import Constants from 'expo-constants'; import * as FileSystem from 'expo-file-system'; import { getLocalAssets } from './PlatformUtils'; // Fast lookup check if assets are available in the local bundle in managed apps const bundledAssets = new Set(FileSystem.bundledAssets || []); // localAssets are provided by the expo-updates module const localAssets = getLocalAssets(); /** * Returns the local URI of an embedded asset from its hash and type, or null if the asset is not * included in the app bundle. */ export function getEmbeddedAssetUri(hash, type) { const localAssetsKey = `${hash}.${type ?? ''}`; if (!localAssets.hasOwnProperty(localAssetsKey) && !__DEV__) { // check legacy location in case we're in Expo client/managed workflow // TODO(eric): remove this once bundledAssets is no longer exported from FileSystem const assetName = `asset_${hash}${type ? `.${type}` : ''}`; if (Constants.appOwnership !== 'standalone' || !bundledAssets.has(assetName)) { return null; } return `${FileSystem.bundleDirectory}${assetName}`; } return localAssets[localAssetsKey] ?? null; } //#