null; export declare function createGeneratedHeaderComment(contents: string, tag: string, comment: string): string; export declare function createHash(src: string): string;