"use strict"; var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.writeXmlFileOrRemoveFileUponNoResources = exports.xmlElementsEqual = exports.writeXmlFile = exports.readXmlFile = exports.mergeXmlElements = void 0; const deep_equal_1 = __importDefault(require("deep-equal")); const xml_js_1 = require("xml-js"); const file_utils_1 = require("../utils/file-utils"); function isElementType(el) { return el.name !== undefined; } function isElementsType(el) { return !el.name && Boolean(el.elements); } function isCommentType(el) { return el.comment !== undefined; } function isTextType(el) { return el.text !== undefined; } function isExplicitNewValue(el) { // @ts-ignore return typeof el === 'object' && el.hasOwnProperty('newValue'); } function unboxExplicitNewValue(el) { return isExplicitNewValue(el) ? el.newValue : el; } function compareElements(element, expectedElement) { var _a; if (isTextType(expectedElement)) { return element.type === 'text'; } if (isCommentType(expectedElement)) { return element.type === 'comment' && ((_a = element.comment) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.trim()) === expectedElement.comment.trim(); } if (isElementType(expectedElement) && element.type === 'element') { if (expectedElement.name !== element.name) { return false; } if (!element.attributes) { return true; } for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(expectedElement.attributes || {})) { if (isExplicitNewValue(value)) { // this attribute has to be overridden continue; } if (element.attributes[key] !== value) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } function sortWithExplicitIndex(elements) { if (!elements) { return; } const result = new Array(elements.length); const elementsWithExplicitIndices = elements.filter(({ idx }) => idx !== undefined); const elementsWithoutExplicitIndices = elements.filter(({ idx }) => idx === undefined); elementsWithoutExplicitIndices.forEach((el, idx) => (result[idx] = el)); elementsWithExplicitIndices.forEach(({ idx, ...el }, i) => { // @ts-ignore result.splice(idx !== null && idx !== void 0 ? idx : i, 0, el); }); return result; } function mergeXmlElementsLists(current, expected) { if (isExplicitNewValue(expected) || !current) { const sortedExpected = sortWithExplicitIndex(unboxExplicitNewValue(expected)); return sortedExpected === null || sortedExpected === void 0 ? void 0 : sortedExpected.map(convertToElement); } if (!expected) { return current; } const result = []; for (const currentElement of current) { const idxInExpected = expected.findIndex(el => compareElements(currentElement, el)); if (idxInExpected !== -1) { const { idx, ...element } = expected.splice(idxInExpected, 1)[0]; if (!element.deletionFlag) { result.push({ idx, ...mergeXmlElements(currentElement, element) }); } } else { result.push(currentElement); } } result.push(...expected .filter(({ deletionFlag }) => !deletionFlag) .map(({ idx, ...el }) => ({ idx, ...convertToElement(el) }))); const sortedResult = sortWithExplicitIndex(result); return sortedResult; } function convertToElement({ idx, ...expectedElement }) { // @ts-ignore if (expectedElement.deletionFlag) { throw new Error('Cannot convert ExpectedElement to Element when deletionFlag is set'); } if (isCommentType(expectedElement)) { return { ...expectedElement, type: 'comment', }; } if (isTextType(expectedElement)) { return { ...expectedElement, type: 'text', }; } if (isElementsType(expectedElement)) { return { elements: unboxExplicitNewValue(expectedElement.elements) .filter(({ deletionFlag }) => !deletionFlag) .map(convertToElement), type: 'element', }; } const { elements, attributes, ...expectedRest } = expectedElement; const result = { ...expectedRest, type: 'element', }; if (attributes) { result.attributes = convertExpectedAttributes(attributes); } if (elements) { result.elements = unboxExplicitNewValue(elements) .filter(({ deletionFlag }) => !deletionFlag) .map(convertToElement); } return result; } function convertExpectedAttributes(expectedAttributes) { if (expectedAttributes) { const result = Object.entries(expectedAttributes).