import { CodedError } from '@unimodules/core'; import { canUseDOM } from 'fbjs/lib/ExecutionEnvironment'; import FontObserver from 'fontfaceobserver'; import { FontDisplay } from './Font.types'; function getFontFaceStyleSheet() { if (!canUseDOM) { return null; } const styleSheet = getStyleElement(); return styleSheet.sheet ? styleSheet.sheet : null; } function getFontFaceRules() { const sheet = getFontFaceStyleSheet(); if (sheet) { // @ts-ignore: rule iterator const rules = [...sheet.cssRules]; const items = []; for (let i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { const rule = rules[i]; if (rule instanceof CSSFontFaceRule) { items.push({ rule, index: i }); } } return items; } return []; } function getFontFaceRulesMatchingResource(fontFamilyName, options) { const rules = getFontFaceRules(); return rules.filter(({ rule }) => { return ( === fontFamilyName && (options && options.display ? options.display === : true)); }); } export default { get name() { return 'ExpoFontLoader'; }, async unloadAllAsync() { if (!canUseDOM) return; const element = document.getElementById(ID); if (element && element instanceof HTMLStyleElement) { document.removeChild(element); } }, async unloadAsync(fontFamilyName, options) { const sheet = getFontFaceStyleSheet(); if (!sheet) return; const items = getFontFaceRulesMatchingResource(fontFamilyName, options); for (const item of items) { sheet.deleteRule(item.index); } }, async loadAsync(fontFamilyName, resource) { if (!canUseDOM) { return; } const canInjectStyle = document.head && typeof document.head.appendChild === 'function'; if (!canInjectStyle) { throw new CodedError('ERR_WEB_ENVIRONMENT', `The browser's \`document.head\` element doesn't support injecting fonts.`); } const style = _createWebStyle(fontFamilyName, resource); document.head.appendChild(style); if (!isFontLoadingListenerSupported()) { return; } return new FontObserver(fontFamilyName, { display: resource.display }).load(); }, }; const ID = 'expo-generated-fonts'; function getStyleElement() { const element = document.getElementById(ID); if (element && element instanceof HTMLStyleElement) { return element; } const styleElement = document.createElement('style'); = ID; styleElement.type = 'text/css'; return styleElement; } function _createWebStyle(fontFamily, resource) { const fontStyle = `@font-face { font-family: ${fontFamily}; src: url(${resource.uri}); font-display: ${resource.display || FontDisplay.AUTO}; }`; const styleElement = getStyleElement(); // @ts-ignore: TypeScript does not define HTMLStyleElement::styleSheet. This is just for IE and // possibly can be removed if it's unnecessary on IE 11. if (styleElement.styleSheet) { const styleElementIE = styleElement; styleElementIE.styleSheet.cssText = styleElementIE.styleSheet.cssText ? styleElementIE.styleSheet.cssText + fontStyle : fontStyle; } else { const textNode = document.createTextNode(fontStyle); styleElement.appendChild(textNode); } return styleElement; } function isFontLoadingListenerSupported() { const { userAgent } = window.navigator; // WebKit is broken const isIOS = !!userAgent.match(/iPad|iPhone/i); const isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent); // Edge is broken const isEdge = userAgent.includes('Edge'); // Internet Explorer const isIE = userAgent.includes('Trident'); // Firefox const isFirefox = userAgent.includes('Firefox'); return !isSafari && !isIOS && !isEdge && !isIE && !isFirefox; } //#