export declare type KeychainAccessibilityConstant = number; export declare const AFTER_FIRST_UNLOCK: KeychainAccessibilityConstant; export declare const AFTER_FIRST_UNLOCK_THIS_DEVICE_ONLY: KeychainAccessibilityConstant; export declare const ALWAYS: KeychainAccessibilityConstant; export declare const WHEN_PASSCODE_SET_THIS_DEVICE_ONLY: KeychainAccessibilityConstant; export declare const ALWAYS_THIS_DEVICE_ONLY: KeychainAccessibilityConstant; export declare const WHEN_UNLOCKED: KeychainAccessibilityConstant; export declare const WHEN_UNLOCKED_THIS_DEVICE_ONLY: KeychainAccessibilityConstant; export declare type SecureStoreOptions = { keychainService?: string; keychainAccessible?: KeychainAccessibilityConstant; }; /** * Returns whether the SecureStore API is enabled on the current device. This does not check the app permissions. * * @returns Async `boolean`, indicating whether the SecureStore API is available on the current device. Currently this resolves `true` on iOS and Android only. */ export declare function isAvailableAsync(): Promise; export declare function deleteItemAsync(key: string, options?: SecureStoreOptions): Promise; export declare function getItemAsync(key: string, options?: SecureStoreOptions): Promise; export declare function setItemAsync(key: string, value: string, options?: SecureStoreOptions): Promise;