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => ({ ...acc, [key]: unboxExplicitNewValue(value), }), {}); return result; } return undefined; } function mergeAndConvertToElement({ attributes: currentAttributes, ...currentRest }, { attributes: expectedAttributes, ...expectedRest }) { const result = { ...currentRest, ...expectedRest, }; const attributes = (currentAttributes || expectedAttributes) && { ...currentAttributes, ...convertExpectedAttributes(expectedAttributes), }; if (attributes) { result.attributes = attributes; } return result; } /** * Assumption is that elements are `equal` semantically */ function mergeXmlElements(current, expected) { if (isCommentType(expected)) { return { ...current, ...expected, type: 'comment', }; } if (isTextType(expected)) { return { ...current, ...expected, type: 'text', }; } if (isElementsType(expected)) { const result = { ...current, type: 'element', }; const elements = mergeXmlElementsLists(current.elements, expected.elements); if (elements) { result.elements = elements; } return result; } const { elements: currentElements, ...currentRest } = current; const { elements: expectedElements, ...expectedRest } = expected; const elements = mergeXmlElementsLists(current.elements, expected.elements); const result = { ...mergeAndConvertToElement(currentRest, expectedRest), type: 'element', }; if (elements) { result.elements = elements; } return result; } exports.mergeXmlElements = mergeXmlElements; /** * @param filePath * @param fallbackContent */ async function readXmlFile(filePath, fallbackContent = ``) { const fileContent = await file_utils_1.readFileWithFallback(filePath, typeof fallbackContent === 'string' ? fallbackContent : 'fallbackToElement'); if (fileContent === 'fallbackToElement' && typeof fallbackContent === 'object') { return fallbackContent; } const fileXml = xml_js_1.xml2js(fileContent); return fileXml; } exports.readXmlFile = readXmlFile; async function writeXmlFile(filePath, xml) { const fileXml = xml_js_1.js2xml(xml, { indentAttributes: true, spaces: 2 }); const correctedFile = fileXml.replace(/(?<[^\s]+)\n *(? [^\s]+=".+?")\n *((? [^\s]+=".+?")\n *)?(?[/?]?>)/g, '$1$2$4$5'); await file_utils_1.createDirAndWriteFile(filePath, `${correctedFile}\n`); } exports.writeXmlFile = writeXmlFile; /** * Checks whether two xmlElements are equal in terms of their structure */ function xmlElementsEqual(a, b, { disregardComments = true } = {}) { const filteredA = !disregardComments ? a : removeComments(a); const filteredB = !disregardComments ? b : removeComments(b); return deep_equal_1.default(filteredA, filteredB); } exports.xmlElementsEqual = xmlElementsEqual; function removeComments(e) { if (e.type === 'comment') { return; } const result = Object.entries(e) .map(([key, value]) => { if (key === 'elements' && Array.isArray(value)) { const filteredValue = value .map(removeComments) .filter((el) => el !== undefined); return [key, filteredValue.length > 0 ? filteredValue : undefined]; } return [key, value]; }) .filter(([_, value]) => value !== undefined) .reduce((acc, [key, value]) => { // @ts-ignore acc[key] = value; return acc; }, {}); return result; } /** * Check if given `element` has some meaningful data: * - if so: write it to the file * - if no: remove file completely * Function assumes that the structure of the input `element` is correct (`element.elements[name = resources]`). */ async function writeXmlFileOrRemoveFileUponNoResources(filePath, element, { disregardComments } = {}) { var _a, _b; if (((_a = element.elements) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0].name) === 'resources' && ((_b = element.elements[0].elements) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.filter(({ type }) => disregardComments ? type !== 'comment' : true).length) === 0) { await file_utils_1.removeFileIfExists(filePath); } else { await writeXmlFile(filePath, element); } } exports.writeXmlFileOrRemoveFileUponNoResources = writeXmlFileOrRemoveFileUponNoResources; //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